Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 555: touch a spark

"Of course, compared to my husband, I am a small person, and small people naturally pay more attention to small people," Yelena stretched out her hand generously, holding the other party's delicate and smooth little hand, smiling at the same time. Said, "Why, Miss Joni has also received an invitation today, or is it a part-time job for you to accompany the meal?"

"Haha, even if it is," Joni didn't mind the other's sarcasm. She held Yelena's hand and gently rubbed her thumb on the back of the other's hand while smiling casually. "However, I hope that Miss Yelena thinks that I came here by smelling the fragrance, because among the women I have come into contact with, you are undoubtedly the best one, and even Siquina is probably far from you. .\\w/"

"You've won the prize," Ye Liena pulled her hand back and smiled casually at the same time.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to introduce you," with a slight smile at the corner of her eyes, Joni turned her head and embraced the blushing woman behind her, and said carelessly, "This is Miss Susannah. ,my friend."

"Miss Susannah, it's nice to meet you," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand towards the woman with a very different personality from Joni out of politeness.

"Hehe, Mr. Guo is too polite." Before waiting for the man's big hand to reach in front of Susannah, Joni had already taken it one step ahead, shook it vigorously, and smiled, "Actually, today's meeting should be happy. It's us, ha, look, what a scene, and Miss Madonna singing in person, it's hard for us to come across opportunities like this."

"It's a pity that such a wild woman turned out to be a dead rabbit." Holding the woman's small hand, Guo Shouyun felt regretful in his heart, feeling the softness and delicacy of the other's palm. He has seen it. This woman named Joni is a typical homosexual. This kind of woman is not interested in men, but is "curious" about her own homosexuality. What is this? Even if the world is full of wonders.

"Mr. Guo, do you mind if I sit here?" Withdrawing her hand, Joni first sat down on the chair next to the man, and then. He took Susanna to sit next to him again, and then raised his head and smiled at Guo Shouyun.

"Oh," Guo Shouyun was almost not amused by this woman. He shook his head and smiled, "Of course I don't mind. It's an honor for me, Guo, to have a beautiful woman by my side. I can't ask for it."

"Is that so?" Joni raised her eyebrows with a smile. "What if I change seats with my husband? You should feel more honored to sit between me and Susannah?"

Saying so, she glanced ambiguously at Yelena who was sitting on the man's right hand.

"Haha. Of course." Shi Shiran sat back in his chair. Guo Shouyun smiled. "But it's a pity. Yelena has to act as an interpreter for me. After all, there are people attending today's occasion. It's impossible for Miss Joni to be so fluent in Russian."

"That's such a pity." The annoyed look on Joni's face made it impossible to tell whether it was true or false. She frowned. "Originally, I planned to take this opportunity to get to know Miss Yelena. Now it seems that"

Say so. She seemed to have thought of something. Suddenly, a sunny smile appeared on his face.

"But fortunately. There is still a chance like this." She pursed her lips lightly. laughed. "Anyway, I'm going to go to the Far East with my husband after a while. Haha. On the way. It seems that there are still many opportunities for me."

"What? What business does Miss Joni have in the Far East?" Guo Shouyun's heart skipped a beat. asked in surprise.

"Of course." Joni laughed. "You know. I will be in charge of dealing with Mr. Guo from now on. I will be in charge of Harrison's side. As for me, I am completely different from a guy like Thompson who is commanding and talking on paper. In selecting cooperation. Pay attention to my own observation. Or say. I only trust my eyes. And now, Harrison and Guo have reached a preliminary cooperation intention. In this case, I think it is necessary for me to go to the Far East and see for myself. In the process of cooperation, we need to pay more attention to what we need to pay attention to. Of course. If Mr. Guo doesn't mind, I also hope to have further discussions with Mr. on a few issues. It must be emphasized first. Consider Mr. Guo's Group. Because I think the previous agreement between you and Harrison was unfair. The family failed to provide you with the corresponding benefit terms. Haha. Mr. Guo. As a future partner, you should first Know my temperament. At least you need to know. On my Joanne's life scale, the most important principle is fairness. The second point is morality. Therefore, there are injustices in the previous agreement. I have to make changes."

