Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 574: face and law

? What lawsuit? The lawsuit, which was beyond Guo Shouyun's expectations, could also be said to be a civil-military dispute. \\

In a reception room on the fourth floor of the headquarters building, Guo Shouyun met the three-way negotiators who came to fight against him: General Sijahov from the Far East Military Region, and his wife Nina, who had just been promoted to major general. On one side, it was Maximov, the president of Khabarovsk State Humanities University, and on the last side were the two heads of the Khabarovsk Police Department.

As for the specific content of their lawsuit, Guo Shouyun became angry as soon as he heard it. He could not wait to find out the three scumbags hidden in the army immediately.

Just last night, a major officer of the garrison of the military region was drunk and crazy, along with his guards and drivers, on the Khabarovsk Shereshe Street, he walked away a handsome young girl, and then dragged him directly. Returning to the military camp carried out cruel and inhumane actions on others. As a result, this girl is still a student at the National Humanities University. This morning, after the little girl was kicked out of the barracks by three guys, she went directly to the city police station and called the police. But for something like this, the Khabarovsk police have no right to dispatch police force to arrest people directly, so the police department even coaxed and persuaded the little girl to return to school after making a record.

It didn't take a few hours for this incident to cause a sensation within the National Humanities University. A large number of indignant students gathered and clamored to go to the Far East Military Region to seek justice, and finally alarmed the school. As a last resort, the school came forward and with the assistance of the police, got in touch with the military area and asked the military to give a positive solution.

To be honest, when the National Humanities University first got in touch with the military area, the senior military officials did not get a report. Things like this were trivial in the past. It is impossible for characters like Sijahoff and the others to come forward to deal with such "bullshit". Under normal circumstances, it is a department under the military region to come forward to solve the problem. The only way is to lose some money, and then simply deal with the accident and it will pass.

But today it was a little troublesome. The victim girl was from a wealthy background, and her family was rich, and her temperament was a bit stubborn. The military region offered a discount of 100,000 rubles, which was disliked by others. No matter what you say, you must seek justice.

From ten o'clock in the morning, more than 6,000 students at the National Humanities University went on strike. If it wasn't for the school's repression, these angry students would have marched on the streets long ago.

"You've got a lot of skills," Guo Shouyun roared while circling in the reception room angrily, "You dare to slap people in the street?! I don't dare to do such a thing, that **** major, Who gave him such courage?!"

"Shouyun, now is not the time to be angry." Nina also felt quite a headache about today's incident, so it stands to reason. The garrison of the military region is under her jurisdiction, which means that the major who committed the crime is her soldier. If according to her idea, there is only one way for these three guys to go, and that is to be shot. You must know that the discipline of the military is far stricter than local laws and regulations. For those who commit **** and criminal offenses, the issuance of military registration is light, and in more cases, it is often a severe sentence.

The soldiers of the army are often "strong men", they are members of the most violent institutions of the state, and if they commit crimes, the harm caused is far greater than the threat of an ordinary criminal, because of this. The country established military courts. Separate troop discipline from local laws, with severe penalties. Vigilance on the personal conduct of soldiers.

But then again. The army is a whole after all. They want to see the local military and civilians speak in harmony. I don't want to see any cases that will damage the face of the army. Like this one pot thing today. Although everyone knew that those three guys deserved a heavy sentence. But in order to take care of the ground of the entire military region. The general refers to the hope that the big things can be made small. No small things. It's better to be able to spend the money to settle things.

But God does not want it. The emotions at the National Humanities University could not be calmed down. The school is under enormous pressure. Had to bite the bullet and stand up for justice. Because the police can't intervene. Don't have the guts to intervene. so. As the principal, Maximov brought the lawsuit to Guo Shouyun.

"What we should be thinking about now. How to solve the problem as soon as possible. To prevent the situation from getting worse." Nina said softly.

"Solution? Is this difficult to solve?" Two steps back and forth. Guo Shouyun lit a cigarette for himself. said with a frown. "Shoot as soon as you shoot. Pay where you should. Apologize where you should. No one can go. Is there any problem?"

