Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 547: marriage

"Mr. Guo, do you still remember the three aspects of cooperation we talked about in Washington a few days ago?" Lifting his **, Thompson moved forward, leaned in front of Guo Shouyun, and said, "There was some content at that time. We have not reached the final intention, as you said at the time, we need to have a specific letter of intent for cooperation.\\We have already prepared this letter of intent in the past two days. If possible, I hope you can read it now. For a moment, if there is any dissatisfaction, we have to make changes."

"Just now?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Mr. Thompson, are you being too utilitarian? You know, we are here for a banquet today. As for this dinner, we haven't seen it yet, so it doesn't matter to me. , but Rilke, as an elder, I can't help but think more about him."

"Of course, of course," Thompson hurriedly explained, "We can't be so rude. The arrangement in this regard has already been made. If the husband has no objection, we can follow the Chinese custom and talk while eating."

He said so, and winked at Miles, who was sitting next to him, then stood up knowingly, and walked quickly towards the door.

"Master, what do you think?" Turning his head politely, Guo Shouyun said to Rilke, who had been silent. ****

"Haha, you can do whatever you want," Rilke said with a slight smile, "I don't care about these things anyway, you can look at the arrangement."

"Mr. Guo, don't worry, we have good arrangements here," Thompson stood up from the sand, made a gesture of please, and then said, "Mr. Rilke can go upstairs later if you want. There is a small banquet hall where there are meals specially arranged for you. It is mainly kosher-style vegetarian food, I believe you will be satisfied.”

It can be seen that there are some problems with Thompson and they still do not want more people to come into contact with the land. Even against Rilke.

"That would be the best," Rilke could naturally understand the other party's thoughts, he got up and smiled, "It's rare that Mr. Thompson made special arrangements for me. You know, these days are just my days. Originally, I was worried that it would be difficult to cope with the dinner party today. Now, it seems that this is obviously overthinking."

"Mr. Rilke is too outlandish," Thompson said with a smile, leading the crowd towards the door, "You are an honored guest that our club can't invite on weekdays. To provide you with the best service, it was originally us. It must be considered. ^^^^ Come, please, there is an elevator that leads directly upstairs."

In the corridor outside the living room, Rilke took an elevator that led upstairs. However, Guo Shouyun and Ye Liena did not take this elevator. They went straight to the end of the corridor under the leadership of Thompson. Turned into a beautifully furnished study. The study is clearly specially designed, with a movable bookshelf next to the right wall, and behind the bookshelf, a dark gray elevator door is hidden.

"Mr. Thompson, it looks like your building is really densely populated," Guo Shouyun said with a smile while standing in the elevator, which was not at all too narrow.

"Hehe. This is also a helpless move." Thompson shrugged and explained. "Don't look at us people who have a lot of popularity on the surface, but in fact, in the face of political enemies scattered everywhere, we still have to choose to be cautious more often. To be honest, Mr. Dahrenton has been established since the establishment of this private club. , I have been in several lawsuits, and for this reason, I had to engage in this kind of sneaky stuff. I think Mr. Lai saw it in the parking lot on the ground floor. I don't even have a guest's car here. Also to avoid trouble. ^^^^"

"Understandable, understandable." Guo Shouyun responded absentmindedly, but his eyes were fixed on the indicator light of the elevator.


About a minute later, the indicator light of the elevator flashed to the thirty-two position. With a crisp sound, the elevator door slowly opened. Suddenly, a splendid corridor-style side hall appeared in front of Guo Shouyun. .

"Mr. Guo, please," Thompson took a step back, letting out the elevator door, and smiled sideways.

"Thank you," Guo Shouyun was also polite, he nodded to the other side, and then stepped out of the elevator door.

Going straight to the south along the corridor-style side hall, Guo Shouyun not only felt the luxury of the top American capitalist groups in his heart, but to be honest, when he was in Russia, he also went to many so-called private clubs. He has been to all the ones started by the giants. In his opinion, the so-called private club is actually a high-end brothel. Compared with those dance bars that can be seen everywhere on the street, the only difference between such places is that the decoration is luxurious, the women are outstanding, and the temperament is elegant. At the same time, Most of the people who are eligible to enter and exit are either rich or expensive, that's all. === But if those private clubs in Moscow are compared with the Dalanton in front of them, they are too childish. Look at them, just such a private club, it occupies a whole building with 30 floors. Which is comparable to those villa-type clubs in Moscow.

