Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 542: three days in washington

? Strong fortresses are often the easiest to break through from the inside. This is a universal axiom. In the face of strong external pressure from the Morgan family, the various families in the Eastern Federation of Finance and Economics united to join forces with the outside world. .

But now, in the face of the crisis that has just passed, especially the truce with Morgan, the unity within the Eastern Federation of Finance is almost broken between the ****, as Guo Shouyun guessed, the eastern Within the Cailian, there have now been serious differences of interests among several families. The Kennedy family, which once dominated the Cailian, has become more and more domineering and arrogant. Of course, this practice of the Kennedy family has aroused strong dissatisfaction from several other families. At the same time, coupled with the display of a large number of potential interests, such conflicts can finally burst out uncontrollably.

Several families compete for interests in almost all aspects. In the Far East, because the Eastern Federation of Finance is mainly involved in the insurance industry, and this part almost belongs to the Kennedy family. For this reason, the forces including Harrison and other established families , also intends to reach out to that side. In order to achieve this goal, they first adopted a stepping stone, namely Thompson, who was closely related to Clinton, and the excuse they made was to promote tourism between the United States and Russia. They should take this as an opportunity to establish a more direct and closer relationship with Guo Shouyun step by step. connect.

Of course, for Guo Shouyun at the moment, he still does not know the internal contradictions of the Eastern Federation of Finance so clearly. At the same time, out of consideration for his own interests, on the one hand, he hopes that the internal contradictions of the Eastern Federation can be further intensified, so as to help himself Create more opportunities to fish in troubled waters. On the other hand, I don't want the big families to completely tear their faces. Fighting with each other, after all, the situation has deteriorated to that level, which is extremely unfavorable to the Guo Group. More importantly, there was a "Morgan Tiger" squatting outside the Eastern Financial Union. No matter from which point of view, this giant beast is not so easy to deal with. Guo Shouyun is worried that the conflict between the Eastern Union will become bigger. I'm afraid that before he can come forward to pick up the bargain, Morgan will "pick up" Guo first.

The Guo Group has grown in just two years. The contact forces and the groups that interact with each other are becoming more and more complex. These forces and groups are intertwined, and a large part of them have conflicts with each other. This is like playing a game on a hexagonal checkers board. No one can only think about "building a bridge" for himself, but also consider whether each step he takes will make his opponents take advantage of it. Because of this, in order to survive in such a crisis-ridden space, Guo Shouyun had to be cautious all the time in this decision. Do everything possible to avoid disadvantages.

In the three days in Washington, Guo Shouyun lived a comfortable and happy life. He attended a banquet when he had nothing to do, or he came to visit a certain politician, because he was generous. In addition, Washington's overall strategic tendencies are in his favor, so no matter who he sees, the other party will give him a lot of face. For a while, he, a veritable "dictatorship" in the Far East, has become Washington's guest of honor. Guests from both parties and the military in the United States.

Compared with Washington, the main public opinion in Moscow in the past two days has obviously shown further concerns about the Far East. On the news program of Moscow TV 6. There are even news reports that the Far East is very likely to declare independence in the coming period.

During the three days that Guo Shouyun was in Washington, the situation in the Yakut Autonomous Republic became more complicated. In the Zhigansk region, the 45th Panzer Division of the Trans-Baikal Military Region, after two days of confrontation with the "invading" forces of the Far East Military Region, withdrew to the west bank of the Lena River on the morning of the third day, and at a distance of nearly four days from the bend of the river. Defensive lands were redeployed ten kilometers away. This is not to mention that since the day the 45th Armored Division retreated, the Independent Air Force of the Far East Military Region has frequently dispatched fighter formations to cruise over the Zhigansk area. In this regard, the Trans-Baikal Military Region has submitted three memorandums to Moscow in a row, requesting the Ministry of Defense to increase its investment in the Trans-Baikal Military Region so that they can be able to deal with unexpected situations that may come at any time, but until Guo Shouyun left Washington, Moscow’s The answer still hasn't come out.

It was also during these three days that the Far East Military Region officially launched the so-called "military control" operation against the Yakut Autonomous Republic. Under the "stable situation", the Far East Military Region touched a large number of military forces and created a large number of mines in the region. Incorporated into the military management system, Moscow dispatched officials directly to the area, but they were expelled by the military, and a large part of them were even sent back to Moscow directly.

