Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 545: cool off

? Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently, nodded, no interface.

It must be admitted that what Thompson said about this "modern multinational business group organization model" is correct. The part of the reality that he knew in his previous life told Guo Shouyun that since the end of the 20th century, almost all large multinational business groups have been investing in stocks. The way of joint venture, because only in this way, private multinational groups can get rid of regional constraints and avoid regional financial risks to the greatest extent. But having said that, the correct method does not mean that someone is ready to adopt it. Just like this is Mr. Thompson, he said that the conception is right, but the question is, is the contradiction between the Harrison family and the Kennedy family? Is it really based on such a question? This is obviously not possible. This kid took this issue as the starting point, nothing more than to win Guo Shouyun's ideological approval. As for whether he and the Harrison family really advocated the full introduction of the Guo family into the Eastern Union, that is another matter.

"But, hey, after all, our power in the Eastern Alliance is still too small, our influence is limited, and the Nixon family has always been ostracizing us, so our voice can't attract anyone in the Cailian at all. Shaking his head quite emotionally, Thompson sighed and said, "Not only that, after the reconciliation with Morgan, the Kennedy family's suppression of us has intensified. Inside the Federation of Finance, many interests originally belonged to us. All points have been deprived, and outside the Cailian, hehe, let alone, what happened just now is the best proof. ===”

"Hehe, if things are really like what Mr. Thompson said. Then it seems that the problems within the Eastern Union are indeed not small." After thinking about it quickly, Guo Shouyun snorted calmly, and then laughed, "But I I heard some statements from Siquina. It seems to be very different from what you just said. According to what she told me before, it seems that there was some kind of agreement within the Eastern Union on the issue of finding a partner, and Siquina had previously Picked me, and Mr. Miles picked someone else. Well, what's that guy's doesn't matter, I checked with Khodorkovsky before, and it's true One person. Haha. A very arrogant guy. Now, the situation has become clearer. Although my Guo clan continues to be so powerful, it can be regarded as a firm foothold in the Far East after all. I can bring stability to the Eastern Union. Even if the person you selected is still alive, I am afraid that he will not be able to do this, so..."

"Mr. Guo," Miles heard. **** finally couldn't help speaking, he said, "We have to admit. What this woman said is basically true, but if you listen to her favorably because of this, I'm afraid you will fall into a trap. "

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun said casually, without giving the other person a clear indication. He knows that no matter what Miles and Thompson say now, they can only accept 30% of it. As for the other 70%, it is purely slander from a competitive point of view. As for which 30% is credible and 70% is not. It depends on how accurate your analysis is.

"As she said. When Donglian was looking for an agent in Russia, there was competition from the beginning. But this woman should not tell her husband the fact that the agent she chose was also in the first place. It's not you, Mr. Guo, but that idiot Shavakolov." Miles pouted and continued, "And who this Shavakolov is, I believe that Mr. Shavakolov should remember very clearly."

"Shavakolov?" Guo Shouyun raised his brows, he would never be unfamiliar with this name. When the Far East first appeared to be independent, it was this guy who took the lead in Chita Prefecture. One was him, and the other was Morolev, the commander of the 49th Division of the Frontier Guard. These two got together, and when they were visiting Washington, they were making troubles in Chita State, almost causing big trouble for the Guo Group that could not be solved. It's just that I went back in time that time, so I didn't give them the opportunity to expand further.

"Yes, it's Shavakolov," nodded, Miles said, "that time Mr. was in Washington, the conspiracy planned by the Kennedy family was to keep you there at first, and then decide whether to Let you go or just hide it in the snow. Hehe, but this idea is obviously too wishful thinking. One problem they didn't think of was that under that environment, no one in Moscow wanted an independent situation in the Far East. At the same time, this This kind of tendency did not have much foundation in the Far East at that time. In fact, when the husband learned that there was a problem in the Far East, the Kennedy family received double warnings from Moscow and Washington. Overturning the previous plan and getting in touch with Mr. ***** hehe, I have to admit, this is really a trick to kill two birds with one stone. That's the scary thing about that woman, Siquina, she used a trap she set up. , easily made her husband owe a favor, and then she implemented the plan step by step, and finally set the title of the agent on the head of the husband. As for the agent she initially selected, except for Except for the one that was cleaned up by Mr., all the people who knew about it have been cleaned up. Sir, this is the real Shiquena. After learning these inside stories, do you have a new idea for her? acquaintance?"

