Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 550: Mystery Companion Girl

After coming out of Thompson's private club, it was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. Guo Shouyun, who was disturbed by the deep sleepiness, refused Miles' proposal to watch the night view of New York together, and returned directly to the hotel with Yelena and Rilke. hotel. , qb5.

"Sir, are you really going to cooperate with Harrison?" In the misty bathroom, Yelena's skin was as thick as a milky velvet. She sat on the edge of the bathtub while reaching out Stirring in the foamy pool water, he asked with a light frown on his eyebrows.

"Totally? This word is not very good." Lying lazily in the bathtub, Guo Shouyun only exposed his head on the water, "For me, there has never been a concept of complete cooperation, and everyone benefits. Together, there is no profit, and now, working with the Harrison family is obviously beneficial to us, at least it can put some pressure on the Kennedy family. Hey, since it is beneficial, how can I turn it out the door Push?"

"How do you say it," Yelena seemed to be hesitant, she said thoughtfully, "I just think that Harrison's boat seems to be easy to get on and off, I don't know if you can hear it, Thompson has stated a problem several times today, that is It is hoped that the gentleman can join their family and be a part of it."

"Well, I can hear it," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, squinting his eyes, "Why, isn't this a good thing? In fact, I have thought about it before, as a yellow race, whether in Russia or in the United States If I want to fully integrate into the world of these two white people, I have to pay a lot of price. But then again, such a price should be worth it, because only integration means more opportunities and more profits. , more opportunities for exhibitions.”

"Clap!" With a soft sound, he turned over in the large bathtub, turning his face in the direction of the woman. He continued: "Haha. Now everyone has seen the success that I and the Guo Group have achieved in the Far East, but who knows, in order to get to this day, how much I paid in the past days. Speaking of which, you may not I will believe that when I first went to the Far East, I almost died under the hands of Nina, and Shana Riva, she also made me suffer. But in the end, they are all mine now. Women, and I’m still alive and well. The Guo Group has also become a unique existence in the Far East. To be honest, Thompson’s remarks today gave me a great hint, and even opened my mind to a certain extent.”

"Hehe, is it his interpretation of Harrison's inability to annex Guo?" Ye Liena was very smart, and she immediately guessed Guo Shouyun's thoughts.

"Not bad." He stretched his arms and put his entire forearm on the woman's smooth and round thigh, Guo Shouyun said, "It was these words that reminded me that when I entered the Far East as a Chinese, it was difficult to rely on a qb5. It took two full years and countless risks and hardships to lead the Guo family to where they are today. And now, the most chaotic period in the Far East has passed. Whether it is political or economic , or military. The Far East has become more stable and stable. During this period, coupled with the existence of the Guo family, there is not much room for speculation in this place. In this case, whether it is an American or an American, Regardless of the Chinese, it is impossible for them to enter this area and even squeeze the influence of the Guo Group in this area. Don’t forget, today’s Far East people can recognize the existence of Guo Shouyun, but It is not necessarily possible to agree with the existence of another Chinese, and of course, it is even less likely to agree with the existence of Americans. In this case, any new foreign forces will be excluded from all aspects. At the same time, the Far East’s Both the military and the government are also satisfied with the current status quo. They may be looking forward to the independence of the Far East one day, but it is impossible for them to expect another existence similar to the Guo Group. They like to be conservative and dislike change, because in their opinion, conservative means the stability of the power class, and change means the change of the power class. One emperor and one courtier, this principle is not only understood by Chinese people, but also by people all over the world. Clear. So, I think it's time to open up and engage with the outside world, Harrison needs to get the priority to open up the resources of the Far East, we need to stand with them politically, and we? It also requires the injection of a large amount of foreign capital, more people to invest in the Far East, and political support from Washington. Under such circumstances, I really can't think of a reason to refuse to cooperate with the Harrison family. "

"Well, Mr. has considered all the issues well," Yelena nodded with satisfaction and said, "It can be seen that, although you keep saying that you don't want to see the day of Far East independence, in fact , you are already thinking with the mind of Far Eastern domination."

