Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 562: oligarchic battle

"Sir, what are you thinking about?" Seeing the two figures of Joni disappearing outside the brown glass door, Yelena's face showed a hesitant expression, and she looked as if she had become unfamiliar in an instant. man, asked tentatively.

"I didn't think of anything." Turning his eyes back, Guo Shouyun glanced at the woman's face and smiled, "I don't know why, I remembered a very good quatrain called "Wutai Poetry Case", I don't know if you heard about it Haven't it been."

"Oh?" Yelena tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I don't have much research on your Chinese poetry, that stuff is too obscure and difficult to understand."

"But it's very thought-provoking," Guo Shouyun said leisurely, lying on his back against the wall of the pond, "Even if there are dragons rising from the sea, it is difficult to give pride to the Wutai. Sighing for talent. I vow to turn every inch into a long sword and kill all the wolves and jackals in the world. If there is a triumphant day in his year, it will be me who will make a comeback."

"Coming back," the five words seem to describe Guo Shouyun's mood at the moment. Facing the power from Washington, he, a budding tycoon in the Far East, seems to have to retreat. He feels that the world is really too "connected". Without the Soviet Union, which dominates Asia and Europe, the proud eagles of the United States will be flying everywhere, and the Far East will take advantage of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and will inevitably suffer from Washington's in the end. bullying. ****Faced with the current situation, Guo Shouyun felt that he had no choice but to endure.

"Sir, I understand what you mean, forbearance, forbearance becomes steel," Ye Liena immediately understood what Guo Shouyun meant, she sighed and said, "However, while forbearance, it seems that you can also create some inconveniences for them. It's a big trouble. At the same time, it can also seek greater benefits for the Guo Group."

"Hehe, of course," Guo Shouyun said with a sneer, "and I've already figured out how to trouble them."

"What are you going to do, sir?" Yelena asked curiously.

"Didn't they let me choose a faction? Ok, I choose. I chose it," Guo Shouyun said with narrowed eyes, reaching out and stroking the woman's full breast, "But since I have chosen a faction, Washington will provide me with Shelter. As Miss Joni said, I can do whatever I want."

"Sir, don't be reckless," Yelena shook her head and said, "Americans' words are not credible. You must know that their support for any force is purposeful, conditional, and limited. You have done things too much. If you go too far, you can only cause yourself unnecessary trouble.”

"I know, so I didn't intend to violate their taboo." Guo Shouyun said. "Do you know what edgeball is? I'll play edgeball for them today to let them know what a headache is."

"Oh?" Yelena looked puzzled, she couldn't guess what the man in front of her was going to do.

"In a moment, you will inform Polaninov, and let him summon all the heads of all military-industrial institutions in the Far East to me within the past two days, and also. Let Nikolayev prepare it for me, and I will start from the next Since the beginning of the month, I'm ready to take over the big business." Leaning on the edge of the pool, Guo Shouyun said with a strange expression as he watched a puddle of clear water rippling in front of his chest.

"Okay, I know what Mr. means," Yelena's mouth flashed a smile. She stood up in the water, stepped onto the bank of the pool in two steps, wrapped the bath blanket around her casually, and then Shi Shiran walked towards the door.

"Also, find two people for me," Guo Shouyun said in a muffled voice while lying in the water, "I need to vent now. ****"

Lena nodded. Without saying anything, he went straight out.

For Guo Shouyun. Today seems to be the beginning of a new life. After two years of ups and downs, the power and money he hoped for at the beginning seems to have been obtained. In this part of the Far East, he has stood at the top of the power pyramid. But at this moment, he suddenly realized that the so-called "high altitude is too cold" is pure nonsense. This high altitude is not only not cold, on the contrary, it is very lively. The whole process of "climbing to the top" is like climbing a ladder. When you reach a certain height, you will find that there is a higher and farther existence above. "If you want to be poor, go to the next level." He now regrets it after all. If he had known that such a day would appear, he felt that maybe he would be more comfortable being a humble little liar.

