Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 560: big picture

? Watching two beautiful women rolling and fighting in the mud is definitely a pleasing thing to the eye, but watching the same women face to face in a clear water pool seems to be another kind of exciting enjoyment. m

It was originally a very pleasing thing, but with Ye Liena's words "she doesn't have that much time", Guo Shouyun felt that his heart was being bitten, of course he knew that "she" was referring to. Who is it, and for this "her", Guo Shouyun now has an inseparable complex. After pondering the meaning of this sentence repeatedly in his heart, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to the jade man beside him.

Guo Shouyun's relationship with his woman originally seemed to be a very normal thing, but it was strange that Joni, who was sitting opposite, also cast her gaze at this time. Her eyes were mixed with a lot of doubts and worries. .

"What's the matter with you?" Yelena didn't care about the emotion contained in the woman's gaze. On the contrary, the gaze even made her shudder. But relatively speaking, the gaze of the man beside her made her feel a long-lost heartwarming, which made her very comfortable and warm.

"Don't worry, the truth is not what you imagined," Yelena explained to the man beside her with a shallow smile, "I'm just following a promise, and now, it's not long before I fulfill this promise. Far away, when that day comes, forget it, now is not the time to talk about it, let's get back to the topic. Miss Joni, how do you feel about what I just said?"

In the face of the other party's rhetorical question, Joni abnormally remained silent. Her blue eyes stared at Yelena's eyes tightly, and after a long while, she suddenly let out a long sigh, and said inappropriately, "Miss Yelena, I suddenly realized that I only understood you today. What kind of person is he? Seriously, I feel worthless for you. It was a stupid decision to hand over everything to the past. And to hand over the past that includes everything to me, I will give it to the past. To a man, that's obviously stupidity of stupidity."

"Maybe," Yelena picked up a handful of warm water. It seemed to be leisurely sprinkled on his smooth and jade-like shoulders, and at the same time he smiled indifferently, "However, no matter how stupid a decision is, I made it myself. I am willing to bear any price for it."

"Haha," Joni laughed, the woman laughed a little crazy, even a little hysterical. Her laughter lasted for nearly ten seconds before it stopped abruptly when she got up.

"Too savvy people are scary," she turned and climbed up the edge of the pool. She shook the wet gold head, while taking the bath blanket handed over by Susannah, wiping her wet body. While muttering to himself, "And when an overly shrewd person combines her wisdom and stubbornness into one, it is even more terrifying. Although I am not very normal, I am too lazy to be with this kind of person. A madman plays an opponent. Miss Yelena. Apart from that stubbornness, I feel that we have a lot in common, so I sincerely hope that you can get what you want within a limited time. Of course, if If there is anything that needs my help, I will be happy to help you."

"Although I won't accept your kindness, it seems that I should say thank you." Sitting in the water, Yelena said without looking back.

"What a poor man." He draped the bath blanket over him. Joni shrugged and sighed with a bit of sigh. "For your sake, Miss Yelena, I can make a guarantee today that in the future cooperation with the Guo family, I, Joni, will never give up my mind. We will cooperate fairly and make reasonable transactions so that you can I have already achieved my wish. In addition, I hope that after Miss Yelena realizes her long-cherished wish, she can give me a chance. Hehe, although I am best at causing harm to others, I will also make up for others at certain times. Scars, especially to women, well, women like you, because I know your mind better than anyone."

That's right... let alone Yelena. Even Guo Shouyun felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Mr. Guo." Fortunately, Joni did not continue to speak such blatant words. She turned to Guo Shouyun and said. "If you trust me, then listen to me. You should return funds from overseas to the Far East. This is a good idea. But my suggestion is. This plan is best carried out slowly. In fact, it is a kind of goods. In a short period of time, a large influx of the same kind of goods will inevitably bring about a dumping situation. Affected by this, the collapse of the price of goods will become a foregone conclusion. The same is true. Guo's Group participates in international operations overseas. Funds. At present, it is nearly 70 billion US dollars. You want to return them to the Far East. It will definitely cause a large-scale chaos in the currency circulation of the Far East. At the same time, because the current ruble and foreign exchange market continues to plummet. The dollar market in the Far East is saturated. With the continuation of this situation, it is bound to form a water absorption effect. That is, the Far East market continues to absorb the US dollar reserves of the Kuo Group. At the same time, coupled with the existence of a unified currency link between the Far East and the rest of the Russian Federation. This kind of The water absorption effect will spread to the entire Russian Federation in a very short period of time. Haha. I think. Even if the Guo Group is rich and powerful, I am afraid that it will not be able to fight against the entire Russian Federation, right? Three months. No. Maybe In a shorter period of time. You will find out. The dollar reserves that you invested in the Far East are gone in an instant. And in exchange for it, there are large quantities of local Russian consumer goods piled up in warehouses and flooded on the market. And Lots of worthless rubles. When the time comes. I don't think you'll be able to cry?"

