Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 589: Airport

"It's time to clear the snow here," Guo Shouyun, who had just got out of the car in the parking lot outside Khabarovsk International Airport, stepped on the small snow bag hung with ice, and there was a crisp sound. , the snow pack collapsed, and he almost fell to the ground without a foot. Pushing away Polaninov to support his arm, he glanced at the thick snow under his feet, frowned and said, "Is there no cleaners at the airport? It's impossible to do such daily work."

"Hehe, do you still think that you have less work, sir?" Polaninov said with a smile when he put the white bearskin cap on his head.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then he understood, he straightened the hat on his head, shook his head and smiled, "I'm just complaining casually, and I'm not going to trouble anyone, why are you making fun of me like this? "

Polaninov smiled and didn't answer

"Let's go, let's go, we're already late," waving his hand, Guo Shouyun kicked away a lump of snow in front of him, and walked out of the parking lot, "If I can't catch that girl, I guess I'll blame me again when I turn back and Shoucheng. , Hey, think of me, Guo Shouyun, who earns hundreds of thousands of dollars in one minute, but has to take nearly an hour to pick up a crazy girl, what kind of world is this?"

Don't ask, the so-called "crazy girl" who can labor Guo Shouyun himself at the airport is naturally Miss Guo Dongting. \\As the traditional Chinese New Year is approaching, Dongting, who lives in Canada, is here to spend the New Year with her two brothers as usual. Just for this, she made a special call two days ago and asked Mr. Guo Da to go to the airport in person. Pick her up. According to what she said, this time, there are a few close friends who came with her this time, so he must give her some face as the eldest brother.

speak up. The Guo Brothers and their Guo Group. At present, he may not have much reputation in China, but in the overseas Chinese circles, they are very famous. The sterling sniper war and the Wang An acquisition case, just these two things are enough to make him famous.

This request made to my sister. Guo Shouyun is naturally not easy to refuse. He knows that Dongting has not yet fully matured, and the whole person is still a childish person, who loves vanity. She likes to show off, anything that makes her feel proud. He wanted to be known to everyone, and he was really helpless as a big brother.

"Dongting, I don't think we need to wait any longer. Your eldest brother is not an ordinary person. He is very busy with his work." In the exit hall of the airport, Guo Dongting, wrapped in a pink fur coat, pouted as there were not many people around. on the door. A handsome young man with blond blue eyes and blue eyes beside her persuaded her with a strange expression.

"Yeah, Steve is right," and behind Dong Tingdi, there was a petite, fair-skinned little girl, holding a huge suitcase in her hand, panting, " I think we'd better find a taxi, anyway, it's not that you don't know the place."

"Big brother won't come. My second brother will always come?" Dongting hesitated. Looking at the glass revolving door full of water vapor, he said. "Hmph, fortunately, I called them in advance and told them a lot, but now... watch me for a while.

Before she could finish her words, more than a dozen figures appeared in the square outside the glass door. The leader was a relatively short young man wearing a plain white coat and a white hood, and behind him, a dozen or so burly men with one-handed arms, all dressed in black woolen coats. A group of people like this is not common in today's Russian Federation, but as soon as it appears, everyone knows that this is... the boss of the mafia is out. ****

"Come on, come!" Dongting let out a cheer, she turned her head and said to the little girl behind her, "Look, what I said, no matter how busy my elder brother is, he will come to pick me up at the airport, he doesn't want what you think. So serious, so ruthless."

"Wow, this is the president of the Guo Group? Is that Guo Shouyun as the professors say?" The little girl behind Dongting should look like a typical "star chaser", looking at the young man walking in outside the door, Her azure blue eyes were full of dancing little stars.

"This can still be fake," Dongting shook her head proudly, grabbed the sleeve of the handsome guy beside her, and said, "Let's go, I'll introduce you later. Oh, remember, don't do those etiquettes. Forget, don't make the eldest brother in such an embarrassing situation as Liu Ran did last time."

"Hey, got it," Steve's expression looked a little nervous, but his eyes showed a mixture of nervousness and joy.

The three left their luggage in the lobby of the airport, swarmed out of the revolving door, and trotted all the way towards Guo Shouyun and his party.

"Big brother!"

