Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 548: waiting

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson, I think there are some situations that you may not know very well," Guo Shouyun's face darkened before the other party finished speaking, he said indifferently, "Between us brothers and sisters, no one exists. The question of who leads the fate of her life, Dongting has her own life, I never wanted to interfere with her in the past, let alone use her marriage to make deals with anyone. /

"Hehe, do you mean that young man named Liu Ran?" Thompson smiled, "But in my opinion, he and Lingmei are not a good match. And this person is very close to Beijing now, if not In the event of an accident, after his studies in Canada are over, he will return to Beijing to serve in an academy. Mr. Guo, do you feel assured that Miss Dongting will follow such a young man to settle in China? Besides, do you think they When two people get together, will there be so-called happiness? As far as I know, the officialdom in China is the best place to train people. I think, once Mr. Liu Ran enters that circle, hehe, there are many problems that are hard to say. , two possibilities: First, Miss Dongting will be the victim of the game between the Far East and Beijing. ^^^^ Second, the relationship between Miss Dongting and Mr. Liu Ran ended hastily without any results. Similar to these two This kind of result, I think Mr. Lai should have met, right? Do you still support Lingmei to continue to associate with Liu Ran? "

"It can be seen that you seem to be very concerned about the private affairs of our Guo family," Guo Shouyun said indifferently with a snort from his nose. To be honest, Thompson's remarks are on the top of his heart. During this time, he has received a lot of news from Canada more or less. The relationship between Dongting and Liu Ran seems to be getting closer and closer. But at the same time, the relationship between Beijing and Liu Ran is getting closer and closer. Guo Shouyun is very clear about what these series of questions indicate. He just ignored it.

"We will pay great attention to any potential cooperation, not to mention that Mr. is not a simple cooperation for us, but a future interest partner, so we will keep an eye on everything about you. Perfect." Thompson laughed.

"Then I'd like to thank you for your concern," Guo Shouyun said with a pouted lip, "but I still say that. I don't interfere in Dongting's private affairs. Whoever she likes and who she is willing to associate with, I will I won't even bother. ^^^^"

"Of course, of course, we won't make you embarrassed about this matter," Thompson immediately heard the deep meaning of the other party's words, he smiled, "It's just that Miss Dongting is beautiful and beautiful. Lan Xin, she has almost all the advantages of oriental women. For those young men, as long as she is unmarried for a day, that is the best goal they can pursue. Oh, let me tell you, Mr. Harrison family. , Although this generation can not be called a generation of talents, there are still a few young men who are good inside and outside. Now. I hope that the husband will give them a fair opportunity to pursue Lingmei's freedom. "

"Haha, are there so many advantages in Dongting?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "Why have I never seen it before? Forget it, forget it, I'm not in the mood to pay attention to these romantic things, and I don't bother to ask. Since Mr. Thompson has such confidence in the young people of your family, let them pursue it. Okay, but let's talk about the ugly first. I won't bother about the pursuit of justice and fairness, but if someone takes some crooked ways, or even uses some rude means against Dongting, then I, Guo Shouyun, is not the kind of person who likes to be dumb. People, don't blame me for being too dark. ^^^^"

"Don't worry, Mr. Guo," Thompson said confidently, "in our family. There will never be the kind of scum you think."

"I hope so." Guo Shouyun's attitude seemed very cautious, he nodded. Said as if to cope.

"We're here," the group turned around the splendid staircase and corridor, and when they came to a double-sided snow-white door, Thompson stopped, he led Guo Shouyun to the door, and pushed the door open for him first , Only then took a step back and smiled, "Sir, please."

Not being polite to the other party, Guo Shouyun nodded slightly and walked into the door.

The hall inside the door is quite spacious, and the four crystal chandeliers in the row will illuminate a large living room with bright lights. At this moment, the long oval dining table in the center of the living room was already filled with all kinds of food and delicacies. Four graceful and scantily clad girls, Shi Shiran stood at the table, looking really ready. to serve the guests. Miles, who took the first step downstairs just now, is also in this living room now. He is standing in front of the row of leather sand on the right side of the living room, sorting out several huge red velvet boxes. what. ^^^^

"Mr. Guo, are you satisfied with the environment here?" Thompson smiled after giving Guo Shouyun to the main seat at the table.

