Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 588: new year new weather

?People say that the new year is new, but for the Russian Federation, which has just stepped out of 1992 and entered 1993, this sentence is obviously unrealistic at all. On the contrary, this New Year's winter, for Russia outside the Far East. It's a more catastrophic time period. /. qв5, \\

According to statistics from the Federal Central Bank at the beginning of the new year, from October to January of the new year, the prices of nearly 100 kinds of daily necessities in the whole federation jumped by 9.5 times, and the prices of major food commodities increased in four consecutive months. , rising 25 percent each month, while the federal inflation rate hit 126 percent.

According to the "conservative data" provided by the federal government, in the past year, the population of the Russian Federation has dropped sharply. Compared with last year, the population of the Federation dropped sharply by more than 70,000 in 1992. For the Russian Federation with a population of only 100 million square kilometers, 70,000 people are not a small number.

"Through the layers of fog, we can see that Russia, as a nation, as a country, has reached the juncture of life and death, and the silently flowing Moscow River may dry up before next summer." In the first issue of the Red Star newspaper in the new year, a so-called "sensational" argument appeared.

With such a crisis, the power struggle in Moscow has not died down. On the contrary, in the face of the new year, the fighting between the various forces has become more intense. The dark arrows of the past have become the open guns of today. pierced the sky over Moscow.

In the first month of the new year, the revival of leftist forces began to surge throughout the Russian Federation, with various parties and organizations under the banner of the Bolshevik Party of the former Soviet Union. The emergence of mushrooms has sprung up, and among them, the rise of the "Russian Youth League", which was born out of the former Soviet Union's Communist Youth League, seems to indicate that the younger generation of Russians has also begun to wake up from their extravagant hopes for "democracy and freedom". They called for nationalism and quickly attracted a rather strong public support.

There is no doubt that the revival of left-wing power means that the power structure within the main body of federal power will also undergo a huge change, in this case. Zyuganov, the leader of the Russian Communist Party, put forward an initiative to establish and expand the alliance of left-wing coalition forces at the beginning of the year, which was quickly adopted by all parties. ^^^^ In mid-January, more than a dozen large and small left-wing parties held a joint brain conference in Moscow, thus officially announcing the formation of the "Left Alliance".

The emergence of this leftist coalition. Another round of turmoil was formed directly at the upper echelons of power in Moscow. Fearing that Zyuganov's power expansion would pose a threat to himself, the congress led by Hasbulatov began to restrict the development of left-wing forces on many levels, and he Fan as. This directly caused Zyuganov's dissatisfaction, and cracks appeared in the close cooperation between the two sides for half a year.

Just when the various forces in Moscow began a new round of shuffling. Leningrad, which has been silent for a long time, finally has a new ground action. On January 15th, which is the day of the Russian New Year, Victor flew to the Far East and started three-day negotiations with Guo Shouyun, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov who had just arrived from abroad. According to the old man, he hoped that the Big Three will contribute to Leningrad and support a political party under planning, the "Russian Solidarity Party", which belongs to the middle power party.

It was this request made by the old man that made Guo Shouyun fully understand the various problems he had heard in his previous life. \\

speak up. The name of the Russian Solidarity Party may be unfamiliar to most people, but its successor, that is, one year later, after it changed its name and merged with the "All Russia" and "Motherland" movements, The launch of the new party --- United Russia Party, I believe that everyone who knows about Russian politics has heard of it. This is the largest party in the Russian Duma after Putin came to power, at the same time. It is also Putin's own party. After it came to power, this party was the strong Duma support behind the "new tsar". Even Zyuganov's leftist coalition could not fight it.

During three days of secret consultations, Victor asked the Big Three to provide funding and political and geographical support for the new party. There are two specific requirements: first, 800 million rubles of financial assistance to help the party solve the problem at the beginning of its establishment. Facing financial difficulties. Second, in the areas controlled by the Big Three, help the party to establish regional grassroots organizations to help it build momentum in the shortest possible time.

Facing the request from his old father-in-law, Guo Shouyun did not hesitate at all. He believed that the establishment of such a political party would be beneficial to the future direction of the Far East. The influence of the situation in Moscow. ^^^^ It is for this reason that he urged Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov to give up their boycott position during the three-day negotiation, and finally accepted the two demands put forward by the old father-in-law. .

