Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 577: Military discipline needs to be rebuilt

? Taking his fine velvet scarf from the lawyer's hand, Guo Shouyun casually wrapped it around himself, then took the windbreaker and put it on his body. . qβ5. c0m

"I want those three beasts to die!" Sitting on the chair, Koichina trembled for a while, and almost said something out of her clenched teeth.

"Ok," with his back to her, Guo Shouyun said in a relaxed tone while tidying up his windbreaker, "It's up to you, if you have the guts, I can even arrange for you to kill them yourself, hehe, with a knife or a gun It's up to you to choose."

"I want to... She's breathing a lot, and her full **** are bulging, which is quite interesting.

"What else do you need to think about in enough time, you don't have to make a decision in such a hurry," grinned, Guo Shouyun walked out the door, and said with a smile, "Recover your injuries, and then come to the Guo family for a follow-up visit. I'll talk about it alone, just in time, you also cooperate with the police station and the military region to cover up the turmoil of this matter, in short, I don't want to see any more trouble."

Koichina didn't speak anymore. She silently stretched out her little white hand, pinched the business card on the table, and gently stuffed it into the pocket of the trench coat. It is a sin to be too beautiful, and she fully realized it today. to this point. *****

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo," just as Guo Shouyun and two lawyers stepped into the elevator, the chubby Shilev caught up with panting, holding up a fax document and smilingly said, "Okay. Alright, alright, Magadan got in touch, and the woman's brother expressed his willingness to come forward to enlighten his sister and cooperate with us."

"I see." With a slight smile, Guo Shouyun looked at the gradually closing elevator door and said indifferently, "Take care of her these two days. Don't let her go wrong."

"Oh, good. Good, I will." Seeing the elevator door finally closed, Shilev said with a smile on his face.

Come out of the police headquarters. The sky was still as gloomy as before. The moment he got into the car door, Guo Shouyun paused for a moment. In his mind, for no reason, Koichina's small face with a perfect combination of intellect and innocence appeared. in the car. For women. Why use force. Such a stubborn woman will not be willing to let herself molest in a few days.

Power, no wonder everyone covets it so much, even throwing away their lives to fight for it. ****Hey, without it, there is no power, no matter how tight the life is, the brilliance belongs to others, on the contrary, the brilliance of others belongs to you.

All the way back from the police headquarters to the headquarters of the Guo Group, when he walked into his office. Guo Shouyun only appeared. Nina and Sijahoff were already waiting for them.

"Shouyun, how's it going?" She saw her husband enter the door. Nina got up from the sand first, stepped forward quickly, and asked.

"You guys, you will cause trouble for me," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, hugging his wife and kissing her on her bright forehead, "Don't worry, that girl's job has been done, and she expressed her willingness to accept our conditions. "

"Oh?" Nina didn't know what the so-called "conditions" were, but she didn't care about them either. The only thing she hoped for now was to calm things down.

"What about those three guys?" Taking off his windbreaker, Guo Shouyun walked straight to his desk and sat down in a comfortable position before he said.

"Detained in the military district," Nina replied. "We're discussing what to do with them. *****"

"No need to discuss," Guo Shouyun said with a wave of his hand, "It was proposed that these three guys must die, and I agree with this request. Prepare yourself and get this done."

Jahof and Nina frowned at the same time.

"Why not," Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun smiled, "Why, are you still planning to cover up that bastard? Let's talk about it first, since I have reached out to this matter, there is no room for negotiation, no matter what they are. , I have to shovel it out these two days."

"Okay," Sijahof glanced at Nina and smiled bitterly, "Then do as Shouyun said, and if it's a big deal, just remember a car accident or something."

"You can discuss these matters," Guo Shouyun said. "You don't need to tell me. I have an important matter to discuss with you today."

"What's the matter?" Nina asked suspiciously.

"I thought about it for a long time at noon today," Guo Shouyun picked up the pen holder by the table, shook it in his hand, listened to the crisp sound of the collision of the pens inside, and said thoughtfully, "I wonder if you have thought about it, Is this birth incident a warning to us?"