In fact, from another perspective, Guo Shouyun's main problem is obviously confusion. His paranoia and his various efforts to protect himself have made him fall into a vicious circle. Washington has offered him very generous conditions. If he chooses this path, he will at least be able to keep all his interests in the Far East, and even expand in some respects. === And if he leaves Washington's control, completely falls to Beijing, and tries his best to promote cooperation between Beijing and Moscow, then he can also retain his own interests in the Far East, but this retention is likely to be limited in time, perhaps It's ten years, or maybe even less time. But now, he neither wants to be controlled by Washington, nor does he intend to lose his vested interests in the Far East. In this way, his position is swaying, in order to achieve a "fish" and "bear's paw" result. , has not been able to find a good position. For Guo Shouyun, he still needs a period of time to digest his power and find his position, so as to determine the future direction of the Far East.

However, in terms of overall interests, it may not be the best choice for the Guo Group to choose to cooperate with Harrison and Washington at this time. The exhibition created very good conditions, and Guo Shouyun chose to bow his head to Joni at this time because of this consideration.

As a person with previous life experience, Guo Shouyun is well aware of Beijing's dominant policy of trying hard to develop the economy in the next ten years, the economic sanctions that have lasted for several years, the bombing of the Yugoslav embassy, ​​the Galaxy incident, the Sino-US The plane collision incident, etc., made Beijing, which was ambitious after the reform and opening up, had to turn into a low-key again. ****In the past ten years, the voice of Beijing has hardly been heard in the world. The large number of abstentions in the United Nations and the continuous silence on the nuclear issue of India and Pakistan clearly illustrate these problems. In contrast, the situation facing Moscow seems to be even worse. There is no strongman. In the face of the aggressive offensive, the Kremlin does not even have the courage to fight back. In this case, Guo Shouyun has no chance choose.

From this point of view, Guo Shouyun seems to have realized the helplessness that Khodorkovsky endured in his previous life----this world needs a war too much, and the war that broke out in the Middle East will largely To reverse the trend of the entire international politics, what Guo Shouyun needs now is to wait. While waiting, he once again turned his attention to Moscow.

Americans need to find an agent in Russia, ok, no problem, Guo Shouyun is willing to bow, but this bow is not unconditional. Like he said, he's going to cause some minor trouble for Washington and give them some headaches. In this regard, the first thing he has to do is to increase the military export of the Far East, and take this as a guide. good opportunity. As for the second thing he has to do, that is to start a few "wars", wars between many Russian oligarchs. He wants to knock down the few nails that Washington put in Moscow, so that the Guo clique has become an internal part of the Russian Federation. The only agent of Washington, he wants to gain the initiative, the greatest initiative.

In this way, Guo Shouyun stayed for half a month in the hot spring area of ​​the Guo Group in Milikovo, Kamchatka. After sending off the disturbing Joni, he specially sent someone to enjoy a "happy holiday" on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. The Vinogradov caught the Far East, and Khodorkovsky, who had arrived in Milikowo before, brought together the three giants with misfortunes. This time, the gathering of the three giants had a purpose, and the purpose was amazing. They decided to fight, and the target of the attack was the oligarch with Berezovsky as the entrenched in Moscow.

In early autumn, the temperature of Kamchatka Peninsula dropped, and the cold wind blowing from extremely low hit the peninsula twice in a row in mid-to-late November. of snowfall. In this light snow, three inhuman giants, after several rounds of negotiation, finally locked in their main target - Smolensky, the president of the Capital Savings Bank with huge wealth but cowardly personality. .

Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun himself does not have much disgust for this burly but cowardly guy, and not long ago, everyone just joined forces to make a lot of money in the incident of sniping the pound. This cooperation seems to be yesterday. And in the blink of an eye, everyone is about to tear their faces and play a life-and-death melee. Something like this can't help but feel emotional.

But then again, emotion can't replace decision-making, everyone is for survival, Smolensky is a cowardly character, he refuses to stand on the side of the Far East, and he refuses to stand on the side of Berezovsky, then here. In this case, if the Big Three want to make a move, they will naturally choose him as the target of attack first.

A year ago, the oligarchic war, the five giants of Moscow joined forces to kill the Far East. A year later, the oligarchic war was brewing again, and the situation changed drastically. This time, the three giants joined forces to kill and run to Moscow...

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