Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 539: goodbye myers

? After arriving in Washington, who will be the first to visit him? Guo Shouyun has made countless conjectures on this question. At the same time, he has also come up with many possibilities. He once imagined that this is the first door to visit. It may be a senior member of the U.S. Congress, or a senior bureaucrat within the Democratic presidential campaign. Of course, it may be a lobbying staff member of a large company or group. . qβ5. What he could never have imagined was that the first guest who came to the door was neither a member of Congress nor a bureaucrat of the campaign team. To say that he was a lobbyist of a large company, it would be reluctant. It can be counted as the number one, but this number is also regarded as his old acquaintance, and to a certain extent, everyone has some "relative relationship" with each other.

Miles, I don't know if it's out of a sense of guilt or out of the darkest side of my heart. Every time I see or even think of this young man, Guo Shouyun will feel a strange mood. This kind of feeling is hard to describe. It's neither apprehensive nor excited, it's just that something is not right.

Therefore, when Ye Liena brought the famous visit letter with a strange smile, the first thought that flashed in Guo Shouyun's mind was "I don't see it", but this almost blurted word was eventually rejected by him. He swallowed it back, after all, he knew that this young man was not easy, and he must have some important purpose in choosing to visit him at this time.

"What's he doing here?" Guo Shouyun frowned and said thoughtfully as the gold-gilded refined business card swirls around his fingertips.

"It's certain that he shouldn't have come to settle accounts with Mr.," Yelena tilted her head, pretending to think for a while. This was said in a very confident tone.

"I'm talking seriously," Guo Shouyun said angrily, rolling his eyes, "Settlement, am I afraid that others will settle accounts with me?"

"Since Mr. is not worried that he is here to settle accounts, then why should there be any hesitation?" Yelena laughed, "Have you forgotten what you said at the airport before? Haha, this trip to Washington .No matter who comes to visit, they all have four goals and need what..."

"Okay, okay, you don't need to remind me of what I said," he waved his hand. Interrupting the woman's parroting, Guo Shouyun said in a somewhat helpless tone, "I understand what you mean, are you suggesting that I meet him? .***** go make arrangements, I'll see him here."

"Yes, sir," Yelena said with a slight smile. Turn around and go out the door.

More than a week later. The handsome and elegant Miles is still as usual. The smile on his face is enough to make people feel the most intimate kindness. However, in Guo Shouyun's view, there are still some hidden behind this smile. ...No, it should be said that there are still many things hidden. What made Guo Shouyun even more unexpected was that this kid didn't come by himself today, he was by his side. He also followed a wretched middle-aged man who looked like a rooster and was covered in the smell of copper.

"Mr. Guo, didn't expect us to meet again so soon?" Miles, who was standing at the door of the living room, was wearing a white casual t-shirt and looked energetic. He looked at Guo Shouyun, who was sitting on the sand opposite. , smiled.

"Yeah," Guo Shouyun didn't get up, as if he had a weight on his body. He is sitting on the sand. He pointed to the position opposite him and smiled. "I was thinking about it before. When I came to Washington this time, I didn't know if I would have a chance to meet Mr. Miles. Hehe, I didn't expect you to appear in front of me so quickly. what.*****"

"Mr. Miles, please take a seat," Guo Shouyun said in a polite manner, "I don't know who the gentleman beside you is..."

"Thompson, Harry Thompson," the wretched-looking middle-aged man quickly stepped forward, rushing to bring a business card to Guo Shouyun with both hands, and said in fluent Russian.

"Oh?" Holding the unremarkable business card in his hand, Guo Shouyun frowned. He felt that he had heard the name of this person somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

He twisted the business card with two fingers, Guo Shouyun took a closer look, good guy, this guy seems to have a lot of names. The front of the entire business card is densely marked with abbreviations. Guo Shouyun, who couldn't recognize more than a dozen English letters, obviously couldn't see what this guy was from.

"Cough," with a dry cough, he made the business card circle around his fingers, Guo Shouyun handed it over to Yelena, who was standing beside him again. ^^^^

"Sir, this Mr. Thompson is a director of Hollywood's top brand club. At the same time, he is also a Hollywood independent producer, MGM-Joint Entertainment's gold agent, Hollywood... oh, travel.... .." Yelena said, looking at the business card in her hand.

