Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 60: Curve dimensioning

"What do you want these things for?" Guo Shouyun said in amazement, looking at the list of items handed over by Khodorkovsky, "Could it be that you are planning to go to Frankfurt to plan a local war? Haha, this seems a bit absurd. .w\"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm going to Bosnia," Khodorkovsky laughed, shoving him on the shoulder.

"Bosnia?" Guo Shouyun's face was full of surprise, he hesitated a little, and said, "When did you get involved with that side?"

"Hey, we've been in touch for a long time," Khodorkovsky said, pulling Guo Shouyun out of the car, "remember what Smolensky mentioned before? He said he was in the Yugoslavia. The investment suffered a loss, a large amount of money could not be recovered, only a few Balkan chicks were brought back. Hehe, since then, I have been doing business with there, but the business scale is not large, mainly The war was chaotic, so I didn’t dare to invest more there.”

Guo Shouyun was silent. He looked down at the list in his hand. To be honest, the other party's requirements were not high. Except for a small number of individual firearms, tactical mines, and shoulder-mounted anti-tank rocket launchers, what he listed was only a few. They are all guns of various calibers and matching shells. Like 122mm towed guns, 12omm mortars, and 152mm self-propelled guns, if the most expensive ones are said to be four -21 Katyusha rocket launchers. ^^^^ The most headache for Guo Shouyun is that on the list, there are still 400 white phosphorus bombs to supply.

in the long-term foreign arms trade. Guo Shouyun has a certain understanding of the taboos in this kind of business. He knows that white phosphorus bombs are listed as prohibited weapons in the "United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons". Although this thing is simple to manufacture, it has great lethality. The sparks that it splattered when it exploded, once landed on human skin. It will directly burn through the flesh and bones, and it is extremely difficult to catch a breath. In terms of killing power, it is more insidious than a gasoline bomb.

Guo Shouyun can be brave enough to go out with arms, but he is unwilling to touch international conventions. Although that thing has no binding force, it can easily be used by people with a heart to attack political enemies.

"Who are you going to give these things to?" He put the list in his pocket. Guo Shouyun hesitated, "You have to know that Washington is keeping a close eye on that side now. They even have the possibility of directly sending troops to interfere. If our land and goods are sent to the side of the Serbs supported by the Yugoslavia, it is estimated that it will be very troublesome. .\"

"It's up to you to remind me," Khodorkovsky said with a slight smile, "I tell you, Izetbegovic asked me for these things personally, and during this time I also urged four or five times. There is no way, and I can't push back too much, so I can only come to you. "

Izet Begovic, this person Guo Shouyun did not know in his previous life, but now it is very clear that this person is now the President of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also the spiritual leader of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Muslims. From the perspective of international support, He is the same as the Bosnia and Herzegovina Croat map Jiman. It is also a power party under the support of NATO. However, this guy is different from Tudjman. As a pure Muslim, he has extreme religious thinking. When watching TV news, Guo Shouyun even doubted whether the masked Muslim soldiers were related to the later bases. Organizations have a direct connection.

But then again, none of these issues seem to be that important, the key point is. These weapons and ammunition are not supplied to the Bosnian Serbs. This reassures Guo Shouyun somewhat, after all, this will not directly affect the interests of the Americans.

"Be honest. How much benefit did you get from doing these things for them?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile when he bumped his elbow against the other's ribs. ^^^^”

"It's no good," Khodorkovsky complained, rubbing the place where he was hit, and complaining, "they fought for a year, but they were still beaten by the Serbs, and the whole country was fighting. They've all been beaten to the ground, haven't you seen it on the news, they're left in ruins apart from dead bodies, what else can I hope to gain from them?"

"Don't give me this set, there's no benefit, and you'll be busy doing this for them?" Guo Shouyun said dismissively.

"Can't I fight the injustice?" Khodorkovsky said with a shy smile, "Hoeing the strong and helping the weak is the first piece of chivalry. As the number one gentleman in the Russian Federation, I... ."

"You, you put your things away," Guo Shouyun had already pulled out the list again before the other party could finish speaking. He shoved the things into Lao Huo's hand and said with a curl of his lips, "Don't follow me. To be honest, I don't have anything, so you can think of other ways."