Sijahoff and Nina looked at each other, neither of them understood what he was going to say. *****

"More than a year," Guo Shouyun continued, "Since the country's disintegration and political upheaval, the Far East Military Region has become a mess from top to bottom. Let's not talk about the above problems, everyone is a grasshopper , bundled together tightly. But what about here? From grass-roots officers to ordinary soldiers, how many people are still with some soldiers? I went to Vladivostok for a short time and visited the Minsk aircraft carrier. Do you know what I saw? Disorganized, downright disorganized, if not on the ship, I can't even imagine that they are soldiers. Also, I believe you also know that in the Far East, soldiers of the army sell guns privately. How serious is the problem of ammunition? According to statistics from Sanariva, in 17 cities in the Far East, in the past six months, more than 60,000 guns of various types have entered the black market, and the bullets cannot be counted. A brand new The price of the ak47 has dropped from one thousand dollars to two hundred and seventy dollars, and two clips of ammunition are included by the way. What's more, the garrison troops in some places have begun to grab the jobs of the gang, and they lead the monthly fixed Military salary, but also to collect protection fees in the market. ***** Tell me, is this the army or the gang?”

Sijakhov and Nina were silent. They knew that what Guo Shouyun said was the truth, and it seems that the current discipline in the army is far from enough to describe only a lax. In fact, in comparison, the situation of the troops in the military region is much more serious than what Guo Shouyun said. It is not uncommon for veterans to abuse new recruits, fight and fight to death, and open robbery. Similar incidents of sexual violence have occurred in the military region. Just a week ago, five female recruits were blatantly abused by Ivanov's independent division. It's just that this matter was suppressed by the military region and digested internally, so Guo Shouyun didn't know about it, otherwise, he would have been annoyed long ago. In addition, Guo Shouyun also lacked understanding of a more serious problem in the matter of privately selling weapons. Previously, the military region had seized a large number of so-called "stealing guidebooks" printed with detailed instructions for weapon parts and components from its subordinate missile units. Its function was to guide soldiers to steal precious metals from these parts. If something like this was announced, it would be considered a fantasy joke, but it is a living reality.

"This situation can't continue," Guo Shouyun couldn't know what they were thinking, so he continued his topic, "My General Sijakhov, as the chief of staff of the military region, you should find a way to clean it up. Military discipline. Your troops are either selling guns smuggled or dead all day long, or they are deserters. In a huge Far Eastern military region, with hundreds of thousands of troops, who can keep the gangs in chaos? Is it you or me? Or general Terryomenko

"Shouyun, I have also considered this situation," Sijakhov hesitated for a moment and sighed, "but you should also know that it is not so easy to reshape military discipline. In the past, our army had special maintenance Political commissars of military discipline and military law, the ideological education and disciplinary conduct of officers and soldiers are all handled by them. But since the abolition of this system last year, no one has been caught in this area of ​​work, and a single military court cannot It plays an effective role in maintaining military discipline, because after all, it is a punitive existence, not a preventive department."

"The general is right," Nina said with a frown, "just like what happened this time, both the officers and soldiers of the army, they are all right now, that is, no matter what goes wrong, the military area will There is an impact to consider first, so most of the time, it is the result of turning a big thing into a small thing and turning a small thing into nothing. In this case, unscrupulousness has become their principle of action. The major who caused the accident this time, before that He has a bad record. He raped a garrison company correspondent in the same way a month ago. At that time, it was also out of influence considerations. We did not hold him accountable too much, but he did not expect him to get worse."

"Once you are aware of the problem, you must resolve it vigorously and resolutely," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "This is not a question of face, but a question of whether our Far East can continue to survive. Other regions are different. They can be chaotic, but we can't. Since the military committee system is effective in maintaining military discipline and purging discipline, we should erect it again. What is the original pamphlet in the army? Ah, "Code of Ethics for Construction"? , Ten, I remember clearly, when I was put in the black prison, I read it carefully."

Hearing Guo Shouyun say "dark prison", a flushed smile flashed across Nina's face.

"Since it is effective, it will be re-printed and distributed. The necessary military commissioners can also be re-appointed. Just like this, the power can be re-distributed. Some people in the province complain all day long because their seats are too low." Guo Shouyun said.

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