Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 551: bathroom fire

"Then, who do you think she is? Well, forget it, it's pointless to speculate on these things now. The key question is, where do you judge that they might have our weakness? What weakness?" After thinking for a moment , Guo Shouyun didn't find the slightest clue, he waved his hand and said a little upset. . qb5, c0m

"It's not easy to say, even if it's... even if it comes from a woman's intuition," Yelena said softly, picking up a gauze bath towel from the edge of the bathtub, rubbing her arms gently for the man , "Especially the unidentified woman, I can feel something hidden in her eyes."

"What?" Guo Shouyun is a little regretful now, saying that he has always been very concerned about the women around him, but why did he change **** today, so that he lost this important opportunity to observe.

"Indifference," Yelena said, "yes, it is indifference, a kind of obvious indifference, based on strong self-confidence. Although the identity of this woman is not easy to infer, I can be sure that she is in Harry The status in the Sen family should not be comparable to that of Thompson and Miles. At the same time, the reason why she attended this dinner today should not be for the purpose of negotiation, but for an interest.”

"Interested?" Guo Shouyun asked in surprise, "What interest?"

"I'm afraid only she can know this," shrugged and Yelena said, "Maybe she is interested in the decision that Mr. may make, or the way of thinking about distinguishing the problem, hehe, it may also be for Mr. You are interested. In short, she can't be interested in me, because she didn't even look at me during the whole dinner."

Guo Shouyun was silent, he naturally wouldn't be sentimental. He thinks that the woman admires and secretly loves him, and once a man in his position is targeted by a woman, and is still targeted by that kind of woman with status and status, it often means trouble will come.

"As for the weakness that Mr. may be caught now, I had a comprehensive discussion with the think tank team before," got up and squatted on the edge of the bathtub, Yelena rubbed the man's chest and said softly, "We have been The general view is that the capital flow of the Guo Group is the most easily controlled by others. In the past two years since Mr. started, a large amount of funds have been stored, transferred, and diverted through Swiss banks, and the group is a member of the Far East military and politicians. The private accounts listed by them are also concentrated there. ^^^^ Of course, under normal circumstances, there is no problem with the credibility of Swiss banks. But have you considered, as Guo's external contacts have been strengthened step by step, The number of interested parties involved is also gradually increasing. From the current point of view, the influential parties with close entanglement of interests with the Guo family, in addition to Moscow, there are Washington, Beijing, and even London, Berlin, Paris, these powerful parties gather together .It is enough to have a decisive influence on any part of the world. Therefore, when the Guo family has a face-to-face conflict of interest with them, it is impossible for any financial institution outside the Far East to provide the most stable and effective capital flow for the Guo family. security guarantees, as do Swiss banks.”

Guo Shouyun nodded knowingly, he understood the meaning of Yelena's words. Since the day the Guo Group officially started, he has been dealing with Swiss banks. On a quarterly basis, the group remits an astonishing amount of funds to Swiss banks in batches, where it is distributed and transferred to various investment channels. And just like that, in almost two years, from the Far East to Swiss banks. The total amount of capital transactions can already be calculated in trillions. At the same time, hundreds of officials and dozens of generals in the Far East have their personal accounts opened in Swiss banks. , which is the source of Far East customers for UBS. ===

now. Yelena raised a little doubt. Once the Swiss banks came under strong external pressure, they could no longer provide bank secrecy services to the Far East. What will happen by then? For example, when the International Monetary Fund intervenes strongly and requires Swiss banks to provide details of all capital transactions in the Far East, and even requires them to freeze assets in the Far East, what kind of situation will the Guo Group face? There is no doubt that this building with money as the "foundation", the relationship network as the "pillar", and the transaction of power and money as the "brick and tile" will collapse and collapse in an instant.

If you want to bring down a real estate company, the best way is to delay its capital chain; if you want to bring down a financial institution, the best way is to cut off its capital flow; "Organization, the most direct way is undoubtedly to freeze its assets, because for such an organization, money is the root of its existence. The flow is endless, but once the organization can't touch the money within a certain period of time, it can be said for sure that it has nothing. The Guo Group is precisely such an organization, so the question raised by Yelena is quite accurate. ****

Guo Shouyun's past ideas were concentrated within the Russian Federation. He never thought about when the Far East would become independent. Therefore, he did not consider the issue of equal competition with such powerful parties as Washington and Beijing, and naturally he did not consider it. Whether there is a risk of international intervention in the capital flow of the Guo Group. Now, facing the increasingly complex external environment, he felt that it was time to consider these issues.