There were still more than ten steps away, and Dongting's small voice shouted, she opened her arms, rushed straight to the front of the elder brother, and then rushed into his arms like a koala, hanging on him. on the neck. ^^^^

"Oh, my little ancestor, how old are you to be so crazy," Guo Shouyun smiled while dodging her little mouth on his face, hugging his sister's small waist, "Come down quickly, You want to tire me out."

"You're late, we've all been waiting for more than ten minutes," Dongting said angrily, wrapping her arms around her eldest brother's neck, "Tell me, how do you compensate me?"

"My aunt, you can make up for it as you say, isn't it the head office?" I haven't seen her for a while, Dong Ting has given birth a lot and her weight has gained a lot. Holding her, Guo Shouyun is really struggling. "Come down, my old waist is about to break."

"I want your car, the Nagas 91, I want four," Dongting entangled her two long legs around her eldest brother's waist.

"Gas 91? What is Gas 91?" Guo Shouyun asked in surprise.

"It's the jeep you're riding in. I know you're discussing a project with Italians. I don't care. I want to drive the latest one, the same as yours. *****" Dongting shouted. To be honest, when she came back some time ago, she had seen the team of her eldest brother long ago. At that time, she did not like this model. In her opinion, her mount should be an elegant and luxurious car, or it should be Beautiful and noble sports car, as for the jeep, she never thought about it. But during this time, with the frequent appearance of the Far East Gaz 91 luxury rebound jeep in Western car magazines, she changed her mind, and she also wants to drive this precious "Tie Gada" called "urban armored vehicle". According to the Canadian media, Ferrari, an Italian luxury goods manufacturer, is currently negotiating intensely with the Guo Group. People say that this model is only available for customization, and the estimated base price is around $4 million.

Faced with this kind of market situation, Dong Ting, who has a strong vanity, can't sit still. She wants to get ahead of everyone and become the number one owner of similar models in Canada.

"What do you want this for?" Guo Shouyun felt dumbfounded, he shook his head and said, "You can't drive this thing, it's not designed for little girls, if you want it, I'll order you two Ferraris. Hey, I heard that they are going to launch a new model in March this year, a sports car, how majestic. "I want yours." Opening her mouth, Dongting nibbled on the eldest brother's ear and said, "Will you give it? If you don't give me a bite. "

"Okay, okay, okay, give it, can't I give it?" Guo Shouyun said with a wry smile, "I can give it if you want, as much as you want, it's done, right?"

"No regrets?" Dongting chuckled.

"No regrets, no deception," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Absolute guarantee of Guo's reputation."

"It's not too bad," finally got what she wanted, Dongting slid to the ground honestly, first stretched out her hand and punched the eldest brother's chest, and then said, "Come on, let me introduce you to a pair of handsome guys and beauties. ."

"Your friend?" Guo Shouyun glanced at the man and woman standing two steps away, and said with a smile, "Why didn't Liu Ran come this time? Are you making trouble?"

"Nothing, he wants to go home to spend the New Year with his parents," Dongting said, holding his sleeve, "I originally wanted to go, but my second brother called me specifically to tell me not to go to China now, so I I didn't go."

"Oh," Guo Shouyun nodded and said, "that's good."

"Come, come, I'll introduce you," dragged her eldest brother out two steps and stood beside her companion, Dong Ting pointed at the little girl first, and said, "Joanie Luwa, my close friend living with me, a typical Welsh beauty, how's it going, isn't it nice?"

"Well, not bad, not bad," Guo Shouyun shook hands with the worried little girl and smiled, "Wales, a place I've always wanted to see, I heard that the scenery there is very good, especially Hunguid, hehe. , I've been longing for there for a long time."

Hearing him mention the name of Hungeed, the pupils of Joni's eyes shrank suddenly, and the smile on her face became even more rigid.

"Hey, it's a coincidence that Joni's hometown is in Hunguid," Dongting put her arms around the little girl's shoulders and smiled, "If my brother wants to go in the future, I can find a free tour guide."

"Really?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "That's quite a coincidence, Miss Joni, it seems that we are destined to meet, and we should have a good chat when we have the opportunity in the future."

Guo Shouyun used the words "destined people" with a heavy tone. Obviously, he was very interested in this Joni who met for the first time. Of course, this was also inseparable from the eyeliner he set up in Ottawa. It was really hard to hide things from his eyes.

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