Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 554: Empire State Building

?Tonight, for New York, may be destined to be a noisy night. At nearly eight o'clock, the TV tower on the top floor of the Empire State Building is completely bright, on the wide platform under the tower overlooking the five states near New York. , it was crowded with people at the moment. /w/For American society, the TV tower on the top of the Empire State Building is very particular, and the "red and blue" two-color xenon lamps hanging on it are quite symbolic. When the Republican Party won the presidential election and went into power for four years, It's the red light that's flashing here, and the blue light that's on here once the Democrats win the election and govern. Therefore, in the minds of Americans, especially New Yorkers, the light of the TV tower of the Empire State Building symbolizes the political party of the owner of the White House, with red for republic and blue for democracy.

In the past few months, because the final result of the presidential election has not come out, the lights on the TV tower have always been on red and blue, but this evening, the situation has changed, flashing for a long time. The red light that had been in place for twelve years finally went out on this night, and the blue light, symbolizing the Democratic Party, had flashed on the top of the Empire State Building.

At the same time, just tonight, the final signing ceremony of the largest foreign-related corporate merger and acquisition case in the history of the United States will also be held in the press room on the first floor of the Empire State Building TV Tower. Guo's Group, a multinational enterprise from the Russian Far East, The final acquisition of the American computer giant Wang An will be completed here.

Previously, major American media had carried out numerous reports on this matter. The Guo Group invested billions of dollars at one time to fully acquire Wang An Company with tens of thousands of employees. , to implement a comprehensive rectification of the company.

During this period of time, the voices of opposition from all quarters have never disappeared, and there have even been several mass demonstrations against the takeover proposal in Washington and New York. But in general, there are still quite a few people who have expectations for this acquisition, and this can only be seen from the stock price of Wang An's company in the past few days.

Accompanied by Rilke and others, when Guo Shouyun arrived at the TV newsroom of the Empire State Building, it was exactly eight o'clock. Because this occasion was too formal, his outfit tonight was unprecedented. A green single lining with a black bow tie, pure black semi-casual trousers, a flat mirror with a gold wire drawing edge... The whole person looks luxurious and decent, and when he moves, he shows a kind of drifting self-confidence. .e The unrestrained self-confidence, in a word, is one word: handsome. And accompanying him, Yelena also showed a completely different dazzling style from the past. She had rejected the pink evening dress that Rilke prepared for her with bare legs and a back, and put on a pure dress instead. The black lady's suit showed her tall and slender figure to the best of her ability. As her footsteps flowed, a sassy air came out, which was particularly eye-catching.

When Guo Shouyun and his party entered the venue. on the podium. Madonna, known as Hollywood's No. 1 **** star, is singing her song "aitin" in her new album for the super-rich businessmen and political giants on the spot. This woman who is over 30 years old is still so coquettish and attractive. In order to invite her to do this show, Rilke even offered $5 million for half an hour.

Because the preparatory work was done very well. In addition, the records of being able to attend this kind of occasion are mostly media celebrities with status and status, so when Guo Shouyun and his party entered the venue, they were not besieged. On the contrary, it was his bodyguards. I got a lot of business cards, which are all "invitations" similar to interview invitations.

Although he didn't encounter the siege of the record, Guo Shouyun still felt that he was very uncomfortable, accompanied by Ye Liena and her group. He had to say hello to people everywhere. Say some polite words that are both numb and nutrient-poor. The people who came to this signing ceremony tonight are definitely very talented, just senators from New York and several nearby states. There were a total of twelve people who came, and in addition, there were representatives of various families and financial groups, as well as a large number of former Wang An Company **** including Wang Lie and Miller. To these people, Guo Shouyun must be polite, greet them with smiling faces, get close to them, and communicate, that's what he pays attention to.

It was difficult to cope with the dignitaries and celebrities from all quarters. When Guo Shouyun sat down on his seat in the front row. Already feeling a little exhausted. And on the podium. Madonna that old woman sang. It made him even more exhausted. Feel a kind of inner irritability.

