Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 553: dead woman

?Faced with Yelena's suggestions, Guo Shouyun didn't speak for a long time. /

The "American model" is the typical American model: big conglomerates control the overall situation of national capital, and then implicitly manipulate the state power, replacing the national economy with the consortium economy, and in turn, the national economy provides support for the consortium economy. The powers of national bonds, currency banks, economic policy formulation, etc. are all in the hands of the consortium, and the country has become the spokesperson for the interests of the consortium, but there are several large and small consortiums in the United States, while in the Far East, only the Guo Group exists. Such a real consortium.

But having said that, Guo Shouyun also knew that once he really accepted this plan, it would be another big step towards the independence of the Far East—a big step that would be difficult to take back.

This woman Yelena is really scary. The most scary thing about her is that she can pass on her own wishes to others in a very reasonable and convincing way. She is different from Victor. Later, when she made plans, she would often deprive the Guo Group of certain benefits, and this woman, when she made plans, she seemed to be seeking benefits for the Guo Group. And actually. However, in order to achieve their own goals, they are guiding the Guo Group's direction step by step.

Even worse. Until now, Guo Shouyun didn't know what the woman was thinking, let alone what her true intentions were. She is like a complete anarchist. As long as the central power in Moscow can be dismantled, she is willing to make all sacrifices. As long as the Far East can be independent from the Federation, she feels a great sense of accomplishment.

"This woman's mind... Unless she says it herself. Otherwise, she may always be a fan." Looking at Yelena in front of her, she looked at her bottomless pale blue eyes , Guo Shouyun sighed in his heart and said to himself. Reprinted from my reading room

"I know Mr. still has concerns in his heart." Taking a step away, Yelena sat down next to the man and said softly, "But it doesn't matter. After all, we still have time to consider and arrange. There is no hurry to make a decision. But I still hope that Mr. can think about it more. So as not to be caught off guard in the future. "

Nodding his head, Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He had shaken off the nervousness just now, and turned to carefully consider the real feasibility of Yelena's plan.

The general trend of the world, the chaos in peace for a long time, or whether it is extremely peaceful, this is a historical law that can never be escaped. The entire Russian Federation has been in total chaos for two years, and according to the common sense of past life history, this chaos will continue for several years until Vladimir takes the stage. Now, there is a trend of "governance" in the Far East at the beginning, and in the context of this "governance", the Guo Group also enjoys an irreplaceable important position. If you follow Ye Liena's guidance, you can Governing the Far East step by step, then in a few years, I believe that the Far East will reach a place that Moscow absolutely cannot control. If you "enter" yourself, you can fight against Moscow, and "retreat" can make a big deal with Moscow, so as to ensure your own safety to the greatest extent. From this aspect alone, Yelena is indeed doing her best to make suggestions for herself, but why, why does she always feel that something is wrong in her heart?

"Sir, do you know that your frown is actually very handsome and manly," leaning over the man's shoulders, Yelena reached out and touched his brow lightly, laughing softly, "If you are frowning At the same time, it can be matched with a pursed mouth action, the two shallow dimples are matched with the two light lines on the forehead, hehe, it seems to be even more charming."

"Really? Why do I feel like I can't fascinate you all the time?" When he recovered, Guo Shouyun grabbed the woman's slender waist and sneered.

"Me? I'm already fascinated by you," Yelena smiled tenderly, "it's just that you don't believe it. Come on, stop thinking about it, it's getting late, let's go to bed, maybe , maybe before we go to bed, we can find time to do something else."

Guo Shouyun smiled without saying a word. He stood up from the leather bed, first stretched out his hand and gently pulled off the bath blanket that the woman was wrapping around him. Entering his arms, he strode out of the bathroom door—since the temptation eye is not this woman's opponent, it is impossible to say, he can only use his physical strength to compete with her. Regardless of mental or physical strength, a man has to find his place somewhere.

"Joanie," just as Guo Shouyun and Ye Liena entered the second round of lingering tonight, in a villa four blocks away from them, Thompson was sitting upright, his eyelids lowered, and he said cautiously, "You are right. What do you think about the situation tonight?"

Opposite Thompson, the woman who served Guo Shouyun for a meal was crooked, leaning on a wide piece of sand. She closed her eyes slightly, fiddling with the platinum chain on her wrist a little absent-mindedly, and after a long while, she snorted softly and said, "Uncle, do you know that your behavior tonight is stupid? I'm even sure, Now Guo Shouyun and the woman beside him have noticed a lot of things. A mistake you made, a trump card that we spent all our time preparing, is likely to become a piece of waste paper in the next few months. "

"Oh?" Thompson looked stunned, he obviously didn't understand where he went wrong.

"I really don't understand why my father left such an important matter to you and Miles to deal with," the woman named Joni lifted a long leg wrapped in flesh-colored transparent stockings, and shook her lovely little feet gently, At the same time, he said casually, "I said, there are very few men in this world who are smart. The two mistakes you made tonight, first, since it was a negotiation, there was no practical benefit for the other party. , the only thing that has been turned over is the family. Second, those **** gifts you prepared, you thought you could win Guo Shouyun's favor, but in fact? That's the biggest flaw. Of course, in You have made far less mistakes in seeking cooperation from the Guo Group. At the same time, your views on Guo Shouyun are also very biased. Before tonight, I heard what you said about him. The evaluation is just an empty statement such as greed, great ambition, and daring, but now I am sure that this man is not as greedy as you say, and his pursuit of **** is in place. There is a degree of certainty. The consideration is in his mind, well, I hate dealing with such a man the most. Secondly, he is not as bold as you said, and he is not as ambitious as he is unsatisfied. When dealing with the problems of the Far East, I believe that he himself And expecting a situation of autonomy, the various situations we have guessed before are just wishful thinking.”

Poussin was obviously suspicious of Joni's remarks, but perhaps out of fear, he didn't offer any counter-arguments.

"In addition, the information you provided me before was too one-sided," Joni was not interested in paying attention to her uncle's thoughts at all, she continued to take care of herself, "According to what you said, there are only a few high-level people in the Guo Group. , but why have I never seen that woman's profile tonight?"

"Oh, you mean that Yelena?" Thompson said cautiously, "According to our information, this woman is Guo Shouyun's mistress, ah, and also his translator, so..."

"So? So what?" Turning over on the sand, Joni looked at her uncle and sneered, "So you think she's useless and not worthy of attention at all? Hmph, don't you realize that? Is that woman full of lifelessness? A woman with a heartless heart can still sit in front of you and chat and laugh with you. If it were me, the first thing I would consider is what supports this woman's spirit, and then Then change to her point of view and use her mentality to think about the problem. Only in this way can you know how terrible this woman is, and you can know... Hey, forget it, there is nothing wrong with discussing this issue with you. Value, depending on your IQ, you will never be able to understand these things." "Yes, hehe, I will pay attention to it later." A trace of embarrassment flashed on Thompson's face, and he murmured for a while before saying such a sentence without the slightest bit. Nutrient crap.

"I think you should pay more attention to your body." With a dismissive sneer, Joni sat up from the sand and said, "You should hurry up and do two things during this time. First, keep Guo Shouyun by your side. That woman...well, Yelena, right, investigate her situation for me, and secondly, make arrangements for me, I want to meet with Siquina, I haven't seen her for so long I'm thinking of her strangely."

"Okay, I'll arrange someone to do it right away." Thompson nodded again and again.

"One last thing, your sweetheart little Berry has become my woman," Joni's face showed an ambiguous smile, she finally said, "You are not allowed to touch her again in the future, otherwise, be careful what I give you nice."

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