Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 578: The first person to fight against corruption

? Guo Shouyun's remarks attracted Sijakhov's silence, but also brought Nina's joy. A woman is not a scheming person. She doesn't know how to mix her emotions and anger, and she doesn't care about it. To pay attention, therefore, the joy was brought on her face and revealed in her eyes. /w/

"Shouyun," Sijakhov said after a long silence, "Speaking of which, I understand the situation of the troops better than you. This military committee system is indeed effective, but it cannot be called a panacea, especially In the current social situation, everything that is legal is linked to poverty, and everything that is illegal is linked to wealth. Whether it is for ordinary people or a soldier in the army, the role of money is obviously above everything else, and the education of ideas does not matter. The temptation of money cannot be resisted, so in my opinion, even if the military commissar system is restored, it can only play a temporary role through deterrence, and it is impossible to cure the root cause."

"The general is right," Nina said with a bit of disappointment as the joy in her eyes faded, "Army discipline is like a long embankment built in front of the waves. It's easy to break it down, but you can think It's quite difficult to rebuild it."

"I also understand this principle," Guo Shouyun said, fiddling with the pen holder, "but don't forget, it is better to treat the symptoms than not to cure them. For the current middle and lower-level officers of the military region, especially for those ordinary soldiers, if there is a deterrent The existence of , presumably can still have a certain effect. Well, there is no need to think more about this matter, I have already decided." Put down the pen holder in his hand. Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said, "For the time being, the military commissioner system has been restored to the division-level system, and personnel can be considered for promotion from the grass-roots units at the corresponding level, with no qualifications or no recommendation, but two key points must be guaranteed: first. Personality, I need every one of them to have personality and understand what it means to be shameful. Second, they are young adults who were born in the Far East and grew up in the Far East, and are only forty years old. As for other places, you can decide for yourself. ."

What department is temporarily responsible for the military commissar system? Is it the staff or the command? "Sijakhov hesitated for a moment and asked a question that was quite crucial to him.

"Don't be careful about this." Guo Shouyun naturally knew the old man's intention, he shook his head and smiled, "It's not time for you to fight for power, anyway, it's Cao Jian, if you don't mind the trouble, then Leave it to your staff to manage it. But I want to talk about the ugly first, six months, at most six months, if you don't get results after six months, you can hand it over to me. I'll find someone else to take charge ."

"Then I have no opinion," said Sijakhov with a relaxed expression on his face. Isn't it just six months. It's easy to say that the soldiers and low-level officers in the army may be really undisciplined, but they also know what "death" is and what kind of people can't be offended. Otherwise, why wouldn't the major who likes to mess around with flowers and troubles? To provoke Nina? without it. Just because these rambunctious soldiers have a bottom line in their hearts. Under such circumstances, as long as the military region re-establishes the original system of military commissars, those veterans will have to be timid when they meet the "political commissars" just by virtue of their prestige in the past long years. At that time, let's kill the chickens and warn the monkeys again, find out two examples, and rectify them ruthlessly, and the results will not come out?

"Okay, then let's go." Finally, the mess in the military region was finished. Guo Shouyun's mood also relaxed, and he winked at Nina. Then he waved his hand and said to Sijakhov.

"Well," standing up from the sand, Sijakhov put on his general's hat and smiled, "Shouyun, do your job, I'll go back and deal with those three bastards. As for what you said just now, I will also make arrangements for it as soon as possible, don't worry."

"I'll go too," Nina said, turning a blind eye to her husband's eyes, she followed closely behind Sijakhov and walked out the door, saying, "These three guys are under my management, I don't care what I say. To deal with it in person.”

Originally, Guo Shouyun planned to let his wife stay, and he also knew that his wife would definitely feel uncomfortable after such a thing happened today. Therefore, he deliberately took time to comfort her, but now it seems that this plan has failed.

"Go back early in the evening. I'll wait for you to eat together." He glared at the woman fiercely. Guo Shouyun smiled helplessly.

"It's over?" Almost Nina and the others left. Yelena entered the office on her hind foot. Following Guo Shouyun's side for this period of time. She always tries her best to avoid meeting the "Mrs. The purpose is to reduce embarrassment. A woman's intuition is very accurate. From the moment I saw Nina on the first day. She knew that this woman was aware of her ambiguous relationship with her man.

