Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 572: Veterans die too

?The old man finally left.

After a rain before the winter in 1992, I came from the Great Patriotic War and witnessed the whole process of the former Soviet Union from poverty to rise, to its peak, and finally to its demise. The old general, General Xie Miao, Finally, after the last awakening, he passed away.

In fact, the death of General Xie Miao is not appropriate to describe it as "he Ran", because when he woke up from a long-term stupid state in the early morning two days ago, almost everyone realized that it was a kind of return to light. , the old man himself obviously knew this, so he used that almost indistinguishable voice to refuse the doctor to continue to check and maintain him, and asked his "little canary" to change him into a general suit, with the clothes that covered the whole The medal on his chest, and then let Guo Shouyun, his grandson-in-law, fulfill his last wish in this life.

In this way, in the early morning of the same day, before the eastern sun jumped out of the horizon, the most extraordinary flag-raising ceremony in two years was held on the training ground of the Far East Military Region.

In the three-hour preparation time, nearly 30 generals from the Far East Military Region and the Pacific Fleet all arrived. For these people, General Xie Miao may not be able to bring any power or power to himself. Even if it is half a penny, he is a symbol, a spotless, genuine military symbol, and his passing means the complete demise of the name "Soviet Red Army".

When the flag-raising ceremony officially started, the scarlet red of the rising sun in the east just flashed. Accompanied by the majestic and sonorous music of "Unbreakable Alliance", the three flagpoles standing high in the training ground of the military region slowly began to appear. Three flags were raised: the Soviet flag with a red sickle and hammer in the middle; the Soviet Red Army flag with the sickle and hammer symbols inlaid in white five-stars; and a tricolor flag of the Russian Federation.

In fact, when the flag was just raised, General Xie Miao's turbid yellow eyes were already blurred. In such an unorthodox salute, he stopped breathing forever.

The special guards who had been waiting beside the old general realized this first, and they asked Nina for instructions. I hoped to stop the ceremony and carry out the final rescue for the old general, but their request was not accepted by Nina. According to her, it was the best way to let Grandpa go with satisfaction in this situation. He has already Hold on for too long. The glory of this last scene should belong to him, and serve as the best curtain call for the end of his life.

When the three flags rose to the top of the pole when the first ray of gold was still shining in the sky, the impassioned music came to an end at the same time. Nearly 30 generals, as well as the flag bearers, flag-guarding phalanx soldiers, and ceremonial musicians in the training ground, all came together. He took off his military cap, and then, there was a long silence in the Nuoda Square - this was not out of flattery to Guo Shouyun's authority, but a kind of soldier's deepest recognition that it was a new generation of soldiers. Russian soldiers, a tribute to the previous generation of Red Army veterans.

The funeral of the old general was arranged on the third day after his death. According to his request during his lifetime, his cemetery was chosen at the veteran cemetery in the northern suburbs of Gongqingcheng, and there was no stele and biography. Not even a solemn ceremony was held, just a blue-gray slate paving the floor, and the coffin was placed under it.

On the day when the old general’s funeral was officially held, many guests came from the Far East: from the military, from the current Defense Minister Shaposhnikov to the chief generals of the 6th Navy and Air Force staff, to several major military regions in Russia, The chief general of the four major fleets; from the political world. Including Lao Yetou himself, Hasbulatov, Rutskoy to Zyuganov, etc.; military figures from the former Soviet republics, almost all of them are commanders who now hold great power; Some World War II veterans in Germany, these people are the old general's opponents on the battlefield, and they are also old friends who have been friends for a long time in the decades after the war... And among all these people, the most eye-catching is undoubtedly Yazuo Several incident leaders, including Husband, Kryuchkov, and others, after hearing the news of General Semyon's death, they specially submitted an application to the federal prosecutor's office, requesting to attend the funeral. After coordination in Moscow, the Federal Supreme Prosecutor's Office finally approved their application. Thus making them the last group of elites in the former Soviet Union. There is a chance to appear at the funeral of the old general. General Xie Miao passed away, making Guo Shouyun in regret. There was also a little more sadness. Recalling MacArthur's famous saying: Veterans never die, they just fade away. For the first time in his life, he felt the error of this sentence.

