Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 561: sadistic

"In the past two years, Guo's Group has grown to this point by itself. To be honest, this is a miracle. , qb5, c0m But miracles can't last forever, since you are not willing to be lonely, At this stage, you have to choose a faction, either East or West, if you choose neither East nor West, then you are a heretic, a heresy that must be burned on the fire For decades, the situation of East-West confrontation has been a headache. I don’t think anyone would want a third-party force between East-West, so you have to make a choice.” Crouching on the edge of the pool, Joan Ni smiled indifferently, "Hussein from Iraq, Milosevic from the FRY, they are all strongmen in the world, but even if they are in their positions, they must choose a camp for themselves. I think, Guo Mister shouldn't have shared their ambitions, right?"

Guo Shouyun frowned and remained silent. Joni's words can be regarded as a word to wake up the dreamer. He suddenly realized today that he has gone too far on the road of "ambition", and he can't even see his own.

"Speaking of which, my original thoughts are still highly consistent with Washington, I don't need you to die, I just need you to be half-dead, and when you can't bear the pressure and ask me for help, you will be on my dinner plate. A piece of steak, I can cut it how I want, I can cut it as I want, you have no room for bargaining with me." Joni continued, "But I changed my mind today, I think since Miss Yelena can If you value you, then you must have your own uniqueness. I am very interested in digging deeper to see where this uniqueness is. Maybe it is because of this kind of thinking. .I hope our status can be fairer, instead of fighting each other, why don't you sit down and have a good discussion? I really don't understand why you are so cautious about cooperating with us, you know. As long as we sit down with us On this boat, you get everything. The Far East belongs to you, and what we need is your position. Instead of coveting your power, with our support, you can do whatever you want here. Democracy is in the final analysis. It is a public opinion tool in the game between the East and the West, and we will never impose it on our friends. Therefore, whether you engage in dictatorship or elections here, we will not point fingers at you. Giving. Is it that difficult for you, Mr. Guo?"

"Hehe, it's not difficult, it's really not difficult," said Guo Shouyun's originally gloomy face, and suddenly the sun opened. \\He shook Yelena's small hand, raised his head and smiled, "You want a stand, I have it, and I am leaning toward Washington with all my strength, without reservation, and a firm stand."

Sit next to the man. Yelena deeply felt the deep anger that covered his smile at the moment. She knew that Guo Shouyun was very stimulated today. Threatened, and today, he was really threatened once. Most importantly. This threat was something he couldn't get rid of, he couldn't get rid of it.

Like Joni said. In this world, there is no place of power that is independent of the East and the West. Since the Far East is going to internationalize, the Guo Group, which is in a dominant position in this region, must choose a direction for itself. In this direction, Pyongyang needs to choose, Baghdad needs to choose, Moscow needs to choose, and Khabarovsk also needs to choose. The law of the jungle exists in this world. There is no other way to stand in the watchful herd.

In the face of the immediate threat, Guo Shouyun seemed to have regained his original decision in an instant. He did not discuss with Yelena, but made his own choice—compromise. But as a woman who could see his inner world clearly, Yelena felt the crisis immediately. She knew that even if the cooperation between the Far East and the Americans was finally achieved, a profound crisis had already lurked in this cooperation. At this time, Guo Shouyun was already angry, and he had buried the "root of rebellion" that could rebel at any time in his heart.

Stubbornness is a really interesting psychological problem. As Joni herself said, "A person who is too shrewd is scary, but when a person who is too shrewd combines his wisdom with stubbornness, it is even more terrifying." And now, Guo Shouyun has clearly Combining his wisdom with stubbornness, in order to achieve that stubborn goal, God knows what kind of opportunity he will choose to make an amazing move.

