Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 540: golden eye

"Why, does Mr. Thompson feel any inconvenience?" With an indifferent smile, Guo Shouyun glanced at Yelena who was walking back and said, "Don't worry, Yelena is my woman, she knows What can be said and heard, and what needs to be kept strictly confidential. /qβ5,/”

"Oh, no, no, no, Mr. Guo misunderstood what I meant," Thompson waved his hands and explained, "I don't think it's inconvenient, I just didn't expect Mr. to be so straight to the point, so I don't know what to say at this time. get up."

"Hehe, it's okay, you can think about it slowly," Guo Shouyun raised his hand to look at his watch and smiled, "but unfortunately, my schedule today is rather tight, and in another hour, I have to attend a The banquet arranged by the Democratic Party, so”

"Ah, Mr. Guo, I have already thought about it," Thompson changed his mind immediately, he glanced at Miles apologetically, and then said, "That's right, in fact, I am here this time, hoping to reach an agreement with Mr. Guo. Negotiations on three fronts.”

"Three? Hehe, it seems that Mr. Thompson's vision is very broad," Guo Shouyun said with a casual gesture. What he meant was that the other party's ambition was too great, and he planned to discuss three things as soon as they met.

"Hehe, I'll do it first, then I won't," Thompson said with a smile, as if he didn't understand the irony in the other party's tone, "Actually, I have long hoped for a certain degree of cooperation with Mr. But I haven't been able to find an opportunity before. And this time, when Mr. came to Washington, I managed to get through all aspects of the joint, and I am proud to meet you here, so I say. I cherish this opportunity, which is a little quick for quick success. Hehe, of course it's inevitable."

"Well, understandable," Guo Shouyun immediately understood the deep meaning of the other party's words. There is no doubt that this guy with a shrinking appearance was telling himself implicitly. He's kind of connected in Washington, so what. Cooperating with him, the Guo Group may not get any benefits.

"Let's talk. I'm a little bit interested in the three cooperation you mentioned now." Leaning on the back of the sand, Guo Shouyun raised his glass and gestured to the two guests.

"That's it." With a dry cough, after clearing his throat, Thompson said, "I wonder how much you know about Hollywood's top brand clubs?"

"Exam me?" Guo Shouyun smiled, "Don't look at me knowing nothing about life in the United States. But this club that brings together dozens of luxury brands from all over the world, I still know a little bit about it."

"Well, look," raised his arm, Guo Shouyun let the other party look at the watch on his hand, and said, "panrai, my sister gave it to me not long ago, if I remember correctly. This Italian company The watch dealer should be one of the members of your club, right?"

"Sir is right." Thompson raised his body and leaned forward. Said, "Actually, in our club, panerai is just an ordinary member, and above it, there are dozens of luxury manufacturers including automobile, clothing, jewelry and even private jet members. You are welcome. It is said that almost all of the world's top luxury goods manufacturers are our members."

"Haha, this is really enviable," said absent-mindedly, Guo Shouyun smiled, "but I still didn't hear it, does it have anything to do with me? After all, our Guo Group does not produce luxury goods in any form. Therefore, in this regard, I am afraid that I have nothing to do with you, right?"

"Sir, you must not think so," Thompson shook his head and said, "Actually, in my opinion, your Guo Group has many opportunities to cooperate with us. First of all, there are a large number of potential luxury customers in the Far East. We have done a survey before, and the number of billionaires in the Far East with personal assets of more than one million US dollars has reached more than 40 people. In addition to the good economic situation in the Far East, these people have strong consumption. In the first half of this year, they The total amount of funds spent in the luxury market has exceeded hundreds of millions of dollars. Therefore, the Far East is still very attractive to our club. Secondly, Mr. has obtained seven Kimberlite diamond veins in Yakut a few days ago. Control rights, and its profit prospects are eye-catching, so as club members, Boucheron and Winston hope to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Mr. In addition, Bugatti also took a fancy to the self-designed car of Mr. Gaz bulletproof jeep, they want to use this as a model to design a top-level high-end car”

