Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 575: Police Headquarters

?A seemingly ordinary criminal incident did not need Guo Shouyun to deal with it personally, but in the eyes of this Far Eastern strongman, this matter is not so simple. A whole bunch of problems, even a crisis of some sort. . qb5, c0m

As the two major military presences in the Far East, the Far East Military Region and the Pacific Fleet, especially the huge border defense system under the Far East Military Region, have experienced the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the long-term turmoil in Russia, and the entire range of the Far East. After the erosion, the loosening of military discipline and the floating of military morale have not been rectified in time. All of these constitute the direct cause of this incident.

In today's Far East, Guo Shouyun can be afraid of nothing or anything, but he is full of worries about social conflicts. For this reason, he must immediately respond to any threat close to this aspect. eliminated within.

After having a hastily lunch at the group headquarters, Guo Shouyun took two lawyers from the group early and rushed to the Khabarovsk Police Headquarters. He had to rush before the whole appeasement work was fully launched. , and do the work of the murdered girl well.

The Khabarovsk City Police Department can be regarded as a government agency of the Far East Security Department to a certain extent. It is located in the former headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Far East. It is reasonable to say that a department like this is usually The work intensity of the police should be very high, but the reality today is that the more than 14,000 police officers who belong to this place have nothing to do on weekdays. Many of the functional jobs that originally belonged to them have been taken away by Shana Riva's gang in the past two years. Generally, the big case has not been dispatched by the police, and the gang has come forward to settle it. As for small cases. It doesn't seem worth mentioning at all.

Because of this, when Guo Shouyun brought people to the police headquarters, what he saw in front of him. It was a "prosperous and peaceful scene". In the reception hall of the General Administration Building, the police officers who had just put on their winter uniforms had nothing to do, clustered together in piles, doing everything.

It was the wealthy police officer who came forward to receive Guo Shouyun and his party this morning, taking advantage of the noon time. Guo Shouyun also learned a little about the situation of the police station. He knew that this fat police officer was the deputy chief of the Khabarovsk police station. As for the chief, Kulesov, he was on vacation right now. Frankly speaking, Guo Shouyun still somewhat likes this fat police officer, partly because of his performance in the morning, and partly because he has a Chinese-sounding name- --- Shilev.

The moment Guo Shouyun walked into the reception hall, it was a noisy hall. It was quiet in an instant, and the police officers who had nothing to do seemed to have found their jobs in an instant. One by one, they sneaked back to their seats quietly, and then they either worked hard, or buried themselves in thought, in short, no one was idle - no wonder they were so pretentious, you know. These people earn a high salary of nearly 3,000 rubles per month, which is all paid by the Guo Group. At the same time, more than 40% of the 100th police officers in the entire hall are gang members. In their eyes, Guo Shouyun is not only the financial east, but also the "boss".

Compared with the trembling performance of the police officers, Guo Shouyun seemed quite generous. He wasn't even interested in taking a second look at these people. In his view, the entire Russian Federation is included in the Far East. There are not many good police officers who can be put on the table right now. The gang is a nest of snakes and rats, and these police officers are a nest of snakes and rats. The only difference between the two is that they have an additional "job certificate".

"Where is the person?" Guo Shouyun asked directly without a word of nonsense in the face of Shilev, who was in a hurry to greet him.

"Ah, here, in the fourth interrogation room," Shilev naturally knew who the "boss" was asking. He took off the police cap from his head, put it under his arm, and replied respectfully.

"Where did this girl come from? Who else is at home? Have you been in touch?" He motioned for the other party to lead the way. Guo Shouyun walked towards the inner corridor. asked while.

before coming here. He had a special discussion with two lawyers from the group. According to the lawyer to say. Now want to work on the victim's side. It is necessary to avoid contact with family members as much as possible. Otherwise, the words. With family support. She entangled with determination will be greater. If you can isolate her from contact with her family. At the same time. Give her some more tempting conditions. By the way add a little threat like "additional agent". A little girl under 20 years old. No matter how stubborn she is. How much noise can it make.