A kick of the leg. It sits comfortably on the desk. Guo Shouyun lit a cigarette for himself. Said with a light smile. "Things are far less complicated than expected. That woman is very knowledgeable."

"Haha. It doesn't seem appropriate to describe it as being aware of current affairs. It can only be said that it is helpless. There is no choice. Just like me back then." He came over. He sat directly on the corner of Guo Shouyun's desk. Elena laughed.

"It seems that you are in a good mood today." He glanced at the woman. Guo Shouyun was a little puzzled. He felt that this woman seemed to have a soft spot for his desk. Every time two people get along. She likes to sit at the table. "How. Do you have any good news for me?"

"There is good news. But it's not for you. It's for me." Yelena twitched her legs. Both calves curled up on the table. Shaking his shoulders. said.

"Oh, let's hear it," Guo Shouyun said casually, leaning on the back of the chair, rotating the whole chair, "For us, what else is there to share with each other? Your good news is my good news. ."

"My plan has moved forward a step further," Yelena said with a smile, "I think, it won't be long before another enemy of mine will fall down in dismay. You say, is this a good news?"

"You mean Barannikov?" Guo Shouyun frowned and said, "Has he fallen into your trap?"

"Let's put it this way," Ye Liena's mouth curved into a 20 degree upward arc. After getting along for such a long time, Guo Shouyun knew that this was a subtle movement that is very characteristic of women. Whenever she made this movement , it means that 100% confidence already exists in her heart.

"Look, this is the news that the Moscow club just gave me at noon today." He groped his pocket and took out a neatly folded piece of paper. Yelena folded it open and handed it to Guo Shouyun, smiling. Said, "Look at it, I believe you can use it too."

"Good news?" Guo Shouyun took the letter and didn't look at it directly, he asked casually.

"It may not be good news for you." Yelena said with a smile.

Guo Shouyun didn't say anything else, because the contents of the letter had already made him understand everything.

It can be seen that Guo Shouyun is not the only one who realizes the seriousness of the federal government problem. The core of power in Moscow has also begun to pay more attention to this problem. Guo Shouyun saw this sign on the letter sent by Yelena.

After all, Moscow is different from the Far East. In the Far East, there is no powerful department specializing in the problem of official corruption. in the end. For example, in Khabarovsk, the censorship bureau and the branch of the anti-corruption committee, which are nominally under the jurisdiction of Moscow, have long since been merged into one agency, and the entire department has only 33 full-time employees. People, at the same time, they don't have any command over the police department. Under such circumstances, unless the corrupt official surrendered himself and put himself in prison quite consciously, otherwise, anti-corruption can only become empty talk.

But in other parts of the Federation, the situation is quite different from the Far East. In those places, whether it is the supervisory agency or the corruption fighting committee, their power is very large. At the same time, these departments have potential corruption problems. Also quite serious. As Guo Shouyun said, the establishment of these institutions is nothing more than creating more corrupt officials and creating more opportunities for corrupt black hands.

Perhaps aware of the seriousness of the corruption problem in the federal government, the top government officials with the White House decided to set up a "strong anti-corruption" post that is above all key government departments and supervises them and is only responsible to the prime minister. ".

"Post?" Yes, that's right, it's a post. In other words, this power will be held by one person, and from this point of view, this decision is definitely a "milestone" government decision that has never been seen before. Looking at the world, it seems that such a government strongman has never appeared.

"A post?" Looking at the contents of the letter in his hand, Guo Shouyun suddenly had a feeling of crying and laughing. He raised his head, glanced at the woman on the table, and said with a wry smile, "What does this mean? Playing a house with mud and mud? "

"It's weird, isn't it?" Yelena hugged her knees, her chin resting on her knees, and smiled lightly, "Actually, there's no fuss about this. Are there still few jokes? Not to mention that they want to give such a lot of power to a person, even if they arrange a dog to take up this position, I will not feel the slightest surprise."

"Haha, the first person in the Federation to fight corruption and corruption seems to be a big name." Putting the letter on the table, Guo Shouyun rubbed his chin and smiled.

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