Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 552: Cash flow

"I know, you just wanted to kill me again just now," collapsed weakly on the massage leather bed, Yelena was lying there in an indecent manner, with two slightly empty eyes, Staring at the zenith full of water vapor without blinking, he said faintly, "How many times is this? I can't remember, I'm afraid you can't either."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, he withdrew from the woman's body, turned over and jumped off the leather bed, walked straight to the bathtub, turned on the shower head switch, and let the cold water splash on him.

"You know, in fact, what I see most in you is not ambition, nor wit, and of course, not those romantic feelings," Yelena struggled to get up from the bed, and Yelena seemed to return to normal in an instant , in her pale blue eyes, the same calmness and depth as always appeared again. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she watched the turbid white liquid overflowing from her body slowly trickling down the inner thighs, and giggled, "What I see the most are contradictions, a kind of deep, almost penetrating into the bone marrow. The contradiction. This kind of contradiction is entangled in you, affects your decision-making, affects your relationship with others, and even affects your destiny. You feel the threat I bring to you, and from time to time you want to get rid of me once and for all You have great ambitions, but in the face of the trend of complete independence in the Far East, you are constantly apprehensive and never make up your mind; you have an ordinary person's confidence, but you are full of doubts about everything around you. I can't even give 100% trust to anyone. Hehe, sometimes I even suspect that you are actually the most serious schizophrenic. There are two souls entangled in your body: one is daring, the other is cowardly; Indecisive, one hard-hearted; one trying to reverse the course of history, and the other trying to keep something together. Seriously, if it wasn't so ridiculous, I'd even think you were Moses and A mix of mortals."

Listening to the woman's almost rambling elaboration, Guo Shouyun's heart seemed to set off a huge wave. He suddenly realized that his fear of this woman was by no means unreasonable. Her shrewdness and dialysis were like the nemesis prepared by God for him, and his thoughts and thoughts, and even the sympathy, could hardly escape her. Eyes, why is this feeling uncomfortable, even a little scary.

As Yelena just said. He did kill again just now, because he could feel that this woman seemed to be deliberately promoting the Far East's independence from time to time. out of mind. the most important is. It seems that he, the owner of the Guo Group, has also been fully influenced by her, and he is going further and further on this road.

Perhaps as the woman said, Guo Shouyun is a person with a psychological contradiction. On the one hand, he feels the threat that Yelena brings to him, but on the other hand, he does not intend to eliminate this threat preemptively. At the same time, on the one hand, he could feel the woman's loyalty to him, but on the other hand, he often doubted her intentions -- as a woman by the pillow, Ye Liena really saw him Guo Shouyun too clearly and thoroughly. .

With a "squeak" sound, unscrew the switch on the nozzle. Guo Shouyun turned around. He walked slowly to the woman's side, patted her shoulder, and motioned her to rush to the body.

"Tell me, what are your thoughts this time?" Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, watching the woman bathing in the clear water.

"Will you listen when I tell you?" Wei Wei raised her head. Letting the cold water curtain splash on his face, after a long while, he reached out and wiped his face, turned around and said.

"Since you entered the Guo Group, or since you came to me, have I rejected all kinds of proposals?" Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun said.

"That's a good thing to say. But I can also feel the deepest sense of crisis in your heart." Yelena folded her arms and draped it behind her head. Use two slender fingers to filter out the water droplets between the wires. He said softly at the same time. "Hehe. Speaking of which, I'm like a moth flying around a bonfire. The more beautiful the dance floor is, the closer you are to death. During this time by your side. I am giving you advice at the same time. Step by step, your fear of me is deepening...but it doesn't matter. I don't care about it. Now the only thing I hope is. You can give me more time. Give me a little more trust. When I see my dream come true On that day. I will let all your concerns be resolved with my own hands."

"Well. I just hope that when the time comes, you won't be the man who trusts you." He shrugged slightly. Guo Shouyun said casually.