"Oh, sorry, this beautiful lady, that's the executive president of the Hollywood Startup Travel Business Group." Thompson stepped forward and explained himself.

"Hehe, I can see that Mr. Thompson should be a successful person," Guo Shouyun almost laughed out loud when he heard all these names, and now he finally remembered what kind of "goods" this guy named Thompson was. . To be honest, he didn't know much information about the United States in his previous life, and among them, the scandals and "door" incidents of several presidents were nothing more than what he was most concerned about. In his memory, among the successive U.S. presidents since World War II, it was undoubtedly Clinton who had the most problems. This guy could not only control his subordinates, his wife, but also his zipper. In the end, Either out of this "door" or out of that "door", or molested Jones, or harassed Willie, and ended up sleeping with a little intern. *****

Among the five "flowers" and eight "doors" created by this great president, this Harry Thompson personally participated in and led one - the travel door.

How should I put it, in Guo Shouyun's opinion, this Thompson is actually the same character as himself at the beginning. He has some money under his hand, and plans to do some "purse trading", going the way of official business, and this guy has a very good He was close friends with the incoming Clinton.

"Successful people don't dare to be, just do some small business, do some small business. Compared with Mr. Guo, it is really not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Thompson's tone of speech is quite humble, from his body, Guo Shouyun can see myself two years ago.

"Haha, Mr. Thompson is too modest," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, shaking hands with the other party, "Sit down, everyone is friends now that we know each other, you're welcome, let's sit down and talk."

"Thank you sir," Thompson obviously had a very close relationship with Miles, and he was not polite to the queen, so he chose a seat and sat down.

"Mr. Guo," Miles chose to act directly opposite Guo Shouyun. After he sat down and pondered for a while, he smiled, "I heard that Xi Quina ran the Far East during this time. It seems that you and her The cooperation between them is going very smoothly.”

"It's more than smooth. If the woman hadn't been using contraception all the time, I'm afraid you would have even embraced the cheap son." Guo Shouyun thought in his heart, but smiled calmly on his mouth, "It's okay, At least we can all feel deep sincerity from each other. Haha, no matter who I work with, the most important thing is to have sincerity. If you are sincere, you can talk about anything. If you are not sincere, there is no need to talk about anything. "

"Sincere? Hehe, Mr. Guo probably overestimated Xi Quina's sincerity?" Miles said with a slight smile.

"Come on," Guo Shouyun felt amused in his heart, "Who said that only Chinese people like to fight infighting in the world? In the face of interests, Americans who consider themselves noble, don't they also like to run a knife in the back of their buddies? After all, all this is Everything is driven by interests, a dog bites a dog for a piece of bone, a man bites a man for a few pieces of paper money, who can be smarter than the other.”

"Oh, what Mr. Miles said sounds like there is another mystery," Guo Shouyun said calmly, with an unpredictable expression on his face as always.

"Mystery isn't really, it's just telling the truth," Miles' shrewdness was obviously blinded by his ambition, and he didn't realize that his coveted interests had been used by the other party.

"Hehe, maybe." With a snap of his fingers, Guo Shouyun deliberately changed the subject. He turned his head to wink at Yelena and said, "Go, pour wine for the two gentlemen."

"Yes, sir," Yelena naturally knew what the man's intention was, he was trying to adjust the other's appetite. At the negotiating table where interests are involved, the party who takes the initiative is often the party that is not very interested in negotiation.

"Well, Mr. Thompson," taking this opportunity to turn the conversation around, Guo Shouyun ignored the "green" Miles on his forehead, he turned to Thompson and said, "Speaking of which we should meet for the first time, please forgive me. This is direct, I really don't understand what the intersection between you and me, and of course, I don't understand why you came to see me today. I can't hide problems in my stomach, so if you have If you have any purpose, it is best to put it straight to the point now, hehe, so as not to spend the last effort and get nothing."

Thompson obviously didn't expect the number one boss in the Far East to speak so directly, so he was a little stunned for a while.

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