Veterans are not immortal. Their passing is not a simple "fading" can be summed up. History is evolving. Times are changing. People's ideas are also changing subtly. When a generation thinks and their ideas. After sinking completely in the glaciers of history. The new generation will have their own world outlook and outlook on life. When the noble revolutionary sentiment is replaced by the word "crazy"; when national interests and national interests give way to personal interests; when selflessness and fearlessness are degraded. Timid, cowardly, selfishness takes over the hearts of the people. Veterans like Semyon. Isn't it still dead?

The ideal is lofty and great. The slogan is clear and uplifting. But the reality is sad and helpless. General Semyon, who had been through the war and dedicated his life to the Soviet Socialist Union, died of illness. He acts as a tragic character. permanently in that side's cemetery. Those who came to worship him, see him off, and stand in front of his tomb. It is his worship. at the same time. It is also the executioner who directly destroyed his lifelong goal. In addition to his death in exchange for "a sigh" from these people. There is no other use.

"The predecessors planted trees. The later generations enjoyed the shade." Then what are the descendants doing? an answer. They are cutting down trees. An opportunity to provide shade only in summer can no longer satisfy future generations. They need more.

The tree fell down. The wind and rain barrier is gone. The land is desertifying. The living space is shrinking. So the descendants began to replant the trees... The human society is in this cycle of reciprocating, squandering and squandering, wasting and wasting again. never ending.

As a drop in the ocean in the process of human society. Guo Shouyun was able to sigh with emotion. See this endless loop exists. but incapable. Not even interested in breaking it. He just wants to go his own way. Finish this life. Then in peace. Live comfortably until the old general's day.

In a few days for the funeral of the old general. The entire Russian Federation, including the Far East in the interior, is quiet. The forces of all parties did not choose to pick a conflict during this time period. But then again. Guo Shouyun also knows that this is not everyone's conscience. In the end. They are simply instigating a direct "battle" on a larger scale.

On the night that old Yetou came to Khabarovsk, Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky had a meeting with him. According to the old man, he hoped that the two giants could do him a favor, Try to detain Acharov, who came to attend the funeral of the old general, while creating opportunities for the Kremlin to fully control the military forces garrisoning Moscow.

Guo Shouyun did not hesitate to reject this request made by Lao Yetou. He gave three reasons: first, when he went to Moscow last time, Achayev had the advantage and did not treat him with this potential. It can be said that people let him go for the sake of the old general. And now, if he took advantage of the old general's mourning period and started to detain Achayev, it would be a typical act of injustice. Secondly, Achayev came to attend the funeral of the old General Semyon. There is no doubt that before he came to the Far East, he must have thought of the danger of this trip, but he still came. What does this mean? Undoubtedly, this shows that he takes kindness very seriously. In order to send the old general off for a ride, he doesn't even care about his personal safety. If Guo Shouyun chose such an opportunity to attack such a general, it would be unkind. In the end, General Xie Miao had a lot of prestige in the military. His death could attract military officials from the Russian Federation and even the former Soviet republics, which means that this funeral has attracted attention from all parties. Anyone who wants to make small moves at this juncture will definitely risk the world's big trouble and dig their own grave.

He Guo Shouyun would never do something like this inhumane, injustice and utterly stupid.

Of course, in addition to these reasons, Guo Shouyun has another reason not to say, that is, he does not intend to hurt Nina's heart, and he does not intend to use his funeral to play a conspiracy after the death of the old general. He is a villain, but there is a limit to this wickedness and shamelessness. He will never impose this kind of conspiracy on Nina, a woman who has always followed him without any regrets, at least now and in the future. Will not.

"The gentleman does what he does and what he does not do," and for a villain, the same is true, perhaps this is the so-called "thief also has a way".

To be honest, when the important people from all sides gathered in the Far East, Guo Shouyun had many opportunities to eliminate his potential opponents and eliminate all potential threats for the development of the Guo Group, not to mention Achayev, like Hasb Latov, Lutskoy and the others, he has an absolute chance to eliminate them. But in the end, he didn't do it, he didn't even have the idea. In Siquina's words, his decision was very important.

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