"But then you also need to consider the face of the military region." Sijahoff obviously did not agree with his irresponsible statement. "Now the situation in the Far East is generally stable. The military region needs to have more and more prestige. Those bastards. If it is normal, I would be happy to drag them to the street and kill them myself. But the problem now is. We can't Pull it out for a public trial. That is extremely detrimental to establishing the image of the military region. Besides. Our military exercises with the Americans will start soon. If this incident occurs, I am afraid that the Americans will see a joke. "

Sijahoff is right. Guo Shouyun can naturally understand. frankly speaking. In the current situation. Expose any negative news that is unfavorable to the Far East Military Region. Neither is a good thing. Just imagine. If this thing gets slapped by someone with a heart. Even made it known. Moscow took the opportunity to order. Rectify the military discipline of the Far East Military Region. And replace some generals. What will the result be? no doubt. Because of the support of the Far East public opinion. Guo Shouyun will be in a very passive position.

"A bunch of bastards! The sperms don't know how to live or die!" Guo Shouyun scolded the cigarette he had just smoked on the ground, and then turned to ask, "Is the school's perimeter control ready? ?"

"It's under control," said the two guys from the police station, "We dispatched nearly 200 plain-clothed police officers an hour ago, and we stopped all those foreign media reporters who heard the wind. I believe that except for our No one can enter except people."

"Finally, I did the right thing," Guo Shouyun took a breath and said. A similar thing happened. If you want to calm it down, the first thing to do is to control public opinion. Although the Guo Group controls the media of public opinion in the entire Far East, the media operating in Khabarovsk is not only in the Far East. local. During this time, with the economic recovery of the Far East, media from all over the Commonwealth and even some foreign countries have set up record stations here. If this incident is reported by them, it is obvious that there is little chance of calming the situation and reducing the big issue.

"Mr. Guo, in fact, it's not impossible to settle this matter now," the guy who looked rich and pockmarked among the two police officers stepped forward, stood beside Guo Shouyun and whispered, "We are today When we collected evidence for that woman in the morning, we had erased all the verifiable evidence on her body. If the husband approves, we can find three scapegoats and put all the charges on them. If they are charged with impersonating a soldier, then this matter is not much of a problem, at least, the problems in the military area can be solved."

"Well, you are so **** talented," Guo Shouyun thought with joy, "It's clear that this idea was planned long ago, but you didn't say it until the end, lest I don't remember it for you. Good work."

"Are you sure all the evidence has been erased?" Guo Shouyun narrowed his eyes, glanced at the fat police officer beside him, and asked in a cold tone.

"Don't worry, Mr. Guo, I've been a police officer for 30 years. I've dealt with hundreds of cases like this. I know where there might be clues, so..." The fat police officer smiled confidently. Dao, "The problem now is that the three scapegoats are not easy to find. As long as there is a top culprit, we can invite the media to jointly investigate at any time, and push all the guilt on others."

"What do you mean?" Turning his head, Guo Shouyun glanced at the representatives of the other two parties and asked in a deep voice.

"This method is feasible," Sijakhov nodded and said, "In this way, not only can we get rid of the negative impact on the military region, but also improve it to some extent..."

"Ascension, promotion, let's not talk about this aspect now, go back and take care of your troops' discipline first, I tell you, something like this, only this time, the next time it happens, I don't care about your influence or not. Yes." Before waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Guo Shouyun said impatiently.

"What about you, Mr. Maximov, do you think there is any problem?" Turning his head, Guo Shouyun said to Maximov who was the principal.

"Mr. Guo can just look at the arrangement, I just hope that everything will return to normal and sighed and said.

"Okay, let's deal with it this way," waving his hand, Guo Shouyun said in a distraught, "you have three things right away: first, immediately spread the news that someone is impersonating a soldier to stabilize the situation on the campus; second, give I invited the victimized girl over, I want to talk to her in person and try to stabilize her mentality as much as possible; third, the three **** will be detained immediately for me, as for how to deal with it, I will think about it later. As for the scapegoat You don't have to worry about it, I will arrange for Shanariva to do it."

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