Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 549: Panerai Commemorative Edition

"First of all, Mr. Guo's company is not a joint-stock group that is listed for financing. You have the right to distribute all the shares, which means that we do not have the conditions to annex the shares of the Guo's Group; secondly, take your hand. This is even a joke. The bribing of politicians may be solved with money, but the bribing of hundreds of politicians in the Far East is not something that can be done with money alone. This requires a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is a pity that you seized this opportunity, sir, and we lost it, which can never be recovered. What's more, the main core of power in the Far East lies in the military, and this A force is just full of hostility to us, and it is even more difficult to buy them." Thompson took a sip of red wine and continued, "As for the last point, huh, I believe that Mr. Is there any possibility for it to exist? Therefore, it is safe to say that Harrison never planned to annex Guo, or even had such an idea. All we really need are two points: First, from the Far East The second is to work with Guo to open up the priority opportunities for rich resources in the Far East. On the first point, I believe it is easy to understand, after all, it is quite obvious that Washington attaches great importance to the Far East. In this case, who is with Guo? Whoever establishes the closest ties will gain more political leverage in Washington. === As for the second point, it is more direct. The development of the times has reached this stage, and the world's competition for resources will become increasingly Intense, in the reality of the United States, whoever can control more sources of raw materials. Whoever can control more voices, Washington's decision-making will tilt to whose side. In the past nearly two hundred years , The Harrison family continues to absorb new members. The purpose is to master these two resources more, rather than unilaterally annex the new forces. Therefore, Mr.'s concern is completely unnecessary. "

"Yeah. This butter cookie tastes good," raised his head, Guo Shouyun had an unfathomable smile on his face, and after looking at Thompson for nearly half a minute, suddenly the donkey's lips didn't match the horse's mouth and said this, "Ye Lie Na, you really should try it, it's much better than the chefs at our manor do."

"Really?" Yelena picked up the fork and inserted a piece gently and skillfully. Put it in your mouth, chew slowly, and say. "Well, yes, but sir, have you ever thought about it, the monthly salary of the chefs in our manor is only three or four thousand rubles. It is equivalent to ten dollars, and the monthly salary of the chefs here in Mr. Thompson is probably more than three or four thousand rubles. Is this thousands of times higher?"

"Hehe, yes," Thompson's face flashed a hint of joy, he almost rushed to say, "My chefs here are all the top chefs in the United States. ^^^^ Even an apprentice. The monthly salary is two thousand dollars. Right and left. But I think, for Mr. Guo, money should not be a problem now, you should consider more about the issue of enjoying life. A simple banknote cannot make people enjoy the taste of wealth anyway. , and if you want to taste this kind of taste, you have to spend money first, and invite the best chefs to taste the best delicacies. Miss Yelena, with your wisdom, I believe it is impossible to figure this out, right?"

"Of course I can understand this problem, but what I'm worried about is that once Mr. Hire a better chef, what will happen to the original chef in the manor?" Yelena smiled, "These people are working very hard in the manor. For a long time, Mr. Guo would not be able to bear to dismiss them for no reason. Besides, they are all natives of the Far East. If there is any conflict with Mr., or even spread some unfavorable rumors outside, then we will How to deal with it?"

"It's also very simple," Thompson said without hesitation. "The pros and cons of technology can often be discerned at a glance. What kind of service can the chef in the Far East provide for Mr., and what kind of service can the chef in my place provide for Mr. The service, you can take it out for comparison. ^^^^ Hehe, when the time comes, everyone's achievements will be in front of you, I think the chefs you are hiring now should know what it means to quit in spite of difficulties."

"Well, Mr. Thompson's proposal is good," Guo Shouyun said, picking up the tablecloth and wiping it on the corner of his mouth, "but by comparison, I have a better and safer way."

"Oh?" Thompson said in surprise, "Sir, please enlighten me."

"My method is also very simple," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "If your chef here is really willing to go to the Far East, I can accept it, but the premise is that there must be a trial period. During this trial period, he can only take To a salary of several thousand rubles a month, after all, I have to take care of the emotions of those people. If the probation period expires and his skills really make me feel satisfied, I will dismiss those people without hesitation and give it to you The chefs offer high salaries. \\ Hehe, Mr. Thompson manages such a huge industry, I believe it is impossible not to understand the importance of the probationary period, right?"

