Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 546: Potential benefits

"What we are discussing with Mr. Guo now is the cooperation between Harrison and the Guo family, and everything else is secondary," Thompson said, "In my opinion, Mr. Guo himself is not the cooperation between us. Not interested, you just don’t know what the cooperation with us can bring to Guo, so I hope we can make the problem more specific. qβ5.”

"I think Mr. Thompson has misunderstood," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "To be honest, my mind is in a mess right now, because I really can't see that working with the Eastern Union, with the Kennedy family, and with the Harrison family, What is the difference between these three. I know there is a conflict between you and the Kennedy family, but after all, this conflict belongs to the internal conflict of the Eastern Union, and the basis of everyone's interests is still the same. In this case, the relationship between us Is cooperation still necessary to be divided so clearly?"

"Perhaps it's not necessary to distinguish so clearly in the view of Mr., but in our view, it is quite necessary," Thompson said solemnly, "Since we have sat down with Mr. today to talk frankly, then we have some problems. I don’t plan to hide you anymore. Frankly speaking, maybe in half a month, the former Eastern Union will cease to exist, and five major families, including Harrison, will withdraw from the Financial Union. , we have our own plans. *****"

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun's face became serious. He realized that the struggle for interests within the Eastern Union was far more complicated than he thought. This consortium that had just stepped into a powerful consortium was now directly in danger of disintegration.

"Have you ever thought about it? Under the current circumstances, this method of dismantling the financial alliance should be quite unfavorable to both your Harrison family and the Kennedy family," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh. "I can only say that you are unwise to give up consideration of the long-term for the sake of short-term interests."

"Wise or unwise depends on how you consider this issue," Miles said, shaking his head. "Perhaps from Mr.'s point of view, the biggest problem of cooperation within the Eastern Union lies in the distribution of interests, but in fact, in the eyes of our big families, the biggest problem with this kind of cooperation lies in a dominant orientation."

"Yeah," Thompson took over. Go on. "The situation in the US is different from Russia, where there is no family lineage in politics, there are only bureaucratic political groups that have been pieced together. **** And in the United States, in Washington, the politics here is family continuity. The emergence of a powerful family in Xindi often means the decline and disintegration of one or even several old political families. At the same time, due to the continuation of family politics, when an old family develops to a certain stage. There will be a lot of competitive pressure inside, and the spread of collateral branches and the continuation of family-style intermarriage will gradually disperse the political power that a particular family core can hold. Replace. In the East Union, our Harrison family is an old family. After starting in Virginia, after nearly two hundred years of continuation, we must admit that this family has come to the most dead end. In this kind of Under these circumstances, in order to maintain and continue the vitality of this family, we have to unite with the emerging families again and again. Provide them with support. At the same time, share power from them. Initially, our cooperation with the Kennedy family is based on this. Purpose."

From the other party's words, Guo Shouyun vaguely heard some ways, and he guessed: "Then Mr. Thompson means that the reason why you want to part ways with the Kennedy family now is that they have unfair distribution of power. On the other hand, because you are looking for a more promising new family, this new family structure adjustment is inevitable. ^^^^”

"Mr.'s wisdom is really admirable," Thompson's face flashed a hint of surprise, he looked at Guo Shouyun, and said sincerely, "The two aspects you mentioned are the most fundamental basis for us to make this decision. "

"Hey, my wisdom is more than admirable for you. If I tell you everything in my mind, I guess you have to pass out in addition to admiration." Guo Shouyun laughed secretly.

"Actually, every presidential election in Washington is the best opportunity for a new family to be born. In the past two hundred years, our Harrison family has watched more than 30 presidents come to power and watched 13 The rise of a political family, so our view is to establish a relationship of peer cooperation with these new families, rather than trying to control and manipulate them." Thompson continued, "So in our view, that kind of thinking, This approach is not only unrealistic, but also very dangerous.***** In contrast, the Kennedy family, as a political family that has not lasted for a long time, have not yet developed a deep understanding of this point, so in the face of this president During the campaign, they spent a lot of thought and staggering manpower and material resources, trying to keep the Democratic candidates in their hands. Hehe, from this point of view, do you think that their future can be brighter?"