Of course, your own power is the safest in your own hands, and your own funds are also the safest in your own hands. As a powerful and reputable international bank, UBS belongs to other people’s land after all. As a powerful existence that may have a crisis at any time, the Guo Group has handed over its huge assets to an outsider for operation. It's not safe after all.

"You're right," Guo Shouyun held the woman's small hand rubbing against his chest, led Ye Liena into the bathtub, patted the smoothness that would make any man salivate, and motioned her to sit on his lower abdomen Then he smiled and said, "But you also know that the amount of funds that Guo's company enters into various circulation channels every quarter is too large, and this large amount of funds cannot be effectively operated by Yuan Commercial Bank alone.** ***To be honest, the reason why I chose Swiss Bank was, on the one hand, to transfer assets overseas, and on the other hand, because of their stable capital operation technology. A certain degree of dependence has arisen, and now, it may not be so easy to withdraw our funds from there and return them to our own hands.”

Guo Shouyun's body has been blessed with a long-term superior life, and his slightly raised belly is trembling when sitting on it, and he feels very comfortable. However, as a woman who has not tasted the forbidden fruit for a long time, Yelena does not like sitting on a man's stomach. She is more obsessed with the feeling of containing a man in her body, because only then will she feel the fullness of her body. , even the fullness of an empty soul.

"Actually, after groping for a moment with her hands under her body, Yelena brought the man into her body with a seductive **. Then she gently moved her plump buttocks and whispered with her eyes closed, "Actually, What Mr. is worried about now is not that he cannot control his own funds, but that this move will increase the tendency of separation in the Far East. Well, you can't hide it from me at this point. "

"Really?" The compactness and scorching heat inside the woman's body made the man feel extremely enjoyable. Every time he faced this woman, especially when he was happy with her, Guo Shouyun felt a little bit of emotion while enjoying it. He felt that the God who determines everything in nothingness must be a pervert. He single-handedly forged top-quality women like Yelena, Shanariva, and Siquina, but he arranged for them an inner world that was far from normal. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of normal people , These women are more or less mentally morbid, even extremely morbid.

"Of course, don't you want to admit it?" With her hands on the man's chest, Yelena shook her upturned **** and said with a little breath, "In the past few decades, the Far East has Although it is poor, it involves various departments in the economic control system, but it is more rigorously organized than that in Moscow. From customs taxation to foreign exchange management, there are 16 competent departments in all cities in the Far East, Mr. It can be said that it takes no effort to receive them now, and at the same time, they can be brought into effective operation in the shortest time possible.”

Guo Shouyun remained silent, he stretched out his hand to support the woman's slender waist, pushing her up and down, rushing into the deepest part of her body again and again as the water splashed around.

Come on, you know I can't last long. "Yelena's physique is surprisingly sensitive, and her durability in this kind of thing is surprisingly low. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Guo Shouyun likes to be happy with her, because from her, as long as she can persevere for two or three times. A man in minutes can show awe-inspiring majesty.

But today Guo Shouyun didn't listen to the women's pleas like he did several times in the past. Not only that, but he became more and more aggressive. The two big hands firmly clamped the woman's slender waist. He frequently licked the lower abdomen, and with the help of the water wave, he almost violently impacted the woman's body.

It took more than a minute at most, Ye Liena, who was trembling with the turbulent flowers and branches, let out a whimper, and her originally tense body collapsed in an instant, and collapsed weakly on the man.

Feeling the vigorous heat flow from the woman's body, Guo Shouyun became even more excited. He turned over from the bathtub and sat up, holding the woman's slender waist with one hand and her plump buttocks with the other, and stepped out of the water with such big strides. , took two steps, and threw Yelena on the soft bed a few steps away, and then fit in and threw herself on it.

If you want to kill me, you can move... hands now," Yelena bit her lower lip and muttered with blurry eyes when the man rushed towards her body like a beast.

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