Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 557: November

"Live for yourself," this may be the wish of everyone in the world, but in the end, under the oppression of the real environment, there are probably very few people who can truly live for themselves. It is the life that more people face.

Guo Shouyun said he wanted to live for himself. In fact, he was more in a moment of pride. Fundamentally speaking, people like him wore more masks on their faces. Otherwise, what would he do with so many think tanks around him? Isn't it just so that someone can remind him what to say and do in the face of who and what situation? If he really wants to live for himself, what should these people do?

A night tour of New York is indeed a good idea. According to Guo Shouyun's idea, he and Ye Liena brought two entourages and quietly left the press room of the TV Tower of the Empire State Building without even taking the car arranged for him by the United States. , just stopped two yellow Ford taxis so casually, and drove a few **** in the dark but bright New York City area, so that the handsome taxi driver almost didn't Mouth crooked.

Just like what I said in advance, Guo Shouyun is doing graffiti in four places in the New York City area, and in these four places, there is even a slum in Queens. Guo Shouyun said that after waiting for ten or twenty years, he would come back and buy these places where graffiti was made. This is certainly a joke, but his real purpose may be to bury a memory, as a reputation and status. , all day long indulging in the strife or the characters in the shreds of paper, he found that he could recall sweet memories less and less.

"In many cases, what a person pursues in his life is often not a power and status that reaches the extreme. It is not a life of luxury and luxury, but a sweet memory that can accompany oneself through the most distressing moment when the journey of life ends. "After finishing the crazy graffiti, Guo Shouyun said this to Yelena the moment he stepped into the hotel room, "But unfortunately, people like me are obviously destined to not have the wonderful last moment. ."

Indeed, for a person like Guo Shouyun, it seems that there are really not many things he can use to recall at the last moment of his life. Because his wonderfulness must have been spent in most of his life.

"Although the prosperity of New York is dazzling, it doesn't belong to us leopards who came from the Far East, at least not for now." With the complete conclusion of the acquisition of Wang An's company, Guo Shouyun's trip to New York has come to an end. . As he said himself, he has no nostalgia for this most prosperous city in the world, compared to this. He still prefers Khabarovsk.

The Boeing 757 roared into the sky, carrying Guo Shouyun and his party and the fruitful results they had achieved, as well as the woman who could not be without beautiful women at all times - Joni, who flew directly to the Far East and Haba without any reluctance. rovsk. And for the world that is about to enter November 2002, there is obviously much more on this plane. It has taken away Washington's new expectations for the Far East, and has taken away several American All sorts of big family ambitions, at the same time. It also took away a lot of conflicting interests. As for what it will bring to the world, no one can be sure yet, but it is conceivable that many people still have high hopes for the future of the Far East.

Guo Shouyun, who returned to the Far East with a lot of negotiation results, was the first to face the stinky face of his old father-in-law Victor. However, because of the advice given by Ye Liena before, Guo Shouyun was not passive in dealing with the old fox's accusation. He made his attitude clear to the shrewd old father-in-law: Guo's group needs a security guarantee, and practical, A security guarantee worth relying on. As long as there is this clear security guarantee, then he is willing to do his best to "suppress" the splitting trend in the Far East, and he can even offend the entire bureaucratic group in the Far East.

In the face of his son-in-law's remarks, Rao is the cunning Victor. There was no more reason to blame him. Indeed, ants are still alive. Let alone a living person. As a power dealer who seeks exhibitions across the border and frantically accumulates national wealth through various illegal means to finally achieve his family's goals, his son-in-law seems to have never felt any sense of security from the very beginning. The **** who sells her body is ruthless, and the actor who paints her face is unrighteous, and the politician who sells her body and sells her most thoroughly and has the most delicate face painting is obviously the perfect combination of the **** and the actor. What these people say or even do , all are not credible, in this case, let alone Victor can't give his son-in-law any strong assurance, even if he did, who would believe it?

For a long time in the past, Victor had been complaining that Guo Shouyun didn't respect himself enough, but this time, he finally felt an unprecedented respect from his son-in-law, but the gain of this respect made him feel helpless because he knew that he had lost absolute control over this young man after all. If the disrespect in the past was for the purpose of bringing the relationship closer, then the respect today is obviously for the purpose of creating barriers.

