Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 573: litigate

"It's really cold today," Guo Shouyun tightened the fine woolen scarf around his neck and wrapped the black mink velvet windbreaker around him. The cold-faced woman walking beside her said. \\

Turning a deaf ear to the boss, Avrolla caressed a dead leaf that fell on her shoulders, and looked up at the gloomy sky, as if she was estimating the time, and she seemed to be... silently asking the sky.

Since the human bomb attack a week ago, Polaninov has added some new blood to Guo Shouyun's close bodyguard team, and Avrora, a former Interpol and now a professional killer, was killed by Sasha. Naliva was stuffed into the bodyguard team and became Guo Shouyun's closest "guardian".

Guo Shouyun doesn't have any feelings for this woman who has been right to him and has been to Beijing to protect him. Therefore, every time he talks to her, he intends to get some answers from her. This woman is A walking corpse with body temperature, she knows when to lie on the bed with big legs as a woman, and when to riot and act as a weapon of slaughter and attack. That's enough, it's enough, Guo Shouyun likes such bodyguards.

The newly built house has been expanded a lot during this period of time. In addition to the small villa located within the entire meadow fence, on the Yong Road outside the main entrance, there is also a small racetrack surrounded by it---- This is Clara's territory. In addition to playing with weapons, this sturdy woman likes to ride horses. This hobby has not diminished in the slightest even after she became pregnant.

At this moment, in the small racetrack, Clara, who was wearing a tight-fitting horse training suit, was trotting round and round the pine fence with a white colt. The name of this white horse is "Bean Grass". It was given by Shoucheng, such a rustic name, on this purebred Pabhu horse worth 270,000 US dollars. It's really a bit disgusting. It is estimated that such a thing that hurts the scenery can be done.

"Well, she's a really good woman." Guo Shouyun's car was parked more than ten meters away from the racecourse. Before getting in the car, he looked in the direction of Clara for a long time. Then, when I got into the car, Lengzi came out with such a big nonsense, "It is said that women with big ** and thin waists are easy to raise, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this, a dewy marriage after drinking, It can give her hope that she is not an alcoholic child, otherwise. My old Guo family bloodline will be out of shape."

Guo Shouyun came here today with a purpose. His younger brother has been a little "outrageous" recently. Since his wedding, he has gone to the import and export trading company less and less, and most of his energy has been put on Li Shengyan, a firewood girl. Men, it is normal to be addicted to the forbidden fruit for the first time, but the time of being addicted should not be too long. When he got into the car, Guo Shouyun was still pondering, he couldn't understand what was attractive about Li Shengyan, the whole body was dry and shriveled, not **** at all, a woman like her, even if she was naked, she ran hundreds of times in front of him. After ten laps, it was difficult for Guo Shouyun to be interested, but his precious brother. Hey. Radish and greens, each has its own love.

"Sir. Where are we going?" The driver who had been waiting in the car turned back and smiled while watching Guo Shouyun swayingly into the car.

"Go back to the headquarters," Guo Shouyun said with a wave of his hand.

"Okay," the driver agreed. He quickly moved the car, drove straight out of the main entrance of the villa, and turned onto the street leading to the headquarters of the group.

"Walking through the forest. Crossing the snowfield. The air is so strong..." There was a woman with a frosty face and a pretty peach blossom sitting beside her. The atmosphere in the car was still overdone. Looking at the street scene flying backwards and backwards out of the car window. Guo Shouyun stroked the woman's inner thigh wrapped in tight leather pants with one hand. One side opened his throat. Here comes a seriously out of tune "Taking Tiger Mountain".

"Mr. is in a good mood today." It was hard to wait until he finished singing a paragraph. The driver in front smiled without looking back. "How is it. Is there any good news from Mr. Shoucheng?"

"He. It's good that he doesn't give me a headache." The woman's thighs were slender and straight. Can touch but not the slightest pleasure. The smooth leather pants were rigid. It doesn't feel as elastic and delicate as a woman's skin should be. Bored withdrew his big hand. Guo Shouyun shook his head and said. "We've been married for a month. I still can't settle down to work. Are women so obsessed with him?"

