Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 556: live for yourself

?Seeing Wang Lie sign his name on the M&A agreement, Guo Shouyun sighed inwardly, then he sat down unhurriedly, took the carbon pen that had been prepared long ago from Ye Liena's hand, On his green-covered document, Shi Shiran wrote down three square words---"Guo Shouyun". . qb5.

"Two gentlemen, are you ready?" A young Commerce Department official stood behind the two of them. When he saw that they had stopped writing, he leaned over with a smile and asked softly.

"Well," Guo Shouyun nodded first after listening to Ye Liena's translation, indicating that he had already signed.

"Ok!" The young man obviously only paid attention to the attitude of "Boss Guo", so when he saw Guo Shouyun nodding, he couldn't wait to lift the two absorbent brushes, one in each hand, and pressed **** the two documents , then swap the two documents.

"Mr. Guo Guo Shouyun made a gesture of invitation, and the young man said with a smile, "As long as you sign your name here, Wang An Company will belong to the Guo family from now on. Hehe, to be honest, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I am still waiting for the 50,000-dollar shares to appreciate in value, and Mr. Wang Lie obviously cannot bring even the slightest hope to us shareholders. \"

This yellow-headed young man obviously doesn't know what it means to respect people. His voice is not small, at least Wang Lie next to him can hear it very clearly, and this is definitely a decision for Wang An's company. A face-to-face humiliation. Because he didn't understand English, Guo Shouyun didn't know what the young man was talking about, but he could see that Wang Lie was greatly stimulated by these words. His right hand holding the pen. There were even brief convulsions.

"Of course, in my opinion, it's right for American investors to have confidence in Wang An's future," Ye Liena translated so quickly that Guo Shouyun immediately understood what the young man behind him had just said. He did not express unnecessary sympathy for Wang Lie, but preemptively signed his name on the document, and then smiled sideways, "You know. In order to be able to call Wang An Company, oh, I think it should be called Far East Technology in the future. , In order to make this piece of cake well, Guo Group and its subsidiary Far East Commercial Bank have prepared a huge sum of nearly seven billion US dollars. We have only one purpose, to re-create Wang An's company in the past. Brilliant, and, to do better.\"

Facing a man with a confident face. There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Yelena's mouth. She knew that this man had started to show off again, and he planned to be on the American stock market. Recover part of the funds that Guo's had previously paid for the acquisition of Wang An.

"Hey, sir, these words should be officially announced in a while," the young man stepped forward again, and used the absorbent brush to absorb the ink left on the document, while making a gesture of exchanging documents. He lowered his voice and said, "In that case, I believe that Wang An's company will not wait until tomorrow... ah no, the stock market of Far East Technology will rebound sharply."

"Of course, I will announce this important news at a press conference in a while. At the same time. I also hope that the Ministry of Commerce can be at ease," facing the flashing lights below the stage. Guo Shouyun and Wang Lie exchanged the documents in their hands and said with a smile, "After completing the acquisition of Wang An Company, Guo Shouyun will partially adjust the decision-making level of the company, and there will be no large number of layoffs in the short term. Previously, rumors that the Wang An acquisition would cause tens of thousands of employees to lose their jobs were baseless, absolute and baseless rumors.”

"Excuse me, Mr. Guo," in the audience, at this time, there was already a memory that couldn't help standing up and asked, "It was reported earlier that after completing the acquisition of Wang An Company, the Guo Group will take over the company's original assets. The software and hardware businesses will be separated, thus forming two parts: the main body of the software-based US company and the hardware-based Far East company. Mr. Guo, is this news true?"

He handed the document in his hand to Yelena, who had just finished translating the question for him. Guo Shouyun shook hands with Wang Lie for the last time, then turned his head and said with a smile, "It's basically true. We have paid attention to Guo's decision. But for now, the main focus of Guo's Group's work has not been put into this aspect. For us, the first step to be done in the early stage is to integrate Wang The company's old corporate resources, especially the high-level management talent resources. In order to achieve this goal, in recent days, one of the main decision-makers of our Guo Group, Mr. Rilke, has successively obtained several headhunting companies. Contact, there is reason to believe that in the next period of time, a new company leadership group will be quickly established and put into the most effective formal operation. === Well, everyone, in fact, in this regard, the group's main Relevant affairs have always been handled by Mr. Rilke, so if you have any questions, you can ask him for answers, and I think he will satisfy everyone."

