Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 582: joint military exercise

"What is the future of the Far East? Maybe it's time for Moscow to think about it."

"Sir, Major General Klemin has invited you to come." Outside the heavy iron cabin door, Polaninoff sneaked in quietly, and he sent a telegram to Guo Shouyun and said.

"Oh? What are you inviting me for?" Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Guo Shouyun took the telegram and said with a smile, "I don't understand what they're doing, this time I'm just here to watch the fun, so it's possible that he's still planning to get rid of me. What guidance do you get here?"

"He would like to have the opportunity to have dinner with you and General Sironov," Polaninov said with a smile.

"Hmph, I don't think this is his main purpose, right?" Guo Shouyun glanced at the telegram in his hand and sneered, "His real purpose is probably to be allowed to enter Vladivostok for a field trip. ?"

"Sir's guess should be correct," Polaninov said with a slight smile, "in the past few decades, huh, to be precise, since the establishment of the Vladivostok naval base, the United States has People look forward to seeing it in person, but unfortunately, just like we did not have the opportunity to enter the military port of Hawaii, they also did not have the opportunity to enter this military powerhouse. ^^^^ Now, taking advantage of such a favorable opportunity, I It will be even stronger for them to realize the purpose of this wish.”

"It doesn't matter, to me, it doesn't matter at all," Guo Shouyun said with a smile after he casually rolled the invitation letter into a paper egg and threw it into the trash from a distance. "For the Americans, they didn't have the opportunity to enter the Vladivostok military port in the past, and for us, there was no opportunity to wait for the Kitty Hawk in the past, and there was no opportunity to enter the Yokosuka military port. Now, the two sides It is a win-win good thing. Military mutual trust. This kind of transparency is what we want. Besides, Moscow has also nodded, and it seems that there is no need for us to be evil."

"Well," said this, Guo Shouyun lowered his head and thought for a moment. Go on. "Reply to General Cleming for me, and say that I sincerely thank him for his invitation, and will be on time for dinner at seven tonight. ==="

"Yes, sir," answered Polaninov, turning and walking out the door.

"Hey, this is life," Guo Shouyun stood up as he watched the secretary disappear outside the door. Glancing at the newspaper on the table, he pouted and said with emotion.

The two Pacific Fleet joint military exercises between the Far East and the United States have entered the final countdown. As commented by many media in Moscow, this is the third time the Guo Group has intervened in the military field of the Far East since December, and this incident also marks that the military forces in the Far East are moving away from federal control. One step further.

The entire military exercise officially kicked off on December 19, and its process atmosphere is three stages: from the 19th to the 21st, it is the stage where the two fleets gather in the Sea of ​​Japan. as of today. The two Pacific fleets have been assembled. During this process, the Far East Pacific Fleet dispatched a total of six frigates, four destroyers, nine submarines of various types, and nearly twenty other surface ships to the assembly area. In addition, there are 6 base aviation units waiting to cooperate. The U.S. military’s use of land to participate in the exercise is not small. For them, this is an excellent opportunity for the U.S. Pacific Fleet to expand its influence in the Sea of ​​Japan and deter the Northern Dynasties. Therefore, the commander leading this military exercise will It is Major General Claymin, the third-ranking figure of the U.S. military stationed in Yokosuka, Japan, and the military force they dispatched to participate in the exercise is almost one-third of the force configuration of the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier strike group. In addition to Kitty Hawk, a cruiser, six frigates, four destroyers, plus two attack submarines and several auxiliary ships. In total, the two sides have invested more than 20,000 troops in the exercise, which is the largest joint naval exercise in East Asia since the end of World War II.

Perhaps to demonstrate its strength, or to give its allies a chance to observe the military exercise, the U.S. Pacific Fleet accepted the request from South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and Australia to observe it. At the same time, there were protests from China and the DPRK. , is ignored. The region selected for this military exercise is too sensitive. The main live-fire exercise site is less than 60 nautical miles away from the DPRK territorial waters. It is blunt to say that as long as there is a slight deviation, a carrier-based aircraft of one party will fly into the DPRK airspace. , which directly affects the stability of the situation in East Asia. \\ Prior to this, Pyongyang's military spokesman has clearly protested, they threatened to restart the nuclear test program, trying to resist the military threat from the outer territorial waters.

