Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 598: catharsis channel

"Shouyun, I really have to admire your courage." Lying on the soft massage table, Khodorkovsky held a thick copy of "Far East Wang" magazine, while enjoying the massage of the two beauties around him, he smashed his teeth and said with emotion, "Hey, you dare to publish a magazine like this in the Far East, aren't you afraid that the mind of the foolish people will become wider. , isn't it easy to clean up your mess?"

"A fool's way of thinking must be broadened a little bit. My mess can also be cleaned up a little bit," Guo Shouyun replied absentmindedly while playing with a handheld game console in the steaming pool. I think, after I clean up the mess, the minds of the foolish people may not be able to open up, so I have nothing to worry about. As Yelena said, the grievances of the people are like meltwater on a glacier, as long as Pay attention to proper guidance, it will never become a turbulent flood. The reason why I put out such a magazine is to find a channel for them to vent. Hey, in fact, looking back on it, those powerless and powerful people are also quite Poor, working hard for a living, waking up early, working in the dark, and working hard all my life is to accumulate wealth for a few people, and to create better living conditions for those who are destined to look down on them, or even despise them. *****In the end Well, the grievances in the stomach, the depression in the head, and the lack of a suitable place to vent, so I came to this world crying, and finally lay in the coffin crying again, such a fate, in most people. How can there be no conflicting emotions brewing in the endless cycle of the body? Now, I have created such a magazine. It is to give them a chance to speak. On the one hand, they can learn from ordinary people. On the other hand, It can also create an opportunity for most people to vent their emotions. Let them spend most of their energy that might have been put into violent struggles in forums like this on paper, hehe, in sum, I seem to be able to pick up A lot cheaper."

"I knew it was your idea to hit the ground," Khodorkovsky said with a magazine in his hand, turning over on the massage table, and smiling face to face, "but then again. I like it better. The atmosphere of a magazine is, um, very novel and open. If it was put in a few years ago, I am afraid that this kind of magazine would not even have a chance to come out. I have been reading the three issues of you, don't say it. The brain of a fool Although stupid, there are quite a few good opinions, and ah, huh, look at this..."

Saying so, Khodorkovsky found a point of interest, and he shook the magazine in his hand. ^^^^ laughed: "This guy named Budyonny mentioned that an inheritance tax should be levied on the wealthy with personal assets of more than 50 million rubles, and the tax rate should reach 50%. According to him , the only way to ensure the maximum balance of social wealth distribution, and at the same time, can also create tax revenue for the government. Hey, I think his proposal is feasible, just imagine. If you Guo Shouyun a hundred years later, take out 50% The family property is taxed, ha, then the government funds of the whole federation for a year will be settled, at least, the foreign debt of 40 billion US dollars will not be a headache for Moscow anymore.”

"Thinking beautifully," Guo Shouyun rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Just this one suggestion. I don't see any feasibility. There is no doubt that this kind of policy is purely robbing the rich and helping the poor. The side effects it brings should not be underestimated. If every wealthy person with personal assets of more than 50 million rubles has to pay 50% inheritance tax, the phenomenon of the entire federal assets outflow will be more serious, and in the end , if you fall directly into a country, you will end up with no country. ===”

"Hehe, then you can issue a mandatory policy order to restrict similar asset transfers," Khodorkovsky flipped a page of the magazine, looked at it with relish, and said casually, "It's like the former Soviet Union's restrictions Like the Jews, they controlled all the wealthy assets, directly blocked the source, and fundamentally eliminated this danger.”

"That's even more impossible," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "First of all, in this world, policies like restricting the wealthy are not approved by the power at all, and secondly, even with the approval of the regime, such policies are not feasible. Because it is a double-edged sword that hurts the wealthy people in the country, but also hurts those foreign investments. In today's environment, any country or region that lacks foreign investment is destined to fall behind. The road. Well, like North Korea right now, that's how they are."

"Well, it makes sense," Khodorkovsky naturally understood these things, he laughed, "but the questions you know are not necessarily acceptable to the people of the Far East. If you look at such a civil question, it must be It will attract the approval of the vast majority of people and form a trend of public opinion in the end, hehe, are you not afraid that you will capsize in this trend?"