"Are you criticizing me for my disagreement, or are you praising my level-headedness?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, using **** to squeeze the tender meat on the inner thigh of the woman.

"Clap!" Yelena smiled and slapped the back of the man's messy hand, "Even if you have both. But I still want to remind you that the two watches that Miles gave us today are very telling. The problem, sir, just think about the subtleties, and you can see the key."

"Huh? Let's hear it." Guo Shouyun hadn't really thought about this question, he said stunned.

"It's very simple," Yelena said with a slight smile, "Sir, think about it, according to Miles, this watch should have been made a few days ago, and the name of Mr. The date, and the Harrison family logo, should have been branded at the time of production."

"That's right, what's the matter? Is there a problem?" Guo Shouyun said with a frown. "Don't you think that they are overconfident?" She gave the man a ruthless glance, and Yelena said angrily, "You know, the negotiations you started with them a few days ago were not smooth, in that case , how can they assume you'll accept their family logo?"

"What do you mean..." Guo Shouyun was stunned, he got up from the bathtub, sat halfway in the water, and said.

"Obviously, they must have prepared a condition for Mr. that they cannot refuse, or they have grasped a weakness in you," Yelena tilted her head and said, "With this condition or that weakness in hand, they are not afraid of it. The gentleman will not make concessions."

"Weakness, what weakness?" Guo Shouyun felt that the water temperature in the bathtub was a little cold.

"Don't you think that they will only make conditions for us?" Yelena shook her head and said, "You are too confident, you know, we are not afraid of anything in the Far East, and even in the entire Federation, we can be fearless, but now You are dealing with Americans, and you are dealing with an American political family with a history of nearly two hundred years. What they hold in their hands and how much energy they hold is absolutely beyond your imagination. Therefore, at this time , your self-confidence should be restrained. Domineering can certainly make you stand taller when negotiating, but the higher it is, the more dangerous it is. You must consider all possibilities to ensure yourself to the greatest extent. safety."

"You're right." Although the woman's words were a bit unpleasant, Guo Shouyun's attitude was unprecedentedly modest. He nodded and said, "This is because I lack complete consideration, and it's all the fault of my habitual thinking."

Ye Lina was quite satisfied with the man's attitude, she reached out and stroked the other's arm, and said softly, "Actually, it's very admirable that Mr. When it comes to issues, outsiders always see it more clearly than insiders. In fact, at today's dinner, Mr. still has a problem that he didn't see, which is a bigger negligence."

"You said, I'm listening." Guo Shouyun sat up straight and put on a posture of listening intently.

"Have you noticed that there is something wrong with the woman who served you the meal?" Yelena said softly.

"Which woman?" Guo Shouyun tried his best to think about it. It's a pity that he, who has always been lustful, could not remember what the woman at the dining table looked like. He only remembered that the woman seemed to wear very little and the skirt was very short. There was only a bra the size of a baby's palm on his chest, so that the two plump **** could hardly be concealed.

"It's rare for a gentleman to have a time when a beautiful woman turns a blind eye," Yelena chuckled.

"Do you think I'm a lecher? I'll keep staring at a few dinner girls?" Guo Shouyun sighed while holding his forehead.

"Sir, I'm afraid I've read it wrong this time. The woman behind you is definitely not a meal girl, because she doesn't even understand the most basic rules that a meal girl should abide by." Yelena shook her head and smiled, "Mr. Didn't she realize that she always stood on your right side when she was bringing you meals, and this is an absolutely unacceptable mistake among Americans, especially those with long-standing family traditions."

Guo Shouyun would think about it for a while. Indeed, from the beginning of the meal, the woman seemed to be standing on his right hand, and according to the etiquette that Yelena told him before going to the United States, when the waiter stood on his right hand, he could not take it. The food, because at that time, the waiter was serving his first seat, and only when the waiter turned to his left would it be his turn to take the dishes. And at tonight's banquet, the woman was always standing on his right hand. As a dinner girl, how could such a low-level mistake be made? Could it be that she doesn't want to let herself eat?

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