This time, however, similar threats did not work, because the Americans knew that North Korea's plan to successfully launch a nuclear weapon would absolutely not be possible without the help of Russia or China. At the same time, due to China's conservative attitude on this issue and To be low-key, North Korea can only rely on Russia more. Today, the Guo Group controls the Far East, and it is blunt to say that any nuclear facilities from the Russian Federation cannot enter North Korea without the approval of the Guo Group. Furthermore, by mastering the Far East, the United States has the biggest bargaining chip to suppress North Korea. The fundamental reason why the United States has given Guo Shouyun such generous conditions and unsparing support is here. For the Pentagon, this military exercise is just the beginning. Their biggest goal is not to engage in joint military exercises, nor to test the military strength of the Far East. What they really hope is to gain a foothold in the Far East, hoping to put The U.S. military forces are directly deployed to this highly strategic area, and they need Guo Shouyun's permission to set up a military base in a certain area in the Far East. *****

What the Americans can think of, other forces can also think of it. To be honest, just for this joint military exercise, Guo Shouyun has been under a lot of pressure during this period of time. This pressure does not come from the outside, but also from the Inside the Far East.

During this time, Beijing finally took countermeasures against the Guo Group. As a statement, they cut off some cooperation projects between Beiyuan and Guo. At the same time, the leadership of Beiyuan also changed. There is no news about Sun Hongyu, who is the main person in charge. She seems to have disappeared overnight. Guo Shouyun knew that Beijing's attitude towards him had fundamentally changed. Although he still didn't know who had replaced Sun Hongyu in Beiyuan, it was conceivable that the newcomers were dealing with the issue of cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo. , will show some degree of toughness.

It's not what Guo Shouyun hoped that the situation has come to this point. Sun Hongyu is an old friend of him and Nina. Although everyone has a lot of unhappiness with each other, those conflicts arising from different positions will not affect the situation. to their friendship. If possible, he would prefer that the woman who had given him great help in the initial stage could go on smoothly and finally realize her own ideal in life.

In fact, before that, Sun Hongyu may not have realized that whether she planned to pursue an official career or a business line, her personal destiny was actually tied to Guo Shouyun. Guo Shouyun's existence, even his attitude, It can directly affect Sun Hongyu's personal destiny. After all, she is a bridge, a card, a main medium that can communicate and establish stable relations between Beijing and Khabarovsk. Beijing's use of her or not to use her is based on this consideration, and there is nothing else.

Compared with Beijing's reaction, Pyongyang has been much quieter on the issue of this joint military exercise between the United States and the United States. Except for a statement and a little threat, there is no other movement. Of course, , the North Korean military had some contact with Guo Shouyun a few days ago, but the purpose was just to ask the big boss Guo's intentions.

"North Korea is just a paper nail squeezed between several large glass plates," Guo Shouyun had only one view of Pyongyang. "It looks very sharp and sharp, but in fact it has no meaning in itself. If it weren't for this Several large glass plates are worried that too close to each other will bring about the consequences of burning jade and stone, and this paper nail may have been cut off a long time ago."

Therefore, on the military exercise, Guo Shouyun didn't care about Pyongyang's opinion at all, and he didn't even want to hear the voice over there.

In addition to these external pressures, the internal attitude of the Far East on the military exercise is also contrary to Guo Shouyun. To his surprise, both the Far East Military Region and the Pacific Fleet have strong resistance to the Americans. Emotions——The influence of decades of Cold War thinking cannot be eliminated in such a short time. For Russian soldiers, Americans were potential enemies in the past, and they are also potential enemies now. As a country, the position is the most The hard-line forces, the military's way of thinking is completely different from the government, they will never consider political peace, nor the complexity of international issues, in their minds, there are only two words - war .

Therefore, from this point of view, Beijing's speculation on Guo Shouyun's position is actually unnecessary, because even out of consideration for his own interests, it is impossible for him to get too close to the US side. This is a fundamental problem. It is not based on Guo Shouyun's personal will.

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