Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 563: tax

? Smolensky is cowardly, but after his Capital Savings Bank merged with the former Soviet Union's Agricultural Credit Bank, its overall economic strength can be called one of the six giants. It is definitely not an easy task to get rid of him in one fell swoop. , To this end, the three giants not only need to plan a complete plan, but also wait for the best time to kill with one hit. Smolensky is not a tiger, but it is estimated that he will be much more difficult to deal with than a tiger, especially when he feels threatened and completely falls to the Berezovsky group. , then in the case of the Big Three against the Big Three, the Far East side is obviously in a weak position. Therefore, Guo Shouyun and the others must avoid this situation. Before this guy feels threatened, they must kill him all at once, so that he can't breathe anymore.

In order to avoid the conflict between the three giants due to the division of interests after clearing up Smolensky, after formulating a detailed action plan, Guo Shouyun and other three people will be aware of the benefits that may be generated after this action. A reasonable distribution was made, that is, the sphere of influence was re-divided. Among them, according to the position that Guo Shouyun has always maintained in the past, the Guo Group represented by Guo Shouyun still does not participate in the division of interests outside the Far East, and this also makes Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov disagree with the three groups. cooperation with more confidence. ****

The omen of the coming of autumn and winter seems to be more obvious after entering the middle of November, and for the Far Easterners, this short-term season, which is free from the hot and cold but not too cold, is their favorite. On the city streets with signs of economic recovery, those tall, golden and elegant Russian girls have begun to wear fashionable clothes suitable for this season.

I don't know when it started. Recently, Khabarovsk is also good. Even in Gongqingcheng, in the streets and even in the corners of the city, a new kind of attire has quietly become popular - the trousers. Those pretty street girls with curvaceous body and slender thighs seem to regard this kind of "foreign goods" bought by Guo's Import and Export Trading Company at a low price as a fashion. This has become the most common and popular dress on the streets of the Far East.

"The city is full of black thighs, and the era of wearing underwear has come," Guo Shouyun gave such a comment in the face of this fashion in the Far East - vulgar but sticky

I don't know if it's because of the number of women I've been in contact with, or because of the rise in status. \\The whole person's thinking tends to be conservative. All in all, Guo Shouyun is very oblivious to this kind of dress. According to his instructions, Guo's Group Import and Export Trading Company sealed up a large number of similar stocks, and then returned them to the manufacturer. With this order from him. Customs in various parts of the Far East have also moved, and similar clothing imports have been blocked in just one week.

However, people's pursuit of fashion is far from being blocked by Guo Shouyun's personal views. The absence of imported goods does not mean that there will be no trousers in the Far East market. After all, the power of the people is great. After being silent for less than a week, similar clothing that had become scarce on the market has once again emerged in large numbers. From Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, small clothing processing factories have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. These small factories swallowed the "commercial cake" thrown away by the Guo Group overnight, and used this as an opportunity to start their efforts to grab the first pot of "gold".

Faced with this situation, the leadership of the import and export trading company led by the Shoucheng couple made suggestions to the group headquarters three times. \\They think that the group's decision in this regard is wrong, which is equivalent to throwing away a large amount of profits. However, Guo Shouyun ignored their suggestion. With this idea, he even started a service project of "small business start-up" loan in the Far East Commercial Bank with a relatively low interest rate. Small loans ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles are provided to those citizens who have started their own businesses to help them get off the ground.

The national economy and the people's livelihood, the national economy and the people's livelihood, in order to realize the "national economy", the "people's livelihood" must first be guaranteed. Guo Shouyun is the president of the Guo Group. The de facto leader of Far East politics has begun a real role change. He wants to keep a low profile and do everything in his power to do a good job in the economic construction of the Far East.

Beginning in early November, with Khabarovsk as the center, one by one administrative orders were issued to the Far East to the state government departments, and then quickly to the whole territory of the state governments. Among these executive orders, only for export There are as many as twenty of the projects. \\Among them, the far-reaching impact on the Far East economy is mainly the export restrictions on raw materials, as well as the tax rebate incentive policy for the export of finished products.