With an embarrassed expression on Pusen's face, he hesitated, "But Mr. Guo, you should also understand that my chef's family is all in the United States, and they bear much higher consumption levels than the Russian Federation. In this case, For them to support their families, the salary of several thousand rubles per month is obviously not enough. Therefore, even for the consideration of regional consumption differences, the gentleman should give some preferential policies, otherwise, I am afraid I can't wait. By the end of the probationary period, my chef was starving."

"Hehe, don't be so pitiful," Guo Shouyun laughed, "As you said just now, your chefs are all the top professionals in the United States. Since that's the case, I think their family background should be quite rich. With a wealth of wealth as a guarantee, how could it be impossible to support the probationary period of several months? If that’s the case, I don’t think I would dare to use this chef. God knows how unreliable a person like him is.” “But Guo Sir..." Thompson seemed to want to argue a few more words, but Yelena rushed between him to make a final statement. ===

"Actually, in my opinion, it's not as good as this," Ye Liena said with a smile, reaching out to hold Guo Shouyun's forearm, "If possible, it's better to have a face-to-face talk with our chef, after all, we need more than It is good craftsmanship, but also needs good character, if there is no credible character, can Mr.

"Well, what Yelena said makes sense," Guo Shouyun clapped his hands and smiled. "Indeed, it is safer for me to discuss these matters with Mr. Chef in person. Mr. Thompson, do you think there is any way to arrange it?"

"Of course there is no problem," Thompson answered happily, he said without hesitation, "In fact, even if the husband does not mention it, we will arrange it, after all, only then can we show our greatest sincerity. It's just that , but before that, sir, please give me a clear answer, that is, the three things we discussed in Moscow two days ago, sir..."

"The letter of intent, I have to see the letter of intent now to give you an answer," Guo Shouyun pushed aside the dinner plate in front of him, took out a cigarette case from his pocket, knocked it on the table, and said, "You can't just tell What do you need, you must also tell me what you can give, and reciprocate, this is the way to cooperate."

"Ok, the letter of intent that Mr. needs is ready," Thompson beckoned to Miles, who was standing in the sand, and said, "Myers, bring the letter of intent, oh, and we have prepared for Mr. I also brought some small gifts from you."

With a smile, Miles quickly took a document from the crystal table in front of the sand, took two small brocade boxes in his arms, and walked quickly to the long table.

"Mr. Guo, this is the letter of intent you asked for," Miles said, sending the document and two brocade boxes to Guo Shouyun, "In addition, this is the one we sent to you and Miss Yelena. A small welcome gift, I hope you like it."

"Oh?" Out of courtesy, Guo Shouyun didn't directly touch the document. He held a brocade box in his hand, lifted the lid and looked at it, and said with a smile, "panerai? It's rare for Mr. Miles to be so concerned. This one is already very suitable, and to be honest, I have never had much hobby for this kind of thing."

"Of course, of course, we know that Mr. is frugal," Miles laughed, "but this watch has an extraordinary meaning."

"Really?" Guo Shouyun took out the silver watch in the box and put it in front of him to take a closer look, but found nothing unusual.

"Sir, I don't know, this watch is specially made for you," Miles explained, "The design of the special model, the unique style, it is certain that this watch made by Panerai in the world, Only the gentleman has one piece, and the same is true for the other women's model. Not only that, in order to highlight the cooperation between Guo's and our Harrison, and to commemorate this special day, we also specifically asked the manufacturer to add a platinum bracelet to the bracelet. Engraved with the name of Mr. and the coat of arms of our Harrison family."

Saying so, Miles reached out to Guo Shouyun, pointed at the place where the watch chain was engraved, and said, "It's here, sir, please take a look."

Don't say, if it wasn't for the other party's reminder, Guo Shouyun really didn't see the hidden doorway on the watch. He only saw that the inner circumference of the bright platinum chain was clearly engraved with very small Russian letters. Circle characters----"Shouyun and in addition to these characters, there are also semi-circular arc marks branded in them, which should be the family emblem of the Harrison family.

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