In the words of "Uncle Zhao", Guo Shouyun's current mood is "removing the cold, pulling the cool". He believes that Miles did not speak, and his exposure of the whole conspiracy of Xi Quina should be true and credible. , and from this point of view, for a long period of time in the past, I have been applauded by that woman. The most terrifying thing is that in the past week or so, I even have an inexplicable feeling towards this woman. Feelings.

People's temperament often has a process of alternating hot and cold in an instant. First, the "cold" from the ice slag, and then the heat of the anger. It is certain that if Xi Quina is by his side at the moment, Guo Shouyun will definitely have nothing. Without hesitation, he kicked her so hard and kicked her as far away as possible. ^^^^

"Hehe, what Mr. Miles said, um, in my opinion, it doesn't make any sense to the current cooperation between Guo's and Donglian," Ye Liena immediately realized the man's emotional fluctuations, she smiled slightly, and interrupted. Said, "In our opinion, whether or not there was a conspiracy in Miss Xi Quina's choice to cooperate with the Guo family, it is already in the past tense, and now? It is of great benefit, so our husband never wants to cause any estrangement with the Kennedy family. After all, our eyes are always on the front, and there is no need to turn our heads to investigate the past. "

"Ashamed," the woman's simple words instantly extinguished the anger that suddenly rose in Guo Shouyun's heart. He knew that he had obviously fallen for Miles's unknowingly. Obviously, this kid is now hoping Get angry with yourself, thereby bringing emotional thinking into this negotiation.

"Yelena is right," Guo Shouyun quickly calmed down after being reminded by the woman, he deleted Xi Quina from his mind without hesitation, and then smiled, "The past is right and wrong, I don't want it now. I don't have the mood to pursue it. In my opinion, the cooperation between Guo's and Donglian is going very smoothly at present, and both parties have gained a lot. Therefore, I am quite optimistic about the prospects of this cooperation. Hehe, Mai Mr. Russ, please don't provoke my relationship with Siquina again, otherwise, maybe one day in the future, I will use this as an excuse to cause some trouble between you and your wife."

After calming down, Guo Shouyun immediately began to move closer to "despicable". He deliberately said the word "husband and wife" very seriously. His intention was to arouse Miles' anger and make him lose his calm to a certain extent. thinking.

"What a despicable man," Yelena immediately understood what he meant, her **** lips slightly curved into a perfect arc, and she thought sullenly at the same time.

"Husband and wife? Hehe, do you think that there is any relationship between me and Siquina like a husband and wife?" Miles is very well-mannered, he has no intention of being fooled at all, "In this world, the relationship is the worst My husband and wife are nothing more than the same bed and different dreams, right? And the conflict between me and Xi Quina is obviously far more than that. To be honest, if there is one woman in this world that I most hope to kill myself, then She is none other than Syquina. In my eyes, she is the most vicious and vicious female devil who was born in the devil family. She inherited it alone, and she is a deformed child produced by the union of close relatives, a psychopath with an extremely perverted and narcissistic madness."

"Oh, I can see that Mr. Miles seems to have a deep prejudice against Miss Syquina," Guo Shouyun was stunned. Now he admires Miles even more. This guy is not ordinary. He doesn't even swear at anyone. ** Dirty words.

"Prejudice? Hehe, the word Mr. is not appropriate. What I have about Siquina is only insight, but no prejudice." Miles's mood finally fluctuated, he snorted coldly and said, " If your husband has an in-depth understanding of her life, well, especially her dietary preferences, then I am sure you will agree with me..."

"Ahem, Miles," Thompson, who obviously didn't want his nephew to reveal too much in this regard, interjected without a moment's worth, "you're going too far."

"Oligarch Book Friends Group: 67227487 continued,)

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