Looking at Wang Lie and his party who had resigned from the podium, Guo Shouyun's smiling face filled with countless emotions. He knew that from this moment on, Wang's family had completely withdrawn from the computer industry they were once proud of. , in this industry with the most serious business monopoly, they will never have any chance to come back.

The market is like a battlefield, whether it is rising or falling, often in the right or wrong of a decision, one step is right, the whole is alive, one foot is wrong, and it is doomed. Just imagine how brilliant and glorious Wang An's company was when Dr. Wang An entered the computer industry and challenged the giant ibm. Today, when the curtain of Wang An falls, what is the descendant of the Wang family who is only one generation apart? of desolation.

Looking at it from a different perspective, today's Guo's is obviously more brilliant and more glorious than the original Wang An Company. Although I dare not say sweeping, but at least in the Far East, no force can threaten its position, but something like this How long can the situation last? Ten years, twenty years, or fifty years, a century? Looking at Wang Lie's hunched back, Guo Shouyun thought a lot in an instant. He even thought, if he kicked his legs and walked away a hundred years later, would his descendants be as miserable as Wang Lie today. Exit this business world full of competition and strife?

"Are you tired, sir?" Immediately feeling the "master"'s depression in will, Yelena took advantage of the opportunity for the reporters to entangle Rilke, and came over and said to Guo Shouyun.

"It's okay, I just thought of something that I shouldn't think about now," Guo Shouyun said softly with a smile.

"Well, I can understand Mr.'s mood," he glanced at the right side of the hall subconsciously, where Wang Lie and his party were just walking out of the side door, Ye Liena sighed softly, and said, "Natural selection, suitable for natural selection. Survival, this is the first law of nature that we must face to survive in this world. Now, reality has proved that the former Wang An has not adapted to the reality of this society, so it has become inevitable for them to withdraw from the stage of history. However, there is no need for the gentleman to give them any sympathy. After all, they have performed on this stage before, and in this world, more people have not even had a chance to perform, so they come quietly and quietly. Going silently, from this perspective, are there too many people we need to sympathize with?"

"Hehe, what you said makes sense," nodded, Guo Shouyun smiled, "I don't know why, but now I feel like you are my confidant. You can understand what I'm thinking and what I'm worried about, and you also know what angle I should take. Come and comfort me."

"That's because Mr. and I can be regarded as a kind of person to a certain extent," Yelena glanced at Rilke, who was talking to the reporters, and smiled, "We have different eyes from ordinary people, and always To be able to see through the sinister and helpless hidden behind this beautiful world, and to know how weak and pale people are compared to society."

"Yeah, we are the same kind of people," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh. Indeed, Yelena is a woman with a heart-to-heart, and Guo Shouyun himself is a person who has really died once. If they are not the same kind of people, then there will be no "species" similar to them. ".

"How is it, are you interested in traveling with me at night in New York?" As if he suddenly remembered something, Guo Shouyun sat up straight and said with great interest.

"Night in New York?" Ye Liena said in amazement when she didn't react for a while.

"Yes, go to New York at night and experience the darkness of this bustling city," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "After all, we have been to New York once, we can't just come and go in such a hurry, right? Haha, I suddenly have an idea now, I plan to find a random place, preferably a hidden corner, and leave an inscription of Guo Shouyun's visit here. Then in ten years, or twenty years, I will come back and buy this inscribed place, you think, How will we feel at that time?"

"But now it's a press conference," Yelena was obviously interested in this idea, but she still said something cautiously.

"Press conference, these records need nothing more than breaking the news," Guo Shouyun sneered, "Then I'll give a big news, um, tomorrow's news can wait like this, the Far Eastern giant crocodile is arrogant, the news release I will retire at half-time. Hehe, maybe there is something else, who will care about him, after all... I am Guo Shouyun, Guo Shouyun is me, I live for myself, not these **** America people."

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