Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 543: Hongmen Banquet

?The lengthened Lincoln, which is pure black and shines brightly under the bright lights, slowly drove from north to south into the world-renowned "5th Avenue" in New York. The four police motorcycles driving in front of the car did not turn on their sirens. But the flashing red and blue warning lights indicated that the person sitting in the Lincoln car behind was anything but ordinary. \\

"Shouyun, look, the one on your left is the so-called Central Park." Sitting opposite Guo Shouyun, Rilke, with a red face, pointed to the mottled tree shadows behind the skyscrapers outside the window. , smiled, "Seriously, after living in New York for so long, the only thing I like is there. Hehe, almost every morning, I take time to sit there and feel the leisurely feeling of being away from the hustle and bustle of the city."

"Oh, it's rare that the old man also likes a place," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, looking at the passing buildings outside the car window, looking at the neon lights that filled his eyelids, flicking off the ashes hanging on the cigarette butt. "I can't say, I will definitely go to see it when I get a chance to see what is different about this place called the back garden of New York. In the future, when our Far East also develops, I will invest in Habaro. Fuske also built a central park like this, hehe, the province will not be able to find even a green space there in the future. *****"

"Mister is too worried." Leaning on the door of the car, Yelena stared out of the car with a look of longing. She sighed and said, "Although the speed of economic recovery in the Far East has been slow since this time. It is gratifying, but it is unlikely that it will take half a century to expand to the level of New York. The most important thing is that the population of the Far East is far from enough. One New York has a population of more than 7.5 million, which is already in the whole The total population of the Far East is almost the same. From the perspective of business prosperity and economic development, the Far East...hey, all the cities in the Far East are tied together, and they are not comparable to this little New York.”

"Hehe, it's up to people. We can't build a Far East New York in the short term, but it shouldn't be a problem to build the largest business center in the Far East, right?" Guo Shouyun sounded quite confident, he laughed, "Not to mention I I have never set the goal of catching a certain city in the United States as a construction goal. My focus is on the Commonwealth, and in the federal regions outside the Far East, I will use a few years to build a few of the most prosperous cities in the Commonwealth. Satisfaction for the rest of my life.”

Hearing this, Rilke next to him couldn't help but be a little surprised. ^^^^ He glanced at Guo Shouyun in surprise, as if he had something to say, but he didn't say it in the end.

It's been a while since I've been back to the Far East. This time, Rilke felt that his boss seemed to have changed a lot. The domineering he seemed to be stronger, and the tone of his speech became stronger. The whole person showed it. self-confidence also seems to be stronger. Most importantly, from his few words. Rilke also sensed a very important message. That is, this young man's treatment of the Far East seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes. If in the past he was only focused on reaping benefits in the Far East, now he seems to have turned his attention to building this region. Combined with some rumors he had heard before, Rilke realized that Guo Shouyun's ambitions may have inflated to a point that makes people feel happy.

"Miss Yelena is obviously putting too much emphasis on this issue of rich and poor," Rilke said with a smile after thinking about it. "Economically developed regions certainly have their enviable features, but economically underdeveloped regions also have their own irreplaceable advantages. Take our Far East as an example, it is true that poor people are poor now, and backwardness is also an irreplaceable advantage. It is an undeniable fact, but it is precisely because of this poverty. ^^^^ This backwardness. When we seek external cooperation, we can get more benefits. "

"Listen. Listen to what the old man said?" He stretched out his hand and patted Ye Liena's thigh lightly, Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "What we can do best in the Far East is this poverty and backwardness. , this is not open, do you understand?"

"I should really admire Mr.'s optimism," Shaking her head, Yelena said angrily, "Is poverty and backwardness also capital that can be used to show off? What's more, what I am really worried about now is not the backwardness of the Far East, but the backwardness of the Far East. The population of the Far East, the thin population means a highly limited domestic market, also means a major difficulty in economic development. Most importantly, as a renewable resource, population cannot be implemented in a short time through administrative Therefore, it can be concluded that in the next two decades or even a longer period of time, the economic development of the Far East will inevitably be restricted by the low population base.”