When expelling the Moscow mining inspectorate, the head of the Far East Military Region found some far-fetched reasons, such as: protecting the lives of the officials, or saying that they were involved in the issue of terrorism, which is directly related to the turmoil in Yakutia. association, etc. However, according to the statement put forward by the Federal Supervisory Commission, the Far East Military Region is panicking. The reason why they have adopted military control over a large number of mining areas in Yakutia is because they covet the huge economic benefits that exist in them. "Some generals of the Far East Military Region are currently Efforts will be made to promote the legalization and expansion of military police."

It can be seen that in today’s Moscow officials, the independence of the Far East is still a taboo topic. The Far East Military Region blatantly seized mines and expelled Moscow central officials for such a big thing, the Supervisory Committee did not dare to give them “bad intentions and split intentions”. hat, but throws out a nondescript military issue as a guise. To be honest, an approach like this would have had no effect other than further intensifying the Far East's inclination towards independence.

Although he is in Washington, Guo Shouyun has not let go of his attention to the "Old Nest". Therefore, the actions of the Far East Military Region and the reaction of Moscow were immediately fed back to him, which gave him a better understanding of the overall situation. A rough grasp.

Last night, before leaving for New York, Guo Shouyun had two calls with Far East, one to Polaninov and the other to Nina.

During the call with his wife, Guo Shouyun got a message that the old father-in-law Victor will go to the Far East for vacation in the next few days. By the way, there are important things to discuss with this precious son-in-law. For this reason, Nina asked him to Go back as soon as possible after you are done with your business, don't let the elderly wait.

Guo Shouyun had already anticipated that Victor wanted to meet with him. Although the old man was a complete political careerist, his loyalty to the country should not be tarnished. Today, facing the Far East more and more Obviously independent tendencies, if the old man has no ideas in his heart, then it would be hell.

There is no doubt that Guo Shouyun is not willing to turn against Victor, the old father-in-law, whether it is from the perspective of family **** or from the perspective of political interests, so he is unavoidable about this meeting. , is also a bit apprehensive. But fortunately, now he has a Yelena by his side, and with this smart woman giving advice, he doesn't have to deal with headaches when he has many problems.

Yelena and Victor are old rivals to a certain extent. When they were very young, they used the peculiar nature of children to set a trap for the old fox, causing him to fall into a stump. Now, driven by fate, she stood up again and encountered this old opponent again.

According to Yelena, to deal with people like Victor, any form of conspiracy and tricks may be exposed and cause more trouble. Therefore, she suggested that Guo Shouyun should not be entangled in certain things that he does not possess. A persuasive excuse or a subterfuge. At present, if you want to continue to move forward along the route set by yourself, and at the same time not turn against Victor, the best way is to give the old fox a soft nail from the perspective of family affection.

In order to help the "master" deal with the meeting with Victor, Yelena gave two key points of the meeting that can be combined: First, she suggested that Guo Shouyun should assign all the problems that occurred in the Far East at this stage to a "self-protection" on the purpose. Shana Riva's two children were born, and Nina and Nikita were both pregnant. However, the current situation in the Federation is still not clear at all. Under such circumstances, the Guo Group may face The crisis may also bring serious disaster to the Guo family. For this reason, as the head of the family, Guo Shouyun has reason to find a bargaining chip for himself, and it must be the safest and most critical bargaining chip. Second, Ye Liena suggested that Guo Shouyun could adopt a strategy of "offensive and defensive" during the talks: make it clear to the old fox that the Guo Group has no idea or willingness to promote the independence of the Far East, and what Guo needs is just a "safety factor" , needs a "clear and strong guarantee", if Leningrad or Moscow can give him this guarantee, then the Guo clique will make every effort to stop the independence trend of the Far East.

I have to say that Yelena is indeed a very cunning woman. She can see that on the second point, it is impossible for the Leningrad side to give Guo any guarantee, at least at this stage, they cannot provide it. So Guo Shouyun obviously has something to say in this way----the ants still know how to steal their lives. As Nina's father and the grandfather of Guo's junior, Victor can't stop Guo Shouyun from protecting himself, right? If so, is there still a need for the cooperation between the Far East and Leningrad?

A dilemma, this is the first problem Yelena posed to Victor after she met Victor again.

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