Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 544: New Eastern Union Concept

"Mr. Guo," when Guo Shouyun and his party got out of the car, the big men also happened to walk in front of them, and the leader of them stepped forward and said in quite fluent Russian, "Welcome to come, I'm Mr. Thompson's private secretary, and you can call me Foulds. I'm here to greet Mr. Thompson, as Mr. Thompson ordered..."

"Hehe, why, is Mr. Thompson busy tonight?" Guo Shouyun said sarcastically before the other party finished speaking, "If that's the case, this dinner can be cancelled, so that we don't waste time. "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Guo," Foltz explained, bowing respectfully to Guo Shouyun, "Actually, Mr. Thompson attaches great importance to your appointment. The reason why he didn't come to greet you in person is because Because something very difficult happened just now. For this reason, he specifically asked me to convey my deep apologies to you, and he will explain it to you when Mr.

"A very tricky thing?" Guo Shouyun only frowned and glanced at Ye Leena subconsciously.

"In that case, Mr. Foltz, can you tell us what happened?" Yelena took a step forward and said with a serious expression, "We have to judge whether Mr. Thompson really wants to It is still a disguised humiliation for us. ***** If it is before, we are happy to accept your apology, if it is later, then we will leave immediately and cancel our previous decision to attend the banquet."

A hint of hesitation appeared on Erz's face.

"Since it's inconvenient to talk, then forget it," Guo Shouyun pretended to turn around and said casually, "Please tell Mr. Thompson. I'll visit him another day when it's convenient for him."

"Ah, no, no, don't misunderstand Mr. Guo. It's not that it's inconvenient for me to say it, but I'm afraid that you will be ridiculed for saying it." Foltz was obviously worried that Guo Shouyun would leave at this time. He stepped forward and rubbed it. He put his hands together and said, "It's actually like this. Just ten minutes ago, several FBI people came to the door and they claimed that they had evidence that Mr. Thompson was stealing huge taxes and providing pornographic services to government officials, so... ...... But you can rest assured, sir, this matter is by no means a fact, it is someone who framed it. Our lawyers are negotiating with them at the moment. I believe the matter will be resolved soon."

"Tax evasion? Sexual bribery?" Guo Shouyun couldn't help frowning when he heard it. He didn't believe that Thompson would be sued for a simple tax evasion issue. After all, this must be designed by some of his political enemies. Rectify him, and the reason is likely to come from the competition for interests within the Eastern Union. ===

"Where is Mr. Thompson now?" Guo Shouyun asked casually, glancing at the other side.

"In the office on the top floor," said Foulds, "because of the presence of the FBI agent. Mr. Guo is not suitable to go up now. Follow Mr. Thompson's instructions. Please take a shelter with me first, ten minutes at most, he It will settle the matter.”

"In that case... well, you lead the way." Guo Shouyun hesitated for a while, but finally waved his hand and said.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir, and please come with me." Foltz breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled and made a "please" gesture and said.

as Thompson's secretary. Foltz naturally knew the situation in the entire building extremely well. Under his leadership, Guo Shouyun and others followed the elevator at the end of the underground parking lot and came directly to a small reception room on the 32nd floor. ^^^^ Along the way, Guo Shouyun deeply realized the gap between the Far East and the United States from the decoration, security, layout and other aspects of the building, to be honest. The building owned by Thompson. By no means the most luxurious in New York City, but even so. Compared with others, the size and luxury of the Guo Group headquarters building are also far from each other.

"People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away." Sometimes it's impossible not to admit this sentence.

As Foltz said, Thompson didn't take much time to resolve the entanglement of several FBI agents. Just when Guo Shouyun and others hadn't even finished half a cup of coffee, the filthy middle-aged figure appeared. They appeared one after the other with Miles in the door of the small reception room.

"Oh, Mr. Guo, it's really rude," Thompson said in a slightly exaggerated tone as soon as he entered the door, "Just because of a few clowns, I almost offended the distinguished guests, this is really... ..."

"Mr. Thompson doesn't need to mind," shaking hands with the two of them, Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "As long as the problem is solved, um, yes, in my mind, fbi is not so It's easy to deal with, how could they get you in trouble this time?"

