Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 576: lure

"Go to work," standing at the door of the interrogation room, Guo Shouyun took off the fine velvet scarf around his neck and handed it to a lawyer next to him. Both things are done well, I'm very optimistic about you, don't let me down. qb5."

"Yes, yes, yes, please rest assured, Mr. Guo." A surprise flashed across the fat police officer's face. He grabbed the windbreaker Guo Shouyun had just taken off, carefully hung it on the hanger at the door, and said repeatedly.

"Go," Guo Shouyun finally said, turned around, took out a cigarette case lighter from his pocket, and walked straight to the interrogation table.

"Miss Koichina, right?" With a "pop", he threw the cigarette case on the table, Guo Shouyun grabbed the chair, and sat generously opposite the woman, first lit a cigarette for himself, and then said, "Do you smoke?"

The woman raised her head and glanced at him, her lips wriggling twice with a bruised purple mouth, but she didn't speak.

"Don't smoke? Haha, it's good not to smoke. This thing is poisonous. If you touch it too much, you might die from it one day." Facing the woman's silence, Guo Shouyun didn't seem to mind at all, he spit out a mouthful of green Yan, said with a smile, "Okay, I don't want to say more nonsense outside the topic, um, do you know who I am?"

The woman lowered her head and still did not give an answer, but Guo Shouyun, who was sitting opposite, noticed that she was crying, two crystal tears dripped from her chin, and fell tremblingly on the smooth table, forming two A semi-circular raised little water. ===

As a student at the National Humanities University, Koichina is not like those illiterate village women. Of course she knows who this black-yellow-skinned, imposing young man is. In the current Far East, the Mafia does not It's scary, and the army and police aren't scary either. The most scary thing is the person in front of you. If you want to ask what else is in the Far East, the person in front of you can't do it. That question is not easy to answer. Likewise, she knew something. That is, since this person has come forward, this matter must be calmed down today, and there is no need to continue to make trouble. It's no use fussing.

"Hehe, it seems that I asked a superfluous question." Guo Shouyun was not moved by the woman's two tears. Guo Shouyun knew that this was a good phenomenon. What is the purpose of your visit.

"Okay." He tapped on the table with two fingers. ===Guo Shouyun continued: "Let's make a long story short, first of all, I want to express my sympathy for your misfortune, after all, for you. Yesterday should have been a hard night, and no one wants something like this. Appearing on myself, in the same way, I don't want this kind of thing to happen in Khabarovsk, under my nose. But then again, it has already happened after all, it has become an irreversible fact, then What should we think about now? Obviously. We should think about how to solve the problem. How to avoid further escalation, how to avoid causing a series of bad effects."

With a strong sob, Koichina raised her head abruptly, she lifted the ground in front of her forehead, and for the first time summoned up the courage to meet Guo Shouyun's gaze.

"Hehe, don't stare at me like this," Guo Shouyun immediately sensed the meaning in the woman's eyes. It was a kind of stubbornness and frankness, a dazzling stubbornness, and a very blatant frankness. To be honest, if it were an ordinary person. , In the face of this kind of gaze, bad intentions will feel a very violent conscience impact. However... this thing has long been ineffective for him, Guo Shouyun, he can look at this woman for a whole day, and he will not remember what conscience is. ^^^^ He came this time not to seek justice for anyone, nor to help the weak, of course, nor to protect the interests of anyone. His only purpose is to calm the situation, in order to achieve this goal. , he will use any means.

"Miss Koichina should not be the kind of person who doesn't understand reality and can't see the problem clearly," Guo Shouyun said with a light smile after taking a breath, "I believe you can understand the meaning of what I said just now. It's very simple, I Now I don't want to let this matter continue, and I don't want to see you stalking this issue. You are a person who is receiving higher education and should understand what similar social problems mean. The current social situation in the Far East Although the appearance is peaceful, there are still many crises behind the scenes, the recovery of the economy and the stability of the order all need..."

"Mr. Guo, I'm just a graduating student, a woman with no power and no qualifications to participate in politics. You don't need to talk to me about these lofty arguments," the woman said in a hoarse voice, biting her thin pink lips. , "I know how much power you have in the Far East, and I know that the issues you consider are very high and far. But those are all your problems, the problems of your kind of people, it has nothing to do with me, I just want to know , Is there any need for federal laws to exist? Or, is there any justice in the Far East?"

