Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 580: big tree small tree

? On the second point, because the current power struggle in Moscow has entered a white-hot, the combination of various forces is relatively stable, so the White House, which does not have advantages, is difficult to find the best in a weak situation. partner. . qb5. In this case, it is not difficult for Gaidar to accept a Cheka club that suddenly came out.

When these two considerations are put together, the final result is to urge the smooth operation of the entire chain plan.

But in addition to these, Guo Shouyun also thought of one thing, that is why Ye Liena would take the initiative to choose to seek refuge with him, and he had a bolder guess: this woman had lied to him before, and the reason why she came to seek refuge She herself was not entirely for revenge against the other two enemies except Barannikov. She thought more, probably to ensure the smooth implementation of this plan.

Why do you say that? The reason is simple.

In the power structure of Moscow, the Kremlin has long been in collusion with the Leningrad faction, and with the wisdom of old guys like Victor, when the White House confronted the Kremlin, the first thing they thought of was to keep Barany. Kov and Dunayev, thus maintaining the balance of power in Moscow. ^^^^

At the same time, the influence of the Leningrad faction in Moscow is very small. Neither Sobchak nor Viktor have much influence on the trend of the situation in Moscow. Therefore, when there is a problem in Moscow, they will first What came to mind must be to use the Far East and use the Guo Group to come forward. Jointly with Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, and supported the Kremlin by means of the strong intervention of the three giants, so as to resolve this crisis.

As Yelena is shrewd, it is impossible for her to fail to take this into account. Therefore, in order to prevent this situation, she came to the Far East, joined the Guo Group, and urged the Far East to develop in an independent direction. Ultimately, this led to the separation of the Far East from Leningrad.

This woman's brain is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary people. If this guess is correct, then there is no doubt that her serial plan is equivalent to taking into account all the forces in the current Federation. No one has If she can run, she will use it as a tool for revenge. Her serial plan doesn't seem to be too clever now. From another angle, push the time to a few months ago, how many people can think so carefully?

So looking back, is Guo Shouyun's speculation possible? Is it close to the truth? to this. He has a very simple way to detect it, and this method is to calculate Yelena's enemy. If in addition to Barannikov, her other two enemies include Dunayev. Then this kind of guess is 80% close to the truth, otherwise, it needs to be considered separately.

"As you said just now. Now you won't hide it from me anymore," Guo Shouyun sighed and said, rubbing his slightly sour eyes due to the intense use of his brain, "Then I want to know one thing now. Besides Barannikov, who are the other two enemies of yours? You must answer this question, or else. I don't mind bowing to Leningrad."

"Have you thought about it?" Yelena's eyes condensed a luster that was hard to see through and incomprehensible. She reached out and stroked Guo Shouyun's cheek and said softly. "Actually, I know that you can guess the land, just like your guess. In my list, Dunayev is also a sinner who must fall to the altar. Now it seems that the day when I achieve my goal, It's not too long. ^^^^"

"Sure enough," Guo Shouyun closed his eyes, took a long breath, and said, "you have been plotting against me from the very beginning, to be precise, against all of us. In your eyes, I am one thing from the beginning to the end. Tools are gorgeous and easy-to-use tools. Haha, I think your last enemy should be Hasbulatov, right? Or Lutskoy, otherwise, you will never sit back and watch me against the Kremlin. support.”

"It's Hasbulatov," Yelena didn't continue to hide it, she brushed off a wisp of debris from her forehead, and said very bluntly, "I know that once the Far East has a tendency to become independent, it will be the first to react, no It's Moscow, but Dudayev, who has long coveted local independence, so..."

"So you're expecting me to die, aren't you?" Guo Shouyun said in a hoarse voice before the woman could finish speaking, "You even informed Dudayev of my itinerary behind your back, creating a place for them to assassinate me. The best chance, ha, I guessed that the Chechens were doing the bombing, but I didn't expect that, as a woman I trusted, you actually played a role in it.****"

"I know you think so," Yelena said, shrugging her shoulders, "but the only thing I can say is that there is no collusion between me and Dudayev. All I need to see is the situation. I have no other intentions than to pull out Hasbulatov's connection with Chechnya due to the independence of the Far East, and then use the dominant Kremlin to eliminate his presence."

