Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 581: political commissar

?What the woman said... Anyway, it is very unpleasant. For a man with a serious tendency to chauvinism, Guo Shouyun will inevitably feel more unpleasant after listening to this, but At the same time, he also knew very well that the other party was being open and honest with him, and she poured out all the words in her heart. w For a woman who sees the world through, who can expect her to put so much hope on the ethereal things like feelings? In the heart of a person who loves, the world is pink; in the eyes of a person who only loves himself, the world is white; in Yelena's eyes, the world is black, full of disgusting things Foul smell, just imagine, even the most romantic person, I'm afraid they can't fall in love in a stinky gutter full of maggots and flies, right?

"Tools, we are all tools," staring at the woman, Guo Shouyun was silent for a long time, then spread his hands, sneered, and said, "Okay, very good, since that's the case, I don't plan to say any unnecessary nonsense. Now, as I promised at the beginning, I will help you achieve your goals and play the role of this tool in a down-to-earth manner, as for you, you are ready to serve as a tool for me for a lifetime."

Saying so, he stood up from the chair, stretched out his hands, hugged the woman's plump buttocks with all his might, picked her up from the table, and walked towards the lounge without saying a word. .

Yelena didn't say a word either. She crouched on the man's shoulders like a big burlap bear, just for a moment when she entered the small door of the lounge. There was a mist of water in her eye sockets.

As the president of Guo's Group and the No. 1 family member in the Far East, Guo Shouyun has been in contact with many women for more than two years. From Nina to Shana Riva, to Nikita, Larissa, Moscow, Khabarovsk, and even the United States, he has mistresses. In his impression, no woman who has a relationship with him likes to be regarded as a tool. Except for Nina, these women spare no effort to please him. The ultimate goal of obsessing yourself is to be able to gain your own feelings and be valued by yourself. So as to get rid of the fate that is only regarded as a "tool". The weird thing is that, logically speaking, Yelena is undoubtedly the most shrewd and thoughtful woman among the women she has come into contact with. Her wisdom can even dwarf herself, a man who makes a living from his mind, but as for her, she has to be a "tool" and even disobey herself for it. Why is this? Is being a "tool" so attractive to her?

Guo Shouyun couldn't understand this reason, and he didn't plan to spend his brainpower thinking about this issue now. \\He knows that the answer to the question that he can't understand now will come out automatically one day.

Affected by the bad incidents in the Khabarovsk Military Region, the Far East Military Region's largest adjustment of officer positions since the beginning of last year began. According to Guo Shouyun's proposal, the military commissar system began to be re-established within the military region. The implementation unit, among the hundreds of thousands of border guards, first began to implement this plan.

Because Guo Shouyun has something to say first. Political commissars within the re-promoted division-level and below units are under the leadership of the Military Region Staff Headquarters. Therefore, as the chief of the general staff of the military region, Sijakhov is very concerned about this matter. The operation is also very hard. Since mid-December, the relevant selection orders have been centered on the General Staff of the Military Region, and have been quickly issued to all grassroots units. Just a border guard system, seven hundred people with a little integrity and no bad records have been selected in the past. 's officer. *****These men arrive at the Khabarovsk Military District headquarters at the end of December, where they will undergo a four-month training, and then will be assigned uniformly by the Military District, and eventually enter the post.

In the former Soviet Union, the military commissar system in the Soviet Red Army was mainly to ensure the Bolshevik Party's strong leadership of the army and the party's grasp of the barrel of the gun. Therefore, in the system at that time, military commissars at all levels were required to Greater than the first-level commander of the same level of troops. This is like the distinction between the county and mayor and the county and city secretary. No matter when, the secretary is a head higher than the county mayor. In the current Far East, the Bolshevik Party no longer exists, and the military power is in the hands of generals at all levels, especially the Guo clique. Therefore, the work of ideological guidance needs to be changed. The ideological program of serving the country is no longer applicable.