After Guo Shouyun returned to the Far East. Viktor remained in Khabarovsk for another three days. during these three days. The old man had a deep conversation with his son-in-law. No more serious business involved. Accompanying has completely lost consciousness. A father who fell into a severe coma; chatting with a pregnant daughter. Enjoy the family and the like; occasionally wander around the streets of Khabarovsk. The old Victor's life was quite leisurely.

And just when the old man was hiding in the Far East and enjoying the happiness. The situation in Moscow has changed again.

Early November. The Kremlin suddenly froze. A spokesman for the President's Office announced. President Yeltsin from November 4th. The two-week friendly visit to China, South Korea and Japan in several major Asian countries in the Mainland. And in the choice of the first stop of the visit. He unexpectedly delineated the Chinese capital "Beijing". Then came Seoul and Tokyo. According to the spokesperson of the President's Office. President Yeltsin made this visit. It is to comprehensively build the links between the Russian Federation and the countries of the Asian region. In this way, the newly proposed "Positive Eastern Policy" was implemented. Fight for the interests of the Federation in Asia. But for people like Victor and Guo Shouyun. Naturally they knew about the Kremlin's decision. It's definitely not that simple. It is for sure. With Washington's increasingly direct intervention in federal affairs. Coupled with the deteriorating domestic political environment. Especially with the increasingly prominent contradiction between the Kremlin and the Heydar government. Yeltsin has given up his original preference for the United States. Diplomatic thinking collective "westward" position. Turned to contact with the East. Engage with Beijing - they need a checkpoint in an international context.

As for Yeltsin's visit to Seoul. It was obviously a test of Washington's patience. To know. At this time, South Korea-US relations were not as smooth and cordial as they were in the late 1990s. As a dictatorship, Roh Tae-woo became the "popularly elected president" of the Republic of Korea. Has always maintained a delicate relationship with the United States. And this moment. The preliminary results of South Korea's presidential election have been drawn. Kim Young-sam, the presidential candidate elected by the three parties of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Already have an absolute advantage in the primary election. And in terms of diplomatic thinking. Kim Young-sam is obviously very different from the previous South Korean presidents. therefore. Relations with Washington have also been strained. Yeltsin chose to visit South Korea at this time. Its intention is obviously not so simple.

Maybe it was influenced by this kind of news. at the beginning of the month. Has been following the United States ** and then transferred to Canada. Be the first to jump up against the difficulty. Ottawa announced. Cancel the food aid plan previously proposed to Moscow. As for the reason. They didn't give any explanation. But anyone can see it. This is part of a series of countermeasures taken by Washington.

History moves on. The angle of interest is also changing subtly. Guo Shouyun knew. As Americans intervene in Moscow politics step by step. In addition, the "anti-American recovery" tendency in the Russian Federation has gradually become clear. The Kremlin has also had to make quick adjustments in foreign policy. The transfer of one side may intensify domestic conflicts at any time.

The sudden major adjustment of the Kremlin's foreign policy has directly affected the political situation in Moscow. In the first few days of November, Moscow's high-level power changed frequently. First, Yakovlev, the main brain responsible for the federal radio and television work, was personally ordered by the Kremlin to be dismissed, and this person has always been with Gusins. Ki and Berezovsky walked very close. Following this, Portola Nin, who served as the Minister of Publishing and Intelligence, was dismissed from his post. Then, the Kremlin announced the decision to revoke the position of the President's State Secretary. The former President's State Secretary, Bulbu, who has always maintained close contact with the White House. Liss lost his biggest political bargaining chip. Although the Kremlin has arranged for him the position of the leader of the presidential advisory group, everyone knows that this position has no real power. Burbliss, who is pro-American and also Yeltsin's most staunch ally in the past, is already gorgeous. The launch of the political arena.

After two years of ups and downs, the so-called "radical faction" that once united and tore apart the Soviet state system finally collapsed while Guo Shouyun started his business and the Guo Group was growing.

Just like the words of Marshal Ahromeyev's suicide note: "Sooner or later someone will be responsible for the division of the Soviet Union. This is not the logic of rebellion, it is a harsh and inevitable price." Now, those who must be responsible for The person who paid the price has begun to feel the most intense crisis.

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