"Hey." The driver in front laughed dryly. There is no interface. He felt that his boss was a typical example of standing and talking without backache. There are only two women by his side. And one of them is still having an affair with him. But the boss himself. I don't know how much I've changed before and after.

"Turn on the radio for me." He ignored the thoughts of his driver. Guo Shouyun lit a cigarette. The old **** was leaning on the soft seat on the ground. Said with a wave of his hand. "Listen to the tidbits in Moscow."

"Sir. No amount of lace news in Moscow. I'm afraid it won't be as bright as our Khabarovsk magazine." The driver turned on the radio. Transferred to the Khabarovsk local stage. Simultaneously laughed. "Sir, I'm afraid you don't know yet. Now we are talking about this topic in the streets. The newly released "Sports Club" was sold out as soon as it came out on the market. Hehe. Fortunately, it was released early. Otherwise. can't be seen."

"Why, you plan to cheat as soon as you hug your daughter?" The noon news from Moscow was playing on the radio, and he didn't hear anything he was interested in. Guo Shouyun pulled the small safe in front of the driver's seat and took out a stack of The color-page magazines slammed into the driver's passenger seat and laughed, "As long as you have the ability to bring them home, it's all yours. Look, there are herbs in the next issue."

"Hey, forget it," the driver is a typical shy and timid, he glanced at the colorful magazines around him, scratched his scalp, and smiled dryly, "I don't want to cause trouble, I can't even go home at night. go with."

"Look at your success, what a woman has to do, you can only hold her down, not let her hold you down, do you understand?" Guo Shouyun flipped open the title page and glanced at it casually. .

Not to mention, Nikita did a very good job. The **** photos of celebrities in the magazines were **** and not obscene. They had the charm of the Russian version of "Playboy".

"Hey, this looks good," Guo Shouyun glanced at a color photo after flipping through the magazine in his hand, he nodded at the driver in front of him with his finger, and smiled, "Do you know who she is? Why? Haven't you noticed before?"

The driver turned the steering wheel and glanced at the magazine.

As Guo Shouyun said, this beautiful **** photo is very attractive. Orange light, pink background bedroom, a woman wearing only a pair of red high-heeled shoes with wraps, curled weakly on a luxurious Simmons bed. That healthy skin tone, slender calves, plump breasts, and seductive expressions all seduce men everywhere.

"I don't know who this is, hehe, Mr. should know better than me in this regard," the driver didn't dare to be careless. He glanced at the magazine, then refocused his attention on his own job, and laughed at the same time.

"I know your size." As soon as he closed the magazine, Guo Shouyun threw his hand and slapped the other person's head, and scolded with a smile, "Do you think I really want to be as ridiculous as the rumors say? To tell you the truth, their whole In the Olympic team, I only know four people, this woman...hehe, I'll ask someone someday, maybe..."

Guo Shouyun was talking here. The car had already reached the gate of the group headquarters. Across the window, he could see two military jeeps parked inside the gate, as well as several old-fashioned Volga sedans. .

"What's going on?" Guo Shouyun muttered, throwing away the magazine in his hand, "If there are cars that don't stop at the parking lot, who put them here?"

"I don't know," the driver shook his head and said nonsense. He turned the car into the door, stopped at the gate, then rolled down the window and talked to a guard with a gun who had just approached.

"It's all full of food! Do you think I have less troubles?!" The guard didn't know much, and he knew that the military region had some dispute with Khabarovsk's National Humanities University, and the two sides were pulling, Came here to file a lawsuit. Guo Shouyun was annoyed when he heard this. He felt that he was about to become a "secretary officer".

"Let the cars in front of me get out of the way," he waved his hand, and he scolded, pointing to several cars parked in the main entrance, "If you don't move away in two minutes, you'll hit them."

In fact, needless to say, the cars parked at the door have already begun to move, although those people do not know if the big boss Guo is sitting in this car, but on the ground in the Far East, this black modified gas jeep , there are only two "Mr. Guo", and it is also in the Far East, whoever blocks the way of this kind of car is undoubtedly very unwise.

It didn't take two minutes for the jeep to clear its way.

"Let's go, I'd like to see what lawsuit they're going to file." He was in a good mood all morning, and was completely depressed by this incident. Guo Shouyun held back his annoyance and reached out and patted the back of the driver's seat. said.

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