"I have already investigated." A smug look flashed across Shilev's face. he said confidently. "This girl's name is Koichina. She is from Magadan. Her parents own a fishing factory in Magadan. The family's income is not low. A family of four. Served as an ordinary employee in the Magadan city government.”

Speaking of which. Shilev stopped. He led Guo Shouyun to the elevator. I clicked on the button on the third floor. Only then did he continue: "Before. Considering Mr.'s instructions. We intend to reduce the impact as much as possible. So we got in touch with the Magadan City Police Department. We temporarily blocked her contact with her home. Therefore, so far. Her family should still be able to recover. No news."

"Well done." Guo Shouyun found that he liked this fat police officer more and more. He reached out and patted the other person's shoulder. He turned his head and smiled at the two lawyers who were following him. "Well. If everyone were like Mr. Shilev. Then I guess it would be a lot easier."

"Sir said yes." The two lawyers were only employees of the Guo family. They have a great reputation. But not to the point of daring to go against the big boss Guo.

"Well, I think so," Guo Shouyun raised a finger and said as the elevator stopped with a "ding", "You mentioned just now that this Koichina's brother is working in the Magadan city government. , you can take advantage of this. You can contact Magadan immediately to find out what kind of person her brother is. Well, if he is determined to pursue a career in politics, then it will be easy. If today If the problem can't be solved, let him come forward to do it, I think he should be a smart person and know how to choose."

"Yes, sir, I'll make arrangements in a moment." Shilev nodded in a panic and responded.

"Which side?" During the conversation, several people came to a fork in the corridor. Guo Shouyun was worth stopping to ask because of the previous step.

"Sir, please come here, it's in the fourth interrogation room," Shirev hurried a step, walked around to Guo Shouyun's right, raised his hand and said.

"Has her mood stabilized now?" Under the leadership of the fat police officer, Guo Shouyun walked into the interrogation room. Guo Shouyun found that the environment here is similar to those of the western interrogation rooms seen on TV. There are two Jin-style rooms inside and outside, a one-way transparent of large glass windows. Through this glass window, you can see that in the room inside, there is a woman in a double-breasted trench coat sitting at the square table, her waist-length brown hair looks a little messy, covering half of it. The face, so I can't see the specific appearance, but what can be seen is that the girl has a good figure, and the thighs that are placed under the table are straight and slender. Standing in front of the glass window, Guo Shouyun glanced inside and asked casually.

"It's basically stabilized," Shilev hesitated.

"What do you mean basically stabilized?" Guo Shouyun frowned and said, "Do you think this is a math problem?"

"Oh, it should be said that there is nothing serious, but she refuses to eat, saying that she will not wait until the three murderers are dealt with..." Shilev said cautiously.

"I see," Guo Shouyun understood before the police officer could finish his sentence. It can be seen that this little girl is a little bit fearless of power, which is a rare exception among women in the Russian Federation at present. But it's a pity... this thing can only blame her for her bad fate.

"Open the door," turning around, Guo Shouyun walked straight to the door leading to the inner room, waved his hand and said, "Also, go prepare some food, which is of a higher grade, don't let those messy pig food come in."

"Yes, sir," Shilev nodded hurriedly, and at the same time stepped forward and opened the tightly locked iron door.

The sound of the door disturbed the woman who was sitting silently in the room. She raised her head and glanced at the door with a blank expression, then she lowered her head, and there was no movement.

"The three beasts are quite picky," Guo Shouyun felt a little angry at the momentary glance. Frankly speaking, there are also many students from the National Humanities University in his secret office, but unfortunately, the unfortunate woman in front of them is obviously more advanced than them, but it's a pity...

Guo Shouyun is still a man after all, and his thoughts can't get rid of the "misunderstanding" that most men like about beauty and ugliness. If the unfortunate woman in front of him is ugly or ordinary, he will at best come in and say a few words. , promise a few benefits, plus a little threat, this matter is over, if the other party is ignorant, he even has a more sinister and extreme way to deal with it. But at the moment, his mind has changed a lot invisibly with the stunning glance.

Of course, this does not mean that he has any bad thoughts. In his current position, he is very picky about women, not to mention having a virgin complex. A kind of sympathy, a kind of sympathy in regret.

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