Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 587: I do not care

"Mr. Su, please come with me," Ye Liena took two steps forward after hearing the boss's words, stood beside Su Junlin, made a gesture of please, and smiled. , qв5,

"Why is this Mr. Guo?" Su Junlin frowned slightly after glancing at the gentle and elegant woman, and said, "Beiyuan and Guo's cooperation has not been a day or two. We are all friends. If you have any questions, you can sit down and discuss them. Furthermore, the cooperation between us is preceded by an agreement, and the terms of several projects have just entered the substantive investment stage. It seems that Mr. Guo does not conform to the principle of international business mutual trust, right?"

"I'm sorry, we are not friends," Guo Shouyun put the ashtray in his hand on the windowsill, turned to the side, glanced at the other party, and shrugged, "I have never had many friends, and I never intend to make more friends. A few, therefore, on the issue of cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo, I will only discuss with Sister Hong alone. Apart from her, I have no basis for cooperation with Beiyuan. As for the principle of mutual trust in international business you mentioned , ok, I admit that I violated a lot of regulations in this regard, if you want, you can sue me, whether it is the Moscow Ministry of Commerce or the Department of International Commerce, whatever you want, I will listen."

Too much play, right? "Su Junlin didn't expect this boss to be so unreasonable. According to what the directors of Beiyuan have said in the past, he should be very good at talking. Although he has a lot of heart and mind, he can also "play Tai Chi", but right now, where is this? "Playing Tai Chi" is purely boxing, not even a chance to speak to others.\\

"Mr. Su," Ye Liena took another step forward with a modest smile on her face. She stood in the middle of the two men, with a modest but inexcusable smile blocking Su Junlin's negotiation. "Please come with me. Our husband is busy with work this morning. He is very tired and needs to rest."

Ye Liena was right, Guo Shouyun was very busy in the morning, and his body was very tired, and he was a little exhausted.

"Okay, then, I won't disturb Mr. Guo's rest," Su Junlin looked at Guo Shouyun. Looking at the woman standing in front of him, after being silent for a long time, he finally sighed helplessly and said, "But on the issue of cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo's. I still hope that Mr. can think more carefully, after all, this cooperation Relationships don’t come easily.”

After saying a word, he turned around and walked towards the door under the leadership of Yelena. ^^^^

For Su Junlin in this matter, he is very disappointed. Perhaps, his current mood can't be accurately described with just a loss. To know. In order to be able to climb up to the position of President of Beiyuan Group, he has gone through a lot of paths before and after, and involved a lot of relationships. With his own talents and these relationships, together with Beijing's dissatisfaction with Guo Shouyun's Far East policy, he made the He finally tore off Sun Hongyu and sat on the throne today.

Before coming to Khabarovsk this time, he had planned for a long time, hoping to adopt a tougher approach. Forcing Guo Shouyun to make concessions on some issues, it also added a little extra luster to his first appearance as a new official. But now, he finally realized that what he desperately grabbed back was not a "golden rice bowl", on the contrary, it was a hot stone. Khabarovsk is not Harbin, and Guo's Group is not a subordinate company somewhere in Harbin, although it has a Chinese-style corporate name. But it is an out-and-out foreign group. Beijing can guide its group decision-making at some point, but cannot force it to dictate a path. The Guo Group has its own interests, and Guo Shouyun also has his own way of thinking. Therefore, in the cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo, the most direct and critical issue is to give up "control" and turn to "guided and mutually beneficial cooperation".

"Guiding reciprocal cooperation," Su Junlin felt like he wanted to laugh bitterly when he thought of this word. The word was first coined by Sun Hongyu. According to her argument at the time, there were serious problems in the cooperation between Beijing and the Far East. Those flashy conditions have been unable to satisfy Khabarovsk, and even made several Russian giants worry about their position. Therefore, she proposed this word, hoping that Beijing can revise its policy in this regard, at least, there is a change in attitude.

At that time, Su Junlin disapproved of this statement. In his opinion at that time, Beiyuan had already transferred too much benefits to Guo. Inclination, whether it is far north or Beijing, we must create more pressure on them and let them listen more to the voices of the south. But after this brief meeting, he realized that Sun Hongyu had been dealing with Guo Shouyun for so long, and her understanding on many issues was correct. This Far East giant who started out by smuggling was indeed not that simple. He could afford it and let it go. Beiyuan and Guo's nearly 10 billion US dollars in trade, he said, was about to end. *****Now, not to mention the loss of the Far East, how much will Beijing's foreign policy be affected, just talking about the Beiyuan, if all the cooperation projects with Guo's are lost, is there still a need for this group to exist?

"Emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts." This sentence sounds simple, but now, Su Junlin finally understands how difficult it is to implement.

"It's arranged?" Guo Shouyun was sitting on the sand pouring wine for himself when the woman's footsteps entered the office again. When he heard the footsteps, he raised his head and glanced at Yelena who was smiling. , said softly.

"Well, it's arranged," Yelena sat down on the opposite side of the man and said, "but he probably doesn't have the heart to stay here now. Go back to Harbin, there is still a lot of work to be done there."

"Yeah, that's great." Pushing the glass of red wine that had just been filled in front of the woman, Guo Shouyun picked up a crystal glass again and placed it in front of him. \\

"Sir, do you really plan to cut off your relationship with Beiyuan completely?" Without being polite to the boss, Yelena took a glass of wine, took a sip to her lips, and said, "You know, this extreme approach is not It is not in line with Guo's short-term or even long-term interests. Of course, according to you, now is the time to sacrifice your interests for you, but this kind of sacrifice can't be too big. I think Americans have been waiting for this day. , if we lose our advantage with Beijing Antong, Washington will definitely make more demands from us, and at that time, we probably won’t have much choice.”

"I never thought of what you said," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, "Isn't the reason why the south side puts pressure on me again and again? I can’t do without their support, so I come and beat me from time to time to give me something to worry about. I’ve had enough of this kind of life, and I don’t want to live anymore. I need to let everyone know that Guo Shouyun is not The kind of person who is afraid of loss is not the kind of person who holds the money jar and is reluctant to let go.

"Hey!" Sighing forcefully, Guo Shouyun stood up from the sand with his wine glass in his hands, he took two steps back and forth on the soft carpet in the hall, pouted his lips, and smiled bitterly, "Everyone thinks that I am today. I have a very comfortable life, I can't spend all my money, I have a huge power to envelop the entire Far East, I have countless beautiful women, but I can get anything I want. Hey, but who knows, this kind of superficial Under the scenery, there are many hidden pressures that outsiders can't see. When I go out every day, I have to worry about whether I can come back safely. I close my eyes every night, and I always encounter those cold sweats. It’s a direct nightmare; when I was working, there were countless so-called experts, scholars, and think tanks all over the world, all of them were studying me, trying to figure me out, I was resting, and they wouldn’t rest. Being able to comprehend me thoroughly, taking all my thoughts into consideration, in the end, make me a pitiful creature standing naked in the sun for passers-by to watch. The bitterness in it, the horror in it, and how much Can people feel it?"

"When you govern people, you must be able to do what others can't, think about what others can't achieve, and think about what others ignore," Yelena said with a slight smile, "At the same time, you must also bear the pressure that ordinary people can't bear. Since you have come this far In this step, you have to bear everything you have to bear, which is implicit fairness."

"It's fair to go to hell," Guo Shouyun said dismissively, raising his head, "I can't bear that much pressure now, so I'm going to give up, I want to enjoy myself, I'm going to take my money, things in the Far East, Guo I don’t care about the affairs of the family group, whoever wants to come from the Far East, whoever wants everything here wants and who wants it.”

"Ah?!" Ye Liena was really taken aback this time. She opened her mouth slightly and stared at the man opposite her in stunned eyes. She wondered in her mind, is this guy crazy?

"At the banquet before the military exercise, didn't Major General Klemin propose to visit the Vladivostok military port? Ok, I agreed," waving his hand, Guo Shouyun said, "You go to draft the invitation letter immediately and give it to The U.S. military base in Yokosuka went over and said that they had made a request before, I could accept it, and let them send someone who can make the decision to come to Khabarovsk to negotiate."

"I see," Yelena smiled. She knew what the man said just now. There was no doubt that he was trying to retreat, intending to throw the pressure on him to Beijing.

Beijing, Khabarovsk, and Washington are, in the final analysis, a kind of diplomatic wrestling. Each of them has a certain amount of chips in their hands, and in the whole game, it depends on who loses first. Now, Guo Shouyun is going to leave the game. He wants to give all his chips to the Americans. The rest of the situation is estimated to be...a bit lively.

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