Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 558: spa

?Milikovo City on Kamchatka Peninsula is a famous hot spring resort city. Because of the relationship with Mikochev Volcano, it is rich in geothermal resources and has high-grade weakly alkaline carbonate hot springs. . \\

In the past few decades, Moscow has set this place as one of the main health resorts for ZF officials. Every autumn, especially in the late autumn and early winter, a large number of high-ranking officials and dignitaries from Moscow will gather here to enjoy a period of time. Time for a spa treatment. For this reason, there are also a large number of national health care institutions on the outskirts of Milikowo, and the most famous and high-end one of them is the Lohosh Spa Spa, which covers an area of ​​more than 40 square meters. The hot spring recuperation center can be regarded as the world's leading government-run recuperation center.

However, since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Lohosh Spa has changed its name to the Guo Group Hot Spring Resort, and in order to win this place, Guo Shouyun spent a lot of money, totaling $1.5 million.” Huge sums of money", that's quite a lot of money. Of course, this is the largest and most luxurious hot spring resort in Kamchatka. It is not only for the internal employees of the Guo Group. It is also open to the public. From Monday to Friday, anyone can spend two hundred and forty Ruble, take a seat in the general area inside and enjoy the alkaline hot spring bath that was said to be only available to high-ranking officials in Moscow. But whoever wants to go through all the "fun and beautiful" places in it will not be able to come down without $50,000 or $60,000. For example, just a month ago, a wealthy businessman from Hokkaido, Japan, used two days of time. After enjoying some high-end services in the hot spring area, I threw away nearly 120,000 US dollar bills in real gold.

What exactly is in the hot spring resort of the Guo Group? So that you need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to enjoy some high-end services. This's hard to say. All in all, according to the Japanese tycoon, the value of these hundreds of thousands of dollars is because only here can one experience the supreme enjoyment.

This wretched little Japanese is rich and has a bulging wallet. People who are willing to throw out hundreds of thousands of dollars at one time for enjoyment don't care about throwing more than hundreds of thousands, and the reason why he did not take all the high-end services in the hot spring area Enjoyed it all, not because of shyness. It was because the entire hot spring area had stopped doing business to the outside world----the CEO of Guo's Group came.

"You can convince me with a bunch of reasons." In a huge open-air hot spring bath, Guo Shouyun was naked, lying on his stomach in a geotherapy pond made of volcanic rock mud. While enjoying the warm mud and hot compress of the two beauties, he absently said to the managers of the firm sitting in the other pond, "If you can convince me, then I will listen to your opinions. If you can't convince me, then Just arrange the work according to my plan as soon as possible. As for the construction plan of the Gongqingcheng High-tech Park, I am the main work arrangement for the second two months of this year and the whole year of next year. I must ensure that there is sufficient investment in various funds, and I don’t want to hear any objections in the future. Remember, I am the group’s decision-making. You must do your job well, which is to be a responsible and meticulous person. Execute. Otherwise, no matter who has a problem in that link, I will give him a good look. Are you listening?"

"Yes, sir, we all remember it." Several managers replied without hesitation.

"Just memorizing is not enough. We also need to implement the idea and be practical." Waving his hand, Guo Shouyun said, "Okay, I'll talk about that today, I'm the most annoying person, get out of here, these two days. You guys can enjoy your vacation and save yourself from exploiting you. Exactly. We've got some new projects here in the past two days. There's also some nice Czech girls here. Go and have some fun yourself. The two-day vacation is over, whoever wants to give me a bad job, then don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

"Don't worry, sir, we know what to do." A group of potbellied managers would naturally not miss this free entertainment opportunity.

"Sir, would you like to apply it on the front?" Watching the managers of the firm who were usually high above run away in a hurry, a short beauty covered in brown mud leaned over. Rubbing lightly, he asked in a greasy voice.

"No need." Maybe it was because he stayed in the mud for too long. Guo Shouyun felt a burning sensation on his skin. He supported the mud pond under him with his arms, struggled to get up, and then just twisted like that. His body leaned against the pond and said, "You all go out, and by the way, call Miss Yelena in for me."

"Yes. Sir." The man said that. A trace of disappointment flashed across the faces of the two women in charge of the mud compresses. But they still agreed very simply. Then got up and climbed onto the pool platform. Don't even wash your body. Just walked out of the bath.