This woman who is talking about the second meeting can indeed give people a refreshing feeling. After listening to these words, Guo Shouyun couldn't help but feel admiration for her, but he also knew that this woman To say she is shrewd is for sure, but to say that she has a chivalrous heart, I am afraid it is a big mistake. You must know that in the field of interests, there is never a chivalrous spirit.

"Hehe, it seems that Miss Joni is the one who is really ready to do practical things," Guo Shouyun said in a flat tone with a slight smile, "It seems that the Guo Group can be considered a blessing to be able to cooperate with you. , I really have nothing to say other than high hopes for future cooperation."

"I can hear that Mr. Guo is telling the truth." Turning to the side, Joni grabbed Susanna's little hand beside her, put it in her arms and gently stroked it, smiling, "and like Mr., I also I have high hopes for future cooperation, and at the same time, I also believe that the era of mutual trust between Harrison and Guo is not far away.”

"Miss Yelena, what do you think?" She turned her head and glanced at Yelena on the other side with a smile, and Joni added.

With a slight smile, Ye Liena turned her attention to Madonna, who was bowing to the audience, but did not answer the other party's stubbornness. She could feel that this woman named Joni was here for her. She seemed to be quite interested in herself. At the same time, her wisdom was also quite clever. It seemed that life in the future should become more interesting.

Sitting between the two women, Guo Shouyun could naturally feel the subtle atmosphere. Of course, his mood was also different: one side was his own woman, and the other side was a **** and seductive lesbian. What will happen when the two women get together? In a split second, some **** images appeared in his mind.

Fortunately, this embarrassing scene didn't last long. With Madonna's exit, an official from the Washington Department of Commerce gave a brief speech. Then, according to Yelena's translation, Guo Shouyun understood that it was his turn. It's time to play.

Speaking of which, Guo's Group has been dealing with Wang An Company for nearly a year. During this period, the two sides fought a long-term tug-of-war on a takeover and anti-takeover issue. The intervention of the US government is a troublesome headache. As the president of the Guo Group, Guo Shouyun had long been ambitious for Wang An Company, and several of his development plans were also based on the acquisition of Wang An Company. However, in the whole process of the negotiation, he, the planner, did not participate much. Relatively, Rilke almost played a leading role in it. Because of this, until today, Guo Shouyun and Wang Lie and Mi These former heads of Wang An's company formally met.

On the signing table just set up on the rostrum, Guo Shouyun and Wang Lie sat side by side, with two folders, one red and one green, spread out in front of them.

"Mr. Wang," Guo Shouyun said with a humble smile on his face in the face of the staggered flashing lights off the stage, he took the initiative to shake hands with Wang Lie, and said sincerely, "After several months, we are still sitting here after all. Zhang is in front of the signing ceremony. To be honest, I am both looking forward to and feeling emotional about the appearance of this day. Maybe you will not believe it. From the bottom of my heart, I don’t hope that this day will really appear. I hope Wang An even more. Being able to gain a firm foothold through our own abilities, after all, it is a once great symbol for us Chinese, and a proud existence. But we also need to recognize that this world is a reality, no matter how beautiful it is. I can only express my sincere admiration for what Dr. Wang An has done in the past, and for the current situation of your company, I can only take this kind of wholly-owned acquisition I also hope that you can give the most basic understanding to this.”

"Mr. Guo, you are too polite," Wang Lie's expression was extremely decadent, but he was still polite in his words, "This is business. Competition, we can't blame anyone, what's more, even if I don't want to sell the company, it's impossible now, huh, the company's family board of directors only gives me one power, that is, the power to sign the acquisition contract, and over Today, I haha, these digressions are too much. Mr. Guo, let's sign it. "

With that said, Wang Lie sat down with a calm face, took the carbon pen handed over by the secretary, and signed his name on the document on the desk----the former president of Wang An Company, This is the last time he will be in charge of the company's decision-making power.

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