"Hehe, it can be seen that Miss Koichina is a thoughtful person," smiled, Guo Shouyun scratched his nose and said, "The question you asked makes it difficult for me to answer, of course, I don't want to Answer, I just want to know now, what do you want? You can make your request, no matter what it is, as long as I can accept it, I will do it for you. Well, you can take this as a kind of Compensation can also be regarded as the axiom that you deserve, but what I want to tell you is that this matter has to calm down, and if you continue to make trouble, you will not only gain nothing, but even lose more. For this, I hope you can think it through."

"I understand," Koichina looked at Guo Shouyun's eyes changed, the initial stubbornness and frankness turned into naked despair and contempt. She nodded and said in a more hoarse voice, "Mr. Guo also wanted me to accept a sum of money, and then let go of those three... three beasts, then shrink my neck and make one A poor **** who swallows his voice?"

As she said this, the woman's emotions became more and more excited. She stood up from the chair, tore off the front collar of the light gray trench coat on her body, and in front of Guo Shouyun, lifted up the thin wool sweater and breast milk inside. In white underwear, revealing her curvaceous half body, she cried, "Then I have to ask Mr. Guo, how much do you think such humiliation should cost a woman to pay for?"

As Guo Shouyun first judged, the woman's figure is very good, flat and slightly concave belly, plump and pear-shaped, every part is a perfect detail, but now this The perfection was obviously destroyed by human beings. This half-naked body was densely covered with bruised and purple teeth marks, and there were even bloodstains. === Guo Shouyun could see it at a glance, the bloodstain was beaten out by the military belt with the standard of the soldiers of the military region.

Glancing at the woman's half-naked body, Guo Shouyun's smile remained the same, but in his heart, the deep murderous intent rose up invisibly. To be honest, this murderous intention did not come from sympathy for women. More accurately, it should be a kind of jealousy. He pondered that he had not enjoyed this kind of tempting "technical work" himself. Those three The **** who caused trouble for himself, but he did it one step ahead, and the target he chose was so high-level, this is really... Uncle can't bear it anymore.

"Miss Koichina, you can sit down and talk," rubbing his chin, Guo Shouyun smiled, "I think you have misunderstood some issues. I have no intention of covering up for your misfortune. , and I didn't plan to let this matter go away. Oh, in fact, you should be able to guess that since I'm sitting here today, I won't just use money to solve the problem. Just imagine, if I really plan to use money to solve the problem , do I still need to come in person?"

A hint of doubt flashed in Koichina's eyes, and she put down her clothes and sat back in the chair.

"What I said just now means that you can make requests, whatever you want," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "For example, I know that you have an older brother who works in the Magadan city government. Is he looking for a better future? As long as you bring it up and are willing to give up on this issue, then I can use my credit to guarantee that he will get a lot of what he wants. Also, you are about to Going out of the campus, this will be the beginning of another life, don't you plan to get more and better exhibition opportunities after graduation? You can also put forward requirements in this regard. As long as it is in the Far East, I can give you the place you want to go, the job you want to do, and the advantage you want to have. The premise is still one, give up the investigation of what happened last night. Think about it, this kind of opportunity is not Anyone can get it."

In the face of the man's "successful and persuasive" guidance, Koichina was silent, her eyes that were originally full of stubbornness showed confusion, and she was completely confused.

Guo Shouyun smiled very kindly, and looked like a long-term worthy of everyone's respect. As a person with abundant power and wealth resources in his hands, he is now certain that this woman will bow to him, let alone make her forget. What happened last night, even if she **** her for a while now, she would make concessions in the end.

axiom? Oh, don't forget, this is two words in Chinese, "gong" and "li" are separate, more often, "gong" can't find "li".

"Miss Koichina, you are very beautiful. As a woman, you have the greatest talent for success." Gently extinguishing the cigarette **** in his hand, Guo Shouyun stood up from the chair, threw a business card on the table, and smiled. said, "Now, you still need a smart mind to make the most shrewd choice. Think about it carefully, think about it clearly, you can come to me at any time."

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