The water in the pool is warm. But Guo Shouyun still felt a biting cold.

Even if this person is sober. He is still alone after all. Since it is human. It is inevitable to make mistakes in some things. Otherwise to words. Governments of each country. There will not be a large number of think tanks established specifically. no doubt. Guo Shouyun is on the issue of returning funds. Almost made a big mistake. The Yelena think tank mainly focuses on politics. They still have weaknesses in the operation of the economy. So this large-scale inland macroeconomic bias. Naturally, it is easy to appear.

In fact, Joni said the question is very simple. Explain in detail: the reason why the Far East economy was superior to the rest of the Russian Federation in the past. Not because the Far East's ruble currency is strong. Nor is it because the Far East's government reserves are adequately funded. It is completely filled with high wages and high welfare in the Far East. under these circumstances. population of the rest of the Russian Federation. will continue to migrate to the Far East. As a result, the population base of the Far East has risen. And now. If the Guo Group is in the short term. They moved tens of billions of dollars of overseas funds back to the Far East. And remit it to government agencies such as customs taxation, macro-fund control departments and so on. Then there is bound to be a situation. That is, the financial credibility of local governments in the Far East continues to increase. The ruble's credibility in this "local area" of the Far East has steadily increased. Thus. A fatal situation emerged. After all, the Far East and the Russian Federation are still one. They use the ruble currency. The same one hundred rubles. There is no difference between the Far East and the regions of the Russian Federation. under these circumstances. As the currency continues to circulate. The ruble continues to depreciate. This led to a strangely contradictory situation with the rising financial credibility of the Far East government. under these circumstances. The Far East must maintain its own economic stability. It has to continue to release dollar reserves. Absorb the mainland ruble currency in the circulation link in the Far East. thus. The water-absorption effect that Joni said has officially appeared - the continuous influx of rubles in circulation in the Russian Federation to the Far East. One after another, the dollar reserves of the Far East are being sucked away. This is equivalent to the Far East using its own economic blood. Continue to nourish the dry bones of the Russian Federation.

To make a very vivid metaphor. The Russian Federation is like a lake. The Far East is a body of water within the lake. Everyone is basically the same time. The water was calm and unwavering. There will be no problems. The Guo Group has invested tens of billions of dollars overseas. It's like a pair of nutrient-rich sand. If these sediments are transported little by little into the waters of the Far East. Then there will only be one situation. Fish and insects in the entire lake are attracted by nutrients. Gradually converge to the Far East. But if these sediments come together in a short period of time. "Gudong". All fell into the waters of the Far East. What will be the result? no doubt. The waters of the Far East are gone. It has become 6 places. The fish and worms in the great lake of the Russian Federation will never come again. They only need to gather around this 6 land. You can absorb nutrients little by little. to survive. Describe in one sentence. The Far East became the greatest sacrifice. The bankruptcy and collapse of the Guo Group is just around the corner.

"Mr. Guo, in fact, I have already figured out how to deal with you. If you put yourself overseas, I will cut off your capital flow. If you move the funds back to the Far East in a short period of time, I will wait for you to ask me, you There is no choice. This world is a unity. Only those who stand at the top have the power to make real decisions. Here, there are no heroes who are in charge of their own husbands, and there are no hermits who are separated from the world. Think carefully To survive and find the power and status that you need in peace, you must have a good and solid backer." Joni walked to the edge of the pool and squatted gently and skillfully behind Guo Shouyun, not caring about her legs. The private parts that were seriously exposed in the room, he said with a smile.

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