Wait until the footsteps of "pa-da, pa-da" finally disappeared in my ears. Guo Shouyun took a deep breath. Then "bass" jumped out of the pool at once. Spread your big feet. Without any image, he ran to the edge of the clear water pool. A headed onion plunged into the water...

"Damn it. It burned me to death. I don't know who came up with this crazy idea. Enjoy. It's also called a **** enjoyment!" Can't wait to wipe the water stains off my face. Guo Shouyun hurriedly licked his red chest. He said cursingly.

Honestly. He couldn't stand the high temperature in the mud pool for a long time. But just now so many business managers were present. He was embarrassed to just jump out. After all, he is the president of the group. In some respects, the majesty still has to be taken into account. So ever. He just endured the burning sensation all over his body. Lying in the pool for nearly half an hour. The ground water in the Qingshui Pond is also the water from the rock formations drawn from the ground. It's just that there are a few more steps involved. So the water temperature dropped a lot. The sulphur smell is not so great anymore. Guo Shouyun swam back and forth in the pool twice. Then I saw Yelena wrapped in a bath blanket. He walked in gracefully from the brown glass door. And behind her. Surprisingly, she was still following Miss Joni who adorned herself like a maggot on her tarsus all day...and her little mistress who was a follower.

Get along through this period of time. Guo Shouyun's character towards Joni, a woman. It is also considered to have a preliminary understanding. In his opinion. This woman came from a wealthy family. Just like a she-wolf. She likes to beauties. Definitely not much worse than those salty and wet uncles. Just for that. Guo Shouyun after she moved into the villa area. She also specially arranged an independent villa for her and her "mistress" named Susannah. Although he said that he was not worried about what "loss" his woman would suffer. But after all, there is a pure lady like Nina at home. He was worried that something unpleasant might happen.

"Oops. Mr. Guo." Joanne as soon as she entered the door. At a glance, he saw Guo Shouyun who was swimming in the clear water pool. She didn't wait for the other to speak. He took the lead and exaggeratedly laughed. "You're really enjoying it. Everyone says the Far East is poor and backward. But now it looks. This is definitely a superficial imagination. At least in the United States. I have never seen such a hot spring bath. Said. It's mainly beautiful women. Frankly speaking. I now have a cooperative project with our local tourism. I am definitely more confident."

"Really? I don't think so." One dived and swam unhurriedly to the edge of the pool, Guo Shouyun wiped his face, spread his elbows flat on the smooth edge of the pool, and smiled, "Because I The hot spring area is planning to raise prices across the board, and for tourists from the Far East, we have adopted a high-price system, with a ticket of 250 US dollars."

"Is this going too far, sir?" With a slight smile, Joni walked straight to the volcanic mud pool, tore off the white bath blanket from her body, and jumped into the mud with a "gudong" sound. pond.

"Haha, I think it's quite normal," The wonderful ** of "Dead Rabbit" brought Guo Shouyun a moment of visual enjoyment. I think even if I go too far, I can't compare to our Miss Joni? Don't forget, this is the men's bathing area, so you can come here if you don't invite me, why did you go to the pool?"

"Why, is Mr. Guo afraid of being watched?" Picking up a handful of rock mud from the pool and smearing it on her neck and chest, Joni said indifferently, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in seeing you. , Well, it's Miss Yelena, if she's willing to admire her face, I don't mind enjoying the sight."

Guo Shouyun really had nothing to say to such a woman with a seriously abnormal sexual orientation, he waved his hand, motioned Yelena to come over, and asked, "How is it, have you contacted that guy Khodorkovsky? "

"It's in touch," Yelena didn't seem to like women like Joni. She walked to the clear water pool, slightly lifted the bath blanket under her buttocks, and sat on the edge of the pool. His calf dipped into the water, and then he said, "Polaninov himself called just now. He said that Khodorkovsky is currently in Irkutsk, and he will come over in the next two days."

"Well, very good," Guo Shouyun said with a nod, "what about Mr. Vinogradov, have you contacted him?"

"Not yet, but Polaninov said that the old man may not be able to come to the Far East at the moment. He is sunbathing in the Mediterranean Sea, and I heard that he is planning to celebrate the birthday of his precious son," Yelena shook her head and said.

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