Beginning in mid-December, the Far Eastern Military Region has stepped up efforts to identify candidates for political commissars at all levels, and has also gradually established specific implementation methods for this system during debates and discussions. Due to the competition between their respective interests, the military region headquarters represented by Tiliamenko always insisted that in terms of the leadership authority of the troops at all levels, the political commissars of the same troop level should be higher than the commanders of the same troop level. Half a rank in the military rank, for example, a regiment-level political commissar has no right to lead regiment-level commanders, nor to interfere in their daily work, nor to supervise their behavior. \\The main reason why Liaomenko insisted so much was that he was worried that the commander system would lose power, thus creating an opportunity for the staff headquarters to take over the power.

The staff of the military region represented by Sijakhov has always insisted that the political commissar must have absolute supervision over the commander. If the political commissar loses this right, the purpose of establishing this system will become empty talk. meaningless.

In the end, the dispute between the two sides continued for half a month, and the subsequent military region meetings failed to reach an effective consensus, until the lawsuit was finally brought to Guo Shouyun.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun didn't know much about the commander system and the military committee system in the military system. Therefore, when establishing this issue, he himself could not give any meaningful guiding opinions. With the cooperation of Lena, he came up with a decision and handed it over to the military region for implementation. ^^^^

The advice provided by Yelena has largely guaranteed the interests of the two divided forces in the military region. She accepted the request of Tselemenko that the political commissars at the same level have no right to lead or interfere with the commanders at the same level, but the commanders at the same level also have no right to interfere in the investigation work of the political commissars at the same level. In terms of real supervision, the political commissar system implements the system of "reporting from lower levels and accountability from higher levels". For example, if a battalion-level commander has a problem, the political commissar at the same level has the right to raise the problem to the next level, that is, the military committee at the regiment level. After the report, the military committee at the regiment level went back and launched an investigation into this issue. During this investigation, the regiment-level command system has no right to interfere.

Furthermore, in order to ensure the independence of the political commissar system, political commissars at all levels implement a five-year rotation, that is, the political commissar of a certain unit cannot serve in the unit for a maximum period of five years, and must be transferred to other units within five years. In addition, in order to ensure the integrity of the political commissar system, political commissars at all levels also generally implement a system of accountability and traceability, that is, if a political commissar at a certain level has a problem, the political commissar at the next higher level will bear joint and several responsibility.

In addition to this issue of decentralization, there is basically not much controversy within the Far East Military Region, whether it is the staff or the headquarters, especially on one issue, they even have a rare consensus, and this issue It is the foothold of military ideological education.

In the former Soviet Union, the main ideological and guiding contents of the education of soldiers in the political commissar system can be divided into three major parts: loyalty to the party, patriotism, and abiding by the former. All that is to be done is to be loyal to the Bolshevik Party, and then to love the motherland and ensure integrity. In the Russian period, with the disintegration of the Bolshevik Party, the content of loyalty to the party was removed, and the content of patriotism was also weakened. The ideas instilled in every soldier became three aspects: guaranteeing democracy, abiding by, and patriotism. . But now, the Far East has re-established the political commissar system. For some hidden interests, the ethics pamphlet re-issued by the Far East Military Region, on the one hand, deletes the content of democracy, on the other hand adds the locality of the Far East. Thought. The ideological and educational concepts they instilled in every ordinary soldier are also divided into three parts: loyalty to the Far East, guarantee of integrity, and love for the Federation, and the content of this ideological education may achieve a certain purpose... Believe in people Everyone understands it.

According to Yelena, the current sexual problems in the Far Eastern Military Region cannot be achieved by a political commissar system alone in the short term, but in turn, she also believes that this policy is quite necessary because it can be used in a larger To a certain extent, the alliance tendency within the Far East Military Region is differentiated.

Taking a deeper look, the establishment of a political commissar system can not only contain the army to a certain extent, but at the same time, it can also bring contradictions to the internal interest system of the army. Under the guidance of the first system, a new contradiction between the political commissar system and the command system has been formed. The former appeared for the purpose of monitoring and restricting the latter, so the contradiction between them was irreconcilable from the beginning, just like in the past Soviet times, the commander and the political commissar were deadly enemies, and the two sides were at odds with each other. , contradictions and conflicts frequently arise. And the five-year rotation of political commissars combined with the five-year rotation of commanders will inevitably further expand the contradiction between the two sides.

In Ye Liena's view, it is precisely because of such contradictions in the military region that the interests of the Guo Group are more assured. To a certain extent, this is also a check and balance, the best and most effective check and balance.

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