"I don't know if you have considered it." He smiled lightly. Yelena did not continue to dwell on this issue. She tugged at a bath blanket. Wrapped around himself casually. He walked slowly to Guo Shouyun and sat down. said. "Actually, when the economic situation in the Far East tends to be stable step by step. The Guo Group's decision-making in terms of capital operation should be clearly demarcated from the original. At first, it was based on self-interest considerations. A large amount of funds were transferred overseas. The practice. It is no longer suitable for the current reality. The economy of the Far East is recovering. On the one hand, it needs a large amount of foreign investment to inject. On the other hand, it also needs to make full use of local funds. The administration and tax department have a large number of government-controlled capital institutions in the mainland. Now they have become empty shells. In the first half of the year, the Far Eastern states achieved a total net profit and tax of 4.37 billion rubles. According to the formal financial system, this Net profits and taxes must not be invested entirely in social welfare and infrastructure construction. A large part of it should also be invested in foreign exchange investment and international investment funds under the responsibility of the foreign exchange management department.”

"But this part of the investment content. I have never let up." Guo Shouyun said with a frown. "Now. The Guo Group's quarterly income. About 20 to 30 percent. It is used to reserve gold, invest in foreign exchange, etc."

"But the problem is. After all, the Guo Group is a private business group. In terms of international credit investment with the government as a unit, Mr. can't get the agency." Ye Liena smiled. "Sir, you know that a country's government is trying to achieve a balance of payments. How many items need to be included in the list of assets? Simply put. At least three items should be covered: including import and export trade, government spending, and tax revenue as the main content. National financial and capital investment projects; asset reserve projects. So far, the Far East has begun to gradually normalize the first two items. But the third item is the only one. That is, the content of capital reserves. The Far East is still blank. In this respect, the content that should have been operated by the government has been completely represented by Guo. At the same time, in the operation of international capital, the Far East has also lost a lot of basic rights and interests. For example, the government The investment in **** currency gold, the allocation of special drawing rights within the IMF, the exchange of foreign exchange between regions, the operation of government claims, etc., etc. In other words, the Far East is completely tied to the Guo Group. Guo's funds Once the flow is cut off, the entire economy of the entire Far East will be declared bankrupt within a week; there is no governmental foreign exchange reserves. Once it encounters financial risks, the Guo Group must also bear the entire crisis by itself; the Far East has no own Capital reserves of local governments. In the face of crisis. No external economic aid. No local bonds. Let alone international government bonds.”

"Actually. Speaking of bonds. I think Mr. wants to kidnap the public opinion of the Far East. The best way is not to make everyone richer and richer. Nor to build momentum with rhetoric. As the economy of the Far East recovers. There are options for Mr. There are many more ways. And among them, issuing government bonds is a good way to kill two birds with one stone," Yelena said. "Therefore. At this stage. I am in favor of keeping close contact with Washington, sir. At the same time, seize the time to rectify the order of the Far East economy. Re-operate institutions including customs taxation, foreign exchange management, etc. Then. In the form of local bonds. Further absorb the funds reserved by the private sector in the Far East. There are local bonds involved. On the one hand, the Far East states can obtain more abundant capital supplements. The world is peaceful and the government is stable. It means that everyone can benefit from government bonds. The chaos in the world and the change of government power directly means that the value of government bonds will depreciate. Therefore, we can predict that once the local bonds go down. Far East people will have a stronger mentality of seeking stability. And Guo's position in the Far East will be more stable. At the same time, when the economic cycle of local governments in the Far East tends to be good, Mr. Guo can transfer the capital flow of the Guo Group. On the one hand, this method can further expand the capital flow of the Far East. On the other hand, it can also boost the confidence of foreign investment. At the same time, it can also avoid direct control of the capital flow of the Guo Group by external forces. Well, even Beijing. They have the ability to freeze the funds of a multinational group. But they cannot freeze the foreign exchange reserves and international investment of a government. Because that means direct aggression. It is a government-to-government public opinion contest.”

What Yelena said is not wrong. Take the contest between the United States and Iraq as an example. The Gulf War has been going on for so long, and Washington has implemented a comprehensive economic blockade on Baghdad, but in the end, it has not frozen the overseas capital of Saddam's government. , not because they couldn't, but because Washington didn't dare to commit a major taboo.

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