"Yeah," looked at the four girls with beautiful smiles and delicious meals, and then looked at the sumptuous meal on the table, Guo Shouyun sat down on the chair honestly, Erlang's legs twitched, nodded and smiled, "Satisfied, of course. Satisfied, but I would certainly be more satisfied if Mr. Thompson stopped giving me difficult problems to resolve."

"Sir, you're joking," Thompson said with a loud smile. "Actually, you can recall that when you negotiated cooperation with Siquina, weren't you also apprehensive? After all, this is a process of contact. The Kennedy family is not a kind-hearted person, and we Harrison are not hellish demons with blue faces and fangs. Most importantly, our cooperation with Mr. Kennedy will not affect your relationship with the Kennedy family in the short term. Their eyes are mainly Focus on finance, focus on the insurance industry in the Far East, and we, we focus more on entertainment, a socio-economic add-on..."

He stopped here, made a gesture of invitation to Guo Shouyun, and said, "Sir, please feel free."

"I admit the truth of what you said," Guo Shouyun randomly picked out a few good-looking meals on the table, and then smiled while waiting for the two accompanying girls to serve him, "but Mr. Thompson It should also be clear that there is not much room for the insurance industry to develop in the Far East. Relatively speaking, your Harrison's cooperation requirements are equivalent to a process of cultural penetration. The history of the former Soviet Union tells me that economic The extroverted interaction of the people is far less dangerous than the infiltration of cultural entertainment. Therefore, I can conclude that you are much more ambitious than the Kennedy family.”

"Maybe what Mr. Thompson said is right," Thompson lowered his head and thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Compared to the Kennedy family, our Harrison's expectations for the Far East are indeed higher, but from another point of view, this is also It just proves that Mr. can get more from us. Like I said, we need Mr. to be a member of the Harrison family, and we need you and all the influence of the Far East in the United States. At the same time, we It is also necessary to obtain rights and interests that are equal to, or at least not far from, the Guo Group in the Far East. In short, the situation we want to see is that Guo is equivalent to Harrison, and Harrison is also equivalent to Guo.”

"Hehe, you might as well say that Harrison intends to annex the Guo family. After all, this is a more direct statement." Guo Shouyun said casually, taking his plate from the waitress.

"Approach?" Thompson frowned and said, "Sir, this kind of thinking is too extreme, of course, it is understandable, after all, you don't know much about the history of our Harrison family. Well, for example , Take me as an example. Thirty years ago, I did not belong to the Harrison family. At that time, I was just a budding investor in Hollywood. At that time, Harrison's current owner, Luo Mr. Mike Harrison entered the Greater Los Angeles area to develop his career. I was honored to meet him, and it became a direct opportunity to join the family. Thirty years of ups and downs do not need to be detailed. After that, my sister I married into the Harrison family, and my career began to move forward. Up to now, with a capital of only one million yuan and only one shell investment company, not only was I not annexed by Harrison, on the contrary, I also obtained not to boast, in today's hollywood, even the big five studios have to sell me a bit of face. And for Mr., you have far more chances than me, just like Mr. Romer had before As promised, Harrison has prepared the best position for you in the chairmanship of the family discussion, and the only thing missing now is your approval, sir."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He was half-bent on the table, leisurely tasting a tender steak with all the colors and flavors. With that expression, it was as if he hadn't heard what the other party said just now.

Sitting next to the "master", Yelena had a seductive smile on her face. She didn't seem to be interested in everything on the table. Those pale blue eyes stared at the man who was facing the other side without blinking. Guo Shouyun's girl with snow fruit on her dinner plate is so focused that it even makes people wonder if she has any bad sexual orientation.

"Mr. Guo," after waiting for a long time, without getting any reply from Guo Shouyun, Thompson had to continue talking to himself, he hush, and said, "You can also consider it from another angle. Imagine if we Harrison If we intend to annex Guo, where can we start? Embezzle Guo's shares? Take the political resources of the Far East held by Guo? Or directly turn the Far East into another enclave of the United States of America? It's obviously unrealistic."

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