"Hey, don't, talk to me if you have something to say," Khodorkovsky hurried two steps, chasing behind Guo Shouyundi, and said with a smile, "There is really no real benefit now, I just fancy them after the war. There is a profit in the reconstruction work, so I plan to bet in advance to get some chips.*****Besides, I have a few investments in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, so I will get closer to Izet Begovic, It can also have a favorable impact on the business there.”

"Hmph, I knew you wouldn't do a loss-making business." Slowing down, Guo Shouyun said hello to several headquarters employees who came forward, then turned his head and said, "Looks like your abacus this time. If it hits louder, I will take out the goods, and you will be responsible for collecting the bills. I am afraid that only you can think of this kind of worthless business."

"What are you, me, and me, do we still use each other?" Holding Guo Shouyun's shoulder, Khodorkovsky smiled, "Hey, this matter is settled, hurry up and give I'll do it, two days later, I'll pick up the cargo in Vladivostok in two days."

"These things are basically fine," Guo Shouyun said in a low voice as he stepped into the first floor of the headquarters building, "but the last item, 400 white phosphorus bombs, I won't provide it here. If you have no opinion, I can give it to you. Replace it with regular shells.\You have to know, that thing is a contraband, once someone pulls it out in the future, my face won't look good, I don't want to cause trouble for such an Islamic person who can't be beaten. What do you mean? ?"

"Ok," Khodorkovsky replied succinctly, he immediately nodded and said, "Just do as you said, I only need the sixty artillery pieces in place, they are short of heavy weapons, I mainly provide They are also heavy weapons, and as for the shells, let them raise them themselves."

"Well, this is the best way, everyone doesn't need to get dirty water," Guo Shouyun put the list back into his pocket and said casually, "Go and arrange the ship, I will let the No. 4 Armoury Depot transfer it to you in these two days , there should be no problem."

When he said this, Guo Shouyun felt a little strange in his heart. He seemed to see the weapons flowing out of his hands from the Far East, showing their might on the Balkan Peninsula. Smoke, the buildings were blown to pieces, and the complete silhouettes were torn into scarlet fragments. But then I think about it again, war is always going to kill people, and war is the continuation of peace. As a provider of weapons in war, I might be contributing to the peace of the Balkans again, well, even if it is "curve peacekeeping" .

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo," just when Guo Shouyun was thinking about it, the beautiful welcome guest who was standing behind the consultation desk in the lobby suddenly greeted him. The little girl was jogging while holding a record book in her hand. While shouting.

"What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun asked with a frown when he stopped.

"Mr. Guo, Mrs. Nina is waiting for you in the reception room," the front desk greeted the guest and said respectfully, "She has been here for nearly half an hour. She said she was waiting for you to come back and asked you to come and see her right away."

"Oh, it's not good," Khodorkovsky heard the words and leaned over and smiled in Guo Shouyun's ear, "Nina found out that we were going to fool around, she is trying to make a master, asking a big sin. ."

"Go," Guo Shouyun asked, glaring at him angrily, "did she say something?"

"No," the receptionist replied, "but with my wife, there is also a flight attendant from Far Eastern Airlines. I see their expressions seem to be very anxious. It must be something important."

"Miss flight attendant?" Guo Shouyun was stunned at first, then thought of someone.

"Is it a young lady named Irina?" He frowned and asked.

"I don't know." The expression on Yingbin's face was a little uneasy, and she answered cautiously, "My wife didn't introduce it, and I didn't dare to ask more, so..."

"Okay, I see," Guo Shouyun nodded and said, without intending to embarrass the little girl, "Go to work."

"Yes, Mr. Guo." The little girl sighed, bent down and bowed to the boss, and then quickly walked back to her post.

"Far Eastern Airlines, flight attendant, Irina," Khodorkovsky muttered, turning to ask, "is that the wife of the Moscow upstart Abramovich?"

"Never leave ten," Guo Shouyun nodded, walked to the elevator door first, and then pressed a number key before turning around.

"This man has been very close to Berezovsky recently," Khodorkovsky said before the elevator door opened, "his wife chose to come here at this time. , what is the intention?"

"You know more about Moscow than I do. How can I know about things you can't even guess." Guo Shouyun stood in the elevator door, looking at the slowly closing silver doors, and said casually.

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