According to the policy approved by the Kuo Group think tank group, in terms of raw material export, the Far East states clearly stipulate that all goods exported without any processing process, including: steel, logs, non-ferrous metals and crude oil chemical derivatives, will be increased by 100%. fifty percent of the tariff. What Guo Shouyun wants is very clear. Any natural resources and raw materials flowing out of the Far East must be processed and must be injected with a certain added value of labor. Even if it is just to process iron ore into iron ingots and iron plates, and turn logs into wooden boards and pulp, exporters have to add several processing procedures, because these procedures mean the expansion of employment in the Far East and the income of residents. improvement. In terms of tax rebate incentives for the export of finished products, for the export of goods including fishery, heavy industry machinery, non-staple food processing, etc., the Far East Customs tax department implements up to 30% of the export tax rebate subsidy. In a word, as long as it can be sold, no matter what Whoever sells it will be given considerable financial subsidies by the Far East. \\

Among the many executive orders, the most eye-catching one, and at the same time, the one that has caused widespread controversy within the Russian Federation, is the Far East’s public taxation system for the **** industry. Personnel engaged in "service" industries, including dance, prostitution, etc. in China, all need to report materials to the social security department, and collect up to 50% of personal income tax.

"Prostitutes are listed and pay taxes according to regulations." This incident has caused a lot of uproar in the federal media. You must know that although Russia is open to people, the **** industry has always been illegal during the rule of the former Soviet Union, and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. , the laws and regulations in this regard have not been released. The Far East publicly levies taxes on this type of people, which means that they are legally engaged in business. If they pay taxes, they are taxpayers, and taxpayers enjoy the protection of the government, and even have the right to vote and be elected. For this reason , "Izvestia" even made a special edition of a commentary, in which it joked: If the pornographic industry in the Far East is legalized, can prostitutes and their clients be able to call the police for help when they have disputes over prostitution?

Guo Shouyun ignored the doubts from the federal public opinion. "If you listen to the crickets calling the common people, you won't farm the land, and everyone will starve to death." The only thing he is considering now is how to expand the source of tax revenue in the Far East. How to ensure a smooth and virtuous circle of the Far East economic market.

Initially, there was a lot of resistance among government officials in the Far Eastern states when a formal tax was imposed on the **** industry, because to a large extent it directly affected their interests. As far as the **** industry is concerned, there are quite a lot of practitioners in the Far East. Although a large part is in the hands of Shana Riva's gangs, the local governments in the Far Eastern states also control a lot. This is how this society is. The more industries that are not allowed by the law, the greater the potential profits. Once government officials collude with these industries, a large amount of profits will flow into the hands of corrupt officials. Take the **** industry as an example, because their existence does not comply with the law, the police officers and officials who provide shelter for prostitution gangs and dance bars can receive a large amount of "protection money" on schedule, and once these industries become legal , the police officers and officials who can get benefits from these industries will lose the reason for extortion, and at the same time, a large amount of profits will flow into the national taxation department in the form of taxes. It is for this reason that the legal taxation of the **** industry is resisted by the local grassroots in the Far Eastern states.

But at this time, Guo Shouyun can't care about the entanglement of those "little devils". What he wants to protect is only the interests of the high-level power layer, not the interests of the low-level power layer, so it is inevitable to enforce this order. . In order to dispel the obstruction from the power base, a series of criminal cases have occurred all over the Far East since mid-November, and a group of unlucky ghosts who were singled out to kill chickens and set an example to the monkeys stained the streets. The voice of disapproval soon disappeared.

"Isn't it possible to do whatever you want? Then do whatever you want once." Guo Shouyun's belief at this time was extremely firm, and the display of his iron-blooded skills made the entire Far East power level tremble.

Facts later proved that the series of measures taken by Guo Shouyun played a great role in increasing the Far East tax revenue and further revitalizing the Far East economy. It was only the implementation of the decree on the taxation of the pornographic industry, which changed within half a month of November, for the purpose of revitalizing the Far East economy. The Far Eastern states added tens of millions of dollars in revenue. As a result, government officials at the Far Eastern state level also began to reverse course and fully support the implementation of this order.

The tone of the Far East is changing, and since mid-November, all parties have felt it.

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