"Hey, how can they get me into trouble," Thompson said with a gloomy smile, straight to the point, "I think in the next few months, there will be many more troubles when they come, after all, no matter how bad the fbi is. It's easy to deal with, they are just thugs under the hands of some people, and now those people are going to attack me, then the fbi will naturally be the first to come."

"Oh, the enemy family?" Guo Shouyun asked pretendingly.

"The enemy? It shouldn't be considered right now," Thompson sneered after letting Guo Shouyun sit down in front of the sand, "It can only be said that...the cooperation in the past is now at stake. As for this future Well, whether it is an enemy or a friend, we have to walk and see."

"It's so complicated?" Guo Shouyun laughed, he could naturally hear who the other party was alluding to, "I didn't expect that based on Mr. Thompson's social network in the United States, someone would dare to come to trouble you, to be honest, I Now I'm really interested in the origin of this group of people."

"Actually, there's nothing to say," Thompson said with an indifferent smile. "The wings of cooperation in the past have become hard, and the first person to be eaten is often my partner. In fact, I have seen it through long ago. But what I never imagined is that they actually attacked so quickly, it seems that they don't want to leave me any way to survive."

Hearing Thompson point out the entanglement of Sang and Huai, Guo Shouyun had a feeling of wanting to laugh. He now even suspects that things like the fbi coming to the door are fake. Thompson and the others have done this just to achieve three goals: first, to test whether he has the intention to cooperate with them, if there is , then of course everything is easy to say, if not, I am afraid I would have turned away when I was in the parking lot just now; second, create an opportunity to quickly and easily lead the topic to the right path. There is no doubt that with the FBI play, now Thompson and the others have the opportunity to directly talk about the issue of the Kennedy family's bullying. This topic is definitely a natural attraction. Third, create a preconceived impression of yourself from the side, make yourself feel that it is not safe to cooperate with the Kennedy family, and form a subconscious with Thompson and the others.

Guo Shouyun could naturally see this kind of trick with a little bit of psychological tactics at a glance, and it would be really difficult for the other party to hide from him in this regard.

Although he saw this problem, Guo Shouyun did not expose their ideas. After all, he also looked forward to forming a certain degree of cooperation with Thompson and his group, which was of great benefit to the interests of the Guo Group.

"Mr. Thompson, why did I hear what you said?" Guo Shouyun said tentatively, frowning seriously, "they you said shouldn't be referring to the Eastern Federation of Finance, right?"

"Who else is it that their husband thinks?" Sure enough, Thompson pulled out a key question right from the start, and he sneered.

"Oh, no, did Mr. Thompson have a cooperative relationship with the Eastern Federation of Finance before?" Guo Shouyun glanced at Miles who was sitting next to him, and said in surprise, "Then what is your relationship with Mr. Miles? "

"To be honest," Thompson said with a sigh, "Myers is my nephew, and I'm his uncle."

"What?!" Guo Shouyun was stunned. To be honest, he really didn't know anything about this in advance. Miles is from the Harrison family, so doesn't Thompson also belong to this family? It seems that things are getting more and more interesting.

"Mr. Guo, you must also know that Miles is the direct line of the Harrison family, and as a major joint venture family under the Eastern Financial Alliance, Harrison has been making unremitting efforts to strengthen the financial alliance in the past few decades. ," Thompson continued, "Like several other families under the Alliance, Harrison has always regarded the interests of the entire Alliance as the supreme interests of his own family. For this, we have paid a lot and sacrificed a lot. Fortunately, the various efforts in the past have not been in vain. Since the cooperation with Mr. Guo's collective, coupled with the selection of the right spokesperson for the interests of Washington, during this period, the power of the Eastern Union has expanded rapidly, even unprecedented. Overwhelmed Morgan and prompted them to make concessions to us on many issues. Well, Mr. Guo should know all of these things."

"Yes, I have a little understanding of this." Guo Shouyun nodded and said.

"It stands to reason that this opportunity today is unprecedented for the Eastern Union," Thompson continued, "We Harrison insist on a view that Mr. Guo and several interest groups should be further introduced into the Eastern Union high-level structure, In this way, a brand-new and vibrant new Donglian Group will be formed, which will be inclusive and take the road of internationalization, which is the best organizational model that Hyundai Group should uphold.”

"Oligarch Book Friends Group: 67227487 continued,)

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