What surprised Guo Shouyun most was that after passing through the corridor-style side hall, that is, when entering the main hall, the two women who were chatting in front of a small crystal teahouse looked really impressive, although they were only watching from a distance. At a glance, the richness still allows him to judge that these two women are definitely typical Eurasian mixed races.

"Mr. Guo, this way please," Thompson led Guo Shouyun through the main hall and led them to a wooden ornate staircase leading to the upper floor of the hall, smiling.

"Thank you," Guo Shouyun glanced at the two charming women again, and then walked up the stairs.

"Why, Mr. is interested in them?" Walking beside Guo Daqiang, Thompson lowered his voice and said with a smile, "Would you like me to arrange it for you?"

"Forget it," Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun said without hesitation, "I have enough trouble now, and I don't want to provoke more right and wrong. ***** And I don't think those two women are ordinary characters. , hehe, I'm worried about your beauty trick."

"Hehe, sir, you're thinking too much," Thompson didn't argue, he shook his head and smiled, "but your vision is very accurate, those sisters are not from me, they are just here for fun, of course, also for the sake of Looking for a chance to get ahead. Well, but if Mr. is interested, I can settle it for you."

"Forget it, let's talk about it first..." Guo Shouyun only said half of what he said, and the big hand that was swinging in the air stopped. He stared at a slender girl who had just turned the corner of the stairs and slowly ushered in here, with an undisguised surprise in his eyes.

Elegant and slightly curly golden length, light blue eyes, graceful and slender body, two **** and charming lips... This, this is not the old man's little one, this woman Guo Shouyun Knowing---Of course, he knows others, but they don't know him.

A fragrant wind blew across his nose, and Guo Shouyun didn't remember who the other party was until the woman said hello to Thompson and passed him by.

Cameron Diaz, the No. 1 actress with the highest pay in Hollywood after Julia Roberts, is also the gold-medal **** star with the most lace news.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo?"

Maybe it was because he was a little surprised and a little surprised when he first met a star. Guo Shouyun was a little distracted for a while. He stood on the stairs and didn't come back to his senses until Thompson greeted him a few times.

"Oh, what did you say?" Feeling a little embarrassed, Guo Shouyun smirked and said while rubbing his nose.

"Hehe, is Mr. interested in her?" Thompson whispered like an old bustard with a dirty smile.

"I'm only interested in you right now," Guo Shouyun said with an embarrassed smile, "I'm only interested in you," Guo Shouyun said angrily, "You'd better get those letters of intent in front of my eyes, and after the other messy things Say it again."

"By the way," after speaking, the man with a decent face at first couldn't help but ask one more question, "Just now, why, cough, why is this young lady here with you? Could it be that... "

"Oh, you mean Miss Cameron," Thompson said nonchalantly, apparently not intending to expose the other party's seriousness, "Don't look at me as the boss here, but the specific situation is not very clear, I only know her It seems to be running a role, um, it should be a production by Russell, and I have heard it vaguely before. If you are interested, I can ask you, it is very easy. "

Guo Shouyun almost didn't nod his head, but he looked at Ye Liena next to him and felt the slightly mocking smile in the other's eyes, but he was finally too embarrassed to tell the truth.

"No, no, I just asked casually," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said with a dry cough, "We haven't finished our business yet, so we still have the mood to pay attention to these irrelevant things."

"Hehe, when it comes to women, I remember one thing," Thompson said with a meaningful smile, "I wonder if you have ever thought about it, for you, the best way to enter the United States should be It is to choose the route of marriage. You must know that in this country, the marriage between an emerging force and an established family means the birth of a new family, which means the most basic thing for an outsider to be recognized."

"Marriage? What kind of marriage?" Guo Shouyun said with a smirk, "I already have a family, how can this marriage be linked?"

"It's very simple," Thompson laughed, "I know that Mr. and a sister are currently living in Canada..."

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