"Mr. Thompson," Guo Shouyun hurriedly said before the other party finished speaking, "I understand what you mean, what you just said doesn't seem to me too big a problem, it's just a business aspect. I hope to see a more detailed and clear letter of intent, rather than a simple and hasty statement. According to my itinerary, I will go to New York in two days, and the main business negotiations in the United States will be booked. Start there. If you plan to gain something in this regard, you can use the previous period to organize the letter of intent for business cooperation. At that time, I will decide whether to accept your invitation for cooperation based on the content of these letters of intent. "

"Of course, of course," Thompson's face showed a hint of joy. Originally, he did not intend to negotiate these business cooperation issues today. Now he just needs to test Guo Shouyun's tone to see if he will Certain political considerations directly "over" the whole intention. But the current situation shows that Boss Guo obviously doesn't have too many political concerns, so this matter is half the deal.

"Now let's talk about your second cooperation content." Waving his hand, Guo Shouyun said in a presence.

"This second cooperation content is relatively simple," Thompson said, rubbing his palms, "Sir also knows that in the past few decades, affected by the Cold War between the East and the West, the United States and the former Soviet Union have No direct air flight has been achieved anywhere in the world. Now, the Soviet Union has disintegrated, but Moscow still has serious concerns about the issue of direct flights, which has also created a great deal of tourist exchanges between Russia and the United States. Difficulty. Fortunately, Mr. is a politically enlightened man, and you govern the Far East."

"Hey, you can't say that," Guo Shouyun raised his hand, planned the other party's words, and emphasized, "Mr. Thompson must pay attention to your words, I, Guo Shouyun, are just a businessman, and I have my own Far East state governments. And the Far East military is in charge, and at the same time, there is the presence of the Moscow Central Committee. As for me, I don't have that much power."

"Yes, yes, what Mr. said is that I made a blunder," Thompson said with a smile, "but at least it is certain that Mr. still has a great influence in the Far East, so, as a person committed to promoting the United States For those who are friendly to Russia and are committed to the mutual sightseeing of the American and Russian people, I hope that Mr. will give some convenience, so that my Hollywood entrepreneurial travel group can open several travel agencies in the Far East, specializing in undertaking tour groups between the two countries. group business.”

"It's that simple?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while, then said indifferently.

"Ah, sir, you can rest assured," Thompson explained. "My travel group is definitely a purely commercial organization, and there is absolutely no political purpose for this kind of tourist business. As a powerful travel group, I can also fundamentally protect the interests of tourists from both countries and will never cause any trouble to Mr.

Guo Shouyun thought about it again, and always felt that this proposal was a bit inappropriate. He turned his head and glanced at Ye Liena next to him, but found that the woman was looking at him, and in those light blue eyes, it was clear that "Negative" look.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson, I can't give you an accurate answer for the time being," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation, "The affirmative answer I can give you now is that from Khabarovsk to Washington, New York, and Chicago three The direct air flight will be connected by the end of the year. As for the exchange of tourists between the two countries, it depends on the opinions of Moscow and the governments of the Far Eastern states. I can’t make the decision.”

"That's really a pity," Thompson shook his head, and said regretfully, "Actually, sir, this is a commercial project with huge potential for both of us. Think about it, at present."

"Haha, I've already thought about it very clearly," Guo Shouyun laughed after interrupting the other party again, "There is no need to discuss this issue today. If you want to continue discussing the last cooperation, then Jump over it."

"Hey, to tell you the truth, my last two cooperation projects are actually closely linked," Thompson said with a sigh, "As the agent of MGM-Lianmei Entertainment, we intend to work in a short-term Your Far East investment was used to film the seventeenth film of the well-known "oo7" series. Because the overall screenwriting scene of the film is relatively large, we hope to get some support from the Far East military. At the same time, the business of such a film is The value is not only in the movie itself, but it can also drive a series of peripheral profits, and among them, the opening of tourist attractions is a big one. We made a rough estimate before, if we can get Mr. permission, but The opening of tourist attractions will probably bring in no less than 100 million US dollars in revenue, after all, the Far East is still a rather mysterious undeveloped land for the United States and even for the entire West.”

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