Also in January, under the operation of Nikolayev, the Far East ushered in a large military order contract in the new year. I have to admit that this potbellied man who raised seven little mistresses in Khabarovsk has a lot of skill. In just over a month, he traveled all over Africa and brought back a total value of 15 yuan for the Far East. billion-dollar military procurement contracts.

Of course, for the current Guo Group, the $1.5 billion arms order is not a big deal, but what this old fat man wants is not only money, but also a large amount of mining rights, from Sudan to Uganda, and then When they arrived in the Congo, where the cloud of civil war was clouded, Nikolayev urged Guo Shouyun to reach out as soon as possible, because there was a smell of money there.

This time, Guo Shouyun didn't hesitate too much, he decided to extend his hand over there. Of course, in order to avoid conflict, he first decided to do something, that is, a small test, look at the hand that Far East stretched out in Africa, Will it attract American "fly swatters"? ===

In this way, starting from mid-January, two freighters from the Far East Guo Group Import and Export Trading Company swaggered out of Dakamen, carrying containers of guns and ammunition, swaggeringly left the port and headed for South Africa. According to the fortune, the arms of the two ships need to dock at the port of Cape Town, South Africa, and then take the 6th route, all the way to Uganda in the civil war. Obviously, this mode of transportation will definitely not escape the sight of the Americans. What Guo Shouyun needs is to be discovered by the Americans. He wants to see how the other party will react to determine the next step.

While expanding the arms trade, Guo Shouyun did not relax his work in the establishment of the high-tech base in Gongqingcheng. In late January, he inspected the second-phase construction project of the high-tech base that was stalled due to heavy snow. And visited the first phase of the main project that was put into use soon. It was also during the second inspection work that he unexpectedly discovered a talent he had heard of in his previous life----Eugene Kaspersky, the character who created Kaspersky Lab, who had just been dismissed before. For the meager salary in Moscow, he came to the Far East to look for opportunities. This made Guo Shouyun very happy. He made a decision almost immediately. In the second phase of the project, which will be completed in July, special funds will be allocated to create the laboratory he needs now for this guy.

The recovery of the Far East economy can not only create a water-absorbing effect on the economic level, but also create another water-absorbing effect on the flow of talents. The former is vicious and Guo Shouyun dislikes it, but the latter is benign. Can't ask for it.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the emergence of a talent that Guo Shouyun began to focus some of his attention on the talent reserve of the Far East. In the new year's Guo Group's return capital allocation plan, he first delineated the allocation plan for education investment, according to this. A distribution plan, in the first half of 1993, the Guo Group and the Far Eastern state governments under its control will be divided into four phases, including Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, and Komsomolsk in the Far East. Twelve cities, including 42 middle and high schools, have invested a total of 8 billion US dollars in education support funds. According to a more long-term and one-step plan, Guo Shouyun also intends to implement a semi-public and semi-private education investment system in twelve former Soviet public colleges and universities in the Far East in the next five years. Half of the cost of enrolled students, so as to ensure the rational operation of the entire education system in the Far East.

"Whoever suffers can't suffer children, and what's poor can't be poor in education." This is easy to say, but it is a bit more difficult to do. More often, in the context of the intensified social gap between the rich and the poor, why should education become poor? , or it will become a means for some people to make profits. As a profiteer, Guo Shouyun can say that he has no humanity or that he is extremely vicious, but he still has a good understanding after all. In his eyes, it is too mentally retarded to turn the education business of the Far East into a means of profit. . "The poor are poor, and the rich are rich." That's all. After the rich have occupied the vast majority of social resources, they can't even deprive the poor of the opportunity to turn around, right? That will not only damage the sustainable development of the Far East economy, but also further divide the entire Far East society. For this reason, he wants to prevent this from happening and increase his investment in education in the Far East. On this issue, he decides to personally come forward to catch it. If someone stretches his hand here, he will cut his hand, and someone will stretch his leg here. Then chop the leg, there is no negotiation.

Going back to the original sentence: a new year, a new atmosphere, this sentence may not apply to the rest of the Moscow Federation, but for the Far East, it is indeed worthy of recognition.

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