"Hehe, it can be seen that Mr. Guo's words are insincere." Joni can naturally feel that Guo Shouyun's sincerity is not very good, but she doesn't care too much, because she has seen many such people before, but in the end As a result, they all succumbed to the various benefits offered by their own side, and this man in front of him was no exception. \\

"But it doesn't matter. I believe that with the gradual development of cooperation in the future, you will be grateful for your choice today." She stretched out a small crystal clear hand and reached directly in front of Guo Shouyun. Joni said with a smile, "If If Shouyun doesn't mind, I think today is the beginning of our formal cooperation, as long as you agree, I will explain to you the main plan we will arrange in the near future."

"Of course I don't mind, my high opinion about Miss Joni... um, all ears," Guo Shouyun said with a smile after shaking hands with the woman.

"Hehe, it's actually very simple," Joni said with a slight smile, "The first thing, I hope Mr. can arrange in the near future to invite American investors to the Far East to conduct on-the-spot investigations and establish some feasible investment plans. The Far East, a large market with rich resources, is very popular in the United States. As a representative of some of them, Mr. Harrison's new member should create the most favorable conditions for them."

"No problem," Guo Shouyun said decisively without hesitation, "As long as they can protect the due interests of our Guo Group, I welcome them to invest in the Far East in all aspects, even in mining, I can give them to them. Best terms. ^^^^"

"That's naturally the best," Joni's eyes flashed with surprise, but she recovered quickly, she smiled, "The second thing should be simpler, recently, the family is negotiating with the military , as a consistent hawk force, to convince them, they must give a good opportunity. For this reason, the family hopes to be able to match up and organize a small-scale cooperative military exercise between the two Pacific fleets. Where? Just choose it in the Sea of ​​Japan, Shouyun, I think this should be no problem for you, right?"

Guo Shouyun sneered in his heart. He knew that the Americans' hand was a drunkard, not drinking. The armament of the Far East Pacific Fleet was seriously aging. The purpose of engaging in joint military exercises with such a fleet is nothing more than to show it to outsiders, thus completely involving the Guo Group into their circle of interests.

"Well, it's no problem for me," tilted his head and thought for a while, Guo Shouyun smiled, "but now the Far East is still under the management of Moscow, so I hope that the military exercise will be officially concluded. I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for Washington to say hello to Moscow before the deal."

"Of course," Joni laughed. "Since Mr. Harrison is already a member of the Harrison family, we naturally want to protect your interests. I think, as long as there is no problem on your side, it doesn't matter on the Moscow side. We There is a way to get the Kremlin to nod."

"OK, you continue." Shrugging, Guo Shouyun smiled.

"The third thing is the guarantee we have provided for you, Shouyun," Joni stretched out her hand to hold the man's shoulder and smiled, "The approximate date of the military exercise may be locked in the middle of December, and At that time, um, as long as the military exercise is successfully concluded, you may wish to sit in Washington. We cooperate with several other companies and will hold regular council meetings there. As a new member, you are eligible to participate in such gatherings, of course, Also eligible to make your request."

"Hehe, this sounds like a good thing." Although there was a lot of anger in his heart, Guo Shouyun couldn't help but feel a little extra joy after hearing this. He knew that as long as If he got a ticket to this kind of party, then he has truly entered the upper circle of American politics.

"Of course it's a good thing, at this point, you don't need to have any doubts," Joni smiled, "but I still want to remind you in advance that the Kennedy family has been excluded from this meeting. Be mentally prepared."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun snorted absently.

"When you participated in this meeting, you even divided the line with the Kennedy family," she said with a smirk on her face, "and at this time, you should find a way to deal with your Siquina. Miss, as far as I know, she's not that easy to deal with."

"Really? But in my opinion, she doesn't seem to be difficult to deal with," Guo Shouyun said with an ambiguous smile as soon as he grasped the woman's small hand on his shoulder, "After all, she is just a woman, and I am confident that I can deal with her. "

"Hmph," Joni's face flashed with anger, she pulled her hand back, snorted coldly, got up and walked out the door.

"Miss Joni isn't so snobbish, right? Why did she leave without saying hello?" Guo Shouyun said in a playful tone, turning his head to look at the woman's back Full of horrific cruelty.

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