"What's so scary about me?" Guo Shouyun shrugged and said disapprovingly, "What is the so-called public opinion, this thing needs to be guided, someone raised this issue in this issue, someone will jump out and sing the opposite in the next issue, and put what I feel in my heart. Those things that are thought of are spread out, thus forming a theoretical confrontation. ^^^^ As long as the reasons are in place and the reasons are clearly laid out, there are still most of the sensible people in the Far East. on my side."

"You are really cunning, I even doubt that you are preparing a large number of royal gunmen for this magazine," Khodorkovsky laughed.

"Regardless of whether I hired a royal gunslinger or not, at least the point of my approach is good, it allows more people to come into contact with politics, which is very unfamiliar to most people. Something very far away." The chaotic cubes in the game console finally climbed to the top of the grid, accompanied by a piece of electronic music, Guo Shouyun snorted and threw it on the edge of the pool, and then said slowly, "It feels like everything is related to I have a feeling that although my method cannot bring true suffrage to the Far Easterners, at least it can make them find this feeling, even if it is an illusory feeling, they can be happy for the rest of their lives. ===”

Turning his head and taking a deep look at Guo Shouyun's back, Khodorkovsky showed a deep expression on his face.

As a political and economic forum magazine of Far East Bank, "Far East Look" has been running three consecutive issues since it was published a week ago. At the very beginning, the establishment of this magazine once caused a controversy in the Far East. High-level government officials in various states were once opposed to the publication of this journal. In their opinion, this kind of The advent of the East and West is not conducive to social stability in the Far East.

However, in the current Far East, Guo Shouyun is the head who has the final say. Therefore, even with the resistance of state government officials, this publication finally got the right to publish and officially launched it in mid-February.

According to the concept of running a journal of "Far East Look", its main purpose is to accept contributions from the public on political and classic topics, and publish them in every issue of the journal. Here, contributors can say "whatever", "Anything" can be discussed, ranging from the price fluctuation of "chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea" to the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation. Everyone can contribute to the discussion. However, according to the journal, in order to ensure the stable operation of the journal, the editorial department adopts the method of charging for publication of all submitted manuscripts, that is, according to the length of the manuscript, the contributor will be charged a fee of between ten and forty rubles. and other expenses.

At the beginning, no one thought that a journal like this would become popular in the Federation, but when the first issue of the journal was launched, the reality surprised everyone. The initial volume of 40,000 volumes soared to 380,000 volumes in the third issue, and in every major city in the Far East, once this journal was published, it was immediately swept away. At the same time, more and more "enthusiastic people" are submitting manuscripts to magazines.

Faced with this situation, Guo Shouyun made arrangements a few days ago for the leaders of the governments of several Far Eastern states to personally respond to some of the submissions published in "Far East Look", explaining the feasibility and infeasibility of these submissions. sex.

The final result of this incident is that in just two or three days, the "Far East Look" magazine was filled with manuscripts from all parties, from students to ordinary citizens, and even loggers in the mountains and soldiers of the army. , offshore fishermen, all go to the magazine to express their views and demonstrate their ideas. For a time, everyone in the Far East seemed to have become seasoned politicians, and everyone hoped to realize a real desire to participate in politics through this magazine.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun never imagined that a miscellaneous magazine that he had created out of his own whims would be able to cause such a big sensation that Time Magazine also prepared to do a special review for this "Looking at the Far East". According to them: This is a true embodiment of democracy, and its emergence enables ordinary people, as the most vulnerable group, to find the best platform to express their personal political ideas.

In Yelena's mouth, the popularity of "The Far East" has another reason, that is, ordinary people in the Far East, and even the entire Russian Federation, have been suppressed by the so-called democratic freedom for too long. They need a The channel to vent their dissatisfaction, at this time, the appearance of "Far East Look" just met their request. Instead of taking to the streets to confront the police, why not express your opinion in this journal? After all, government officials seem to be paying more attention to it.

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