"When will the signing ceremony start?" Leaning on the soft back of the chair. Guo Shouyun greeted a beautiful lady in the back row who was looking at him with a smile on his face. Immediately leaned into Yelena's ear. asked softly. "It's upsetting to be with an American. God knows. There's so much upsetting stuff in here tonight."

"I'm afraid I'll be upset for a while, sir." Yelena smiled nonchalantly. "Because the whole scene is going to the ground today. It's organized by the US Department of Commerce. We and Wang An are the theoretical protagonists of the two books. Now we have to listen to other people's arrangements. As for when the signing ceremony will officially start. Let them decide."

"A bunch of bastards." With a humble and kind smile on his face. Guo Shouyun waved to a fat man who greeted him in the distance. At the same time, he cursed in a low voice. "They get a lot of benefits. In the arrangement of the signing ceremony. They still have to earn a lot of face."

"Of course. Who told you to buy their stuff?" Yelena chuckled. "But it's not bad. After all, I can be in such a close place. Listen to Miss Madonna sing. Hehe. Such opportunities are really hard to find."

"Cut. Do you know how I look at the ground?" sneered dismissively. Guo Shouyun said. "Rilke's arrangement tonight is definitely a big mistake. Ten million an hour. Hire such a person. Hehe. If this is used to hire a prostitute. I guess these guys will be more excited. Sexy queen? Madonna. In my view Come on. A prostitute who can't sing is a prostitute. And a prostitute who can sing. That's a **** diva like Madonna. If you don't believe me, you can try it. You put on her dress. Go to the stage and lift up your skirt. I guess The scene under the stage. It's several times more crazy than it is now."

"Are you complimenting me?" Yelena said angrily, rolling her eyes.

"Of course it's a compliment, and it's a merciless compliment, a naked compliment." Shrugging, Guo Shouyun smiled.

"Hehe, it seems that Mr.'s mentality has recovered very quickly," Yelena shook her head and smiled, "This is a good phenomenon, but I still don't like your way of complimenting. Well, you can leave it to another Miss."

"Oh, who?" Guo Shouyun laughed.

"Well, the one who will be here soon." With her chin slightly raised, Yelena said in a low voice, "It's the dining girl I mentioned the night before."

"Huh?" Turning his head subconsciously, Guo Shouyun looked in the direction indicated by the woman.

"Dissolute, cynical," when he saw the woman who was walking towards him gracefully a dozen steps away, these two words flashed in Guo Shouyun's mind first, and after that, he flashed again in his mind The things that have passed... are more filthy.

In a fairly formal occasion like this, what would be the effect if a woman wearing a leopard-print skirt and a navel-baring tube top appeared? There is no doubt that it can only be described as shocking. The most terrible thing is that this woman obviously still feels that the dress is not eye-catching, so she wrapped a layer of black mouth on the thighs that were fully exposed. mesh. As for the choice of companions, this woman can also be described in terms of vulgarity. She is not holding a handsome and handsome boy, but a **** girl with a pure face and a curve.

"Guo Shouyun, Mr. Guo, didn't expect us to meet again so soon?" The slutty woman walked quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, have we met before?" Guo Shouyun bowed and smiled.

"Haven't we met before?" The woman was talking to Guo Shouyun, her blue eyes were fixed on Ye Liena's body, and her eyes were quite aggressive. More is still aiming at Yelena's plump breasts.

"I don't think so," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "Otherwise, a woman like you will definitely be deeply impressed in my mind."

"Then don't think so." Turning her gaze to Guo Shouyun's face, the woman smiled and said generously, "We're meeting for the first time today, let me introduce myself, Joni Harrison, sir, you can call me Joan Ni, I like when people call me that."

"Oh? Joni Harrison?" Guo Shouyun frowned and muttered softly.

"Sir, do you want to ask, why our damned Harrison family will suddenly change someone to deal with you at this time?" Saying so, Joni stretched out her hand to Yelena and made a request. The appearance of getting to know her and being close, "It's very simple, I can tell you things like... Thompson has other things to do, or he's not suitable for you to deal with, etc., etc. There are many reasons, which one feels better, Mr. To be credible, just trust which one. As for now, hehe, Miss Yelena, I believe you won't say that we met for the first time, right?"

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