"As I said before," Yelena continued after a pause, "for you, sir, in order to protect yourself in the Russian Federation, you must firmly grasp the Far East and lean too much toward Moscow, It will be your easy way to hell. From this point of view, my use of the Guo Group has not hindered any interests of you. You can imagine that even without considering the factors of local interest groups in the Far East, just Consider Moscow. Do you think that after the Kremlin controls the overall situation, the Ye family will give up its suppression of you? Take a step back and say that he can tolerate you, you can tolerate the political situation, and even tolerate the ambitions of people like you. What about the succession? You Chinese have a saying, “Looking at history as a mirror, you can know the succession.” The political history of the Soviet Union for more than 70 years has clarified the most basic rule of replacement—shuffling the cards. From Lenin to Stalin, From Khrushchev to Brezhnev, every change of leadership core is accompanied by a political reshuffle on a whole scale. Mr. Dominant in the Far East, holds the political power of more than a dozen states, big and small. As mentioned above, your existence is a powerful threat to the Ye clan, especially the succession of the Ye clan. You have power, and they will care about you. If you hand over power, they will still care about you, because you still have strong opponents. Wealth, even if you hand over all your wealth and power for free, they will still not let you go, because you still have prestige, and this thing can never be handed over except for your death. So, let’s go At this stage, in the eyes of some people, you have already become a person who must die! Although a big tree attracts the wind, a small tree may not be safe. For a tree, the reason why the wind wants to destroy it is that someone The most fundamental reason to cut it is that it is a tree, not its size. So a tree like yours, if you want to protect yourself, you have to grow up and spread around yourself before the hurricane. A forest, instead of actively cutting off all its branches and leaves."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He knew that what Yelena said was the truth, and said bluntly that from the day he stepped on the road of oligarchs, he had never turned back. Looking back now, is it feasible that he planned to support Vladimir in exchange for his own safety? When Vladimir officially stepped into the altar, what happened to the political situation in the Far East? Where are the two major military forces in the Far East going? These two things, is the Guo Group paying or not paying? If not, Vladimir, the new version of the tsar, will never let Guo Shi, because such an existence is far more harmful than Khodorkovsky in his previous life. What kind of future will the Guo Group face? Without the support of the Far East Military Region and without the help of those government officials, what else would there be for a local trust group like the Guo Group, which started out on the official-business line? There is no doubt that Moscow may allow the existence of the Guo family at that time, but this existence is estimated to be so easy that it must withstand political blackmail that may come at any time: Moscow shouts today, "Old Guo give money!" Don't do Guo's business, leave it to someone else." In this way, the Guo family will be finished in a short time.

Now that he knows what Yelena said is the truth, why is Guo Shouyun still angry now? If nothing else, he resented the woman's use of him. No matter what aspect, this was the first time he had unknowingly acted as a tool in the hands of others since he entered the Far East.

"I know, you are still resenting my use of you. In your opinion, I treat you as a tool, as a doll that can be manipulated," Yelena clearly saw the man's mind, she softly Sheng Sheng said, "At this point, I hope you can become more mature, after all, you are my first man, and also the only man in this life. When it comes to using and being used, you are truly mature and able to Those who survived in the world of intrigue often don't think too much. Tools, huh, in fact, which one of us is not a tool? When will we not be playing the role of a tool? In the Far East, all politicians are your tools, and In turn, you are also their tool. If you only want to use others as a tool, but don't want to be someone else's tool, the end result will only be to lose everything. For me, you may be to a certain extent. I have played the role of a tool, but to a greater extent, I am not a tool for you. I am not Nina, and I am not Shana Riva, who has two children and is determined to have two children. I am Yelena. She is a woman who simplifies the whole world. I can give you everything you want from me, no matter the reason, no reason, at the same time, I also hope that you can do the same to me, at least, when I achieve my goal We used to have this relationship before."

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