"Of course, we must also admit that the Kennedy family has definitely been an elite generation in the past ten years." After a pause, Thompson adjusted his mood, and then said, "Not to mention that they hold the main senatorial seats in four states. , Just to mention a Hyquina, her talent is enough to make those of us envious. What is certain is that if this woman is not interested in politics, she may have become the youngest female senator in Virginia by now. But from another angle, let's consider this question again. Can outstanding talents mean a firm grasp of power? This is obviously an untenable assumption. You must know that in the political system of any country today, talent is not The decisive factor, in the political arena, people value connections, seniority, and the continuation of a prestigious identity.**** At this point, the Kennedy family made the same fatal mistake as Siquina, they were too high-profile , is too strong, and likes to show off too much, and this is also a taboo in the political arena. Oh, in fact, this should not be mentioned by me. The husband has been rolling in the muddy water of Moscow for a long time, and he has a close relationship with Mr. Victor. I want to come to you. This aspect of the problem is well known.”

"Actually, there is one more thing you must understand," Myers said, "that is, the fundamental reason why the confrontation between Eastern Union and Morgan received the support of several big families, including Rockefeller, is that after the They are too arrogant. They have too many places to reach out and too many things to get. That's why everyone joined forces to force Morgan to bow his head and give up things that shouldn't belong to them. But then again, we did that for the purpose of It is not to completely destroy Morgan, nor to completely eliminate them. What we need is to let them sit down calmly, lower their profile, and have a fair negotiation with us. However, what is unexpected is that , Morgan lowered his attitude and was willing to sit at the negotiating table, but the Kennedy family gained strong confidence and ambition through this game. They forgot their original intention and decided to stand up and become the second Morgan. Hum, they have such thoughts, it should not be difficult to imagine what kind of consequences that will bring."

Guo Shouyun frowned, he looked up at Yelena, but found that the woman was playing with her nails absentmindedly.

Perhaps feeling the man's gaze, Yelena turned her head, she first smiled at Guo Shouyun, then raised her head and said, "Mr. Miles, Mr. Thompson, thank you very much for the information you just disclosed, but it is a pity that , we do not see any direct connection between these issues and the Guo Group. The reorganization of the interests of various aristocratic families in your country, no matter what the result is, our Guo family does not seem to get much benefit. And the most important thing is Yes, obviously we are very happy to cooperate with Donglian. They are in the insurance industry in the Far East and have no direct conflict of interest with Guo. At the same time, they are doing everything possible to protect our interests in the United States. In this case, You hope that the Guo family will abandon the Eastern Union and cooperate with you, hehe, to put it more directly, we can't feel any potential benefits."

What the woman said was once again recognized by Guo Shouyun. Obviously, Miles and Thompson were playing the trick of subconscious guidance just now. They artfully created a concept of stealing, using the unfavorable situation faced by the Kennedy family. to influence the position of the Kuok Group in cooperating with them. And Ye Liena's remarks are equivalent to redirecting the concept of being stolen and replaced. After all, the infighting of various American families has little to do with the Guo Group. As an outsider, The Guo family can now get the most benefit from the cooperation with the Kennedy family, and after this family loses power, the subsequent family that becomes stronger will also be inseparable from the Guo family. Therefore, Guo Shouyun can now ignore the cooperation with the Harrison family. The problem, he can wait, and can continue to wait as a bystander.

"Potential interests, oh, potential interests," Thompson's face finally showed a smile that he would only have after success. Obviously, he is not afraid of negotiating conditions with Guo Shouyun and sharing interests, but is afraid of this big man in the Far East Holding on to the Kennedy family and not letting go, if that's the case, Harrison really doesn't care about him---- let alone the Harrison family, Morgan fought with the Guo family for so long, and in the end, in addition to losing a lot of money Apart from the benefits, there is nothing to gain.

"Oligarch Book Friends Group: 67227487 continued,)

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