"What you think of is quite long-term," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "I have never considered the issue of population. It is not too difficult to solve this problem. If it is not possible, we can consider immigration. I think China should be happy to cooperate in this regard. ^^^^”

"Sir's idea is too dangerous," Shaking her head, Yelena said disapprovingly, "Immigration is a trouble in itself, not to mention that the main target of immigration is our neighbors. More often, that means There is a kind of infiltration, national infiltration in all aspects."

Guo Shouyun smiled and did not have an interface. He could not agree with Ye Liena's view. After all, immigrants are facing the Chinese people, not the government class. What the people need is the drive of economic interests, not political interests. The worry now is about external political ambitions, not the sharing of economic benefits.

"Shouyun," Rilke finally couldn't hold back, he leaned over, almost leaning in front of Guo Shouyun, and asked, "I heard a lot of news in New York during this time, is the Far East noisy and independent recently? The problem? And there is news that this matter is directly manipulated by you."

"Hehe, the old man is very well-informed," Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile, stroking his chin, "Indeed, the argument of splitting has been emerging recently, um, this matter has something to do with our Guo family.**** But to be honest, I personally am not optimistic about this matter, and it is still too early to do anything or say anything now. Hey, let’s look at the situation and say, just like what I often said before, some Of course I don’t want to do things myself, but at a certain moment, I have to go against my will and bump into it.”

Rilke nodded knowingly and did not continue to ask.

"This is the Empire State Building," Yelena asked without looking back, pointing to the skyscraper at the entrance of Fifth Avenue, and tapped on the car window.

"Ms. Yelena is right," Rilke said with a smile. "Our group's headquarters in New York is currently located in this building."

As the old man said, he leaned down and looked out, then shook his head and smiled: "I can't see our floor here, wait for tomorrow, let's go up tomorrow morning, and Shouyun also took a look at the interior decoration. unsatisfactory place.”

"Me? I'll let it go," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "I don't have any artistic skills at all. Asking me to comment on this is like asking Yu Bing, so the old man decides on his own for similar things. It's done."

"That's right, where is the place where Thompson asked us to meet?" Glancing out of the car with interest, Guo Shouyun turned his head and asked, "We've been walking around the street for a while now. It's been an hour and I'm getting bored."

"Annoying? The thoughts of Mr. are really hard to fathom," Yelena said with a smile. "The prosperity of New York is not something that anyone can see. Now this opportunity is probably a dream for many people. You're fine, but you're still bored."

"The prosperity of New York doesn't belong to me, so what should I do with it?" Rolling his eyelids in disapproval, Guo Shouyun said sternly, "If this prosperity belongs to me, then what should I do with it? Are these two simple questions? , haven't you thought about it?"

"Hehe, don't worry about Shouyun, it's almost there in two blocks." Rilke laughed, "I've heard of Thompson before, but I've never dealt with him. He's quite a bit in New York. Doorway, near Times Square, he has no less than four properties, and the annual rent alone is probably worth millions of dollars. The private club in Duranton, where he asked us to meet tonight, is in one of the properties, It's easy to find."

"Million dollars a year? I'm afraid this amount of money may not be seen by Thompson," Guo Shouyun said with a cold smile in his heart. However, he didn't say this. In his opinion, Rilke didn't need to know too much, and that would not necessarily be a good thing for the group and himself.

The car turned right at the intersection of Avenue 5 near the Empire State Building, drove northwest for nearly five or six minutes, and finally turned into a brightly lit underground parking lot. Guo Shouyun was quite surprised that in this huge In the underground parking lot, you can't even see the shadow of a car, it's open and empty, and the whole atmosphere feels a little infiltrating.

"Why, did Thompson only invite a few of us to the banquet?" When the car stopped, Yelena looked at the big men outside the car and said in a low voice, "Or His customers have the habit of taking taxis."

"I believe he won't play any tricks," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "After all, it won't do him any good."

"Oligarch Book Friends Group: 67227487 continued,)

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