Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 538: mean phlegm

"I finally understand why I hate flying so much," said the blue-and-white Russian Far East International Airlines flight landing at Washington Airport, fiddling with the ice pack in his hand, Guo Shouyun stepped out of the rather empty luxury cabin, On the aisle to the cabin door, he sighed at Yelena who was following her closely. , qb5.

"Because Mr. likes to take the initiative and doesn't like to hand over his destiny to others, even if that person is an ethereal God." Yelena said with a slight smile.

"Well, it's rare for you to understand me so well," Guo Shouyun chuckled lightly after glanced at his female think tank in surprise, "Whenever the plane takes off, I feel that I have lost control over everything in the world, can I? Arriving safely at the goal, at some point, will I fall from the sky, I can’t grasp these things, everything, only the **** God can know. I don’t like that feeling, I don’t like it very much.”

"Fortunately, now Mr. is able to keep his feet on the ground again," Yelena laughed softly, holding the man's arm and flanking him out of the cabin door, "but now it seems that this place is not under the control of Mr. , so, all the variables still exist here. ^^^^"

"At least I know that I'm dealing with people, not playing bridge with ghosts and gods that I can't see or touch." Shrugging, Guo Shouyun glanced at the Washington dignitaries who were walking towards the spiral staircase, and said with a smile, " And dealing with people is much simpler. It is nothing more than four points: what they need, what we need, what they can give us. the only topic."

"Sir, judging from the current situation, the Americans seem to need a lot." Gently pulling the man's sleeve, making him slow down, Yelena stared at the crowd that was ushering in quickly. He whispered, "Look at the candidates they came forward to greet. Your old friend, Kissinger; Senator Albert Gore, who has just been identified as the number one collaborator of the Democratic candidate; James Baker, the number one think tank behind the Bush family. Pay attention to their smiles, sir, it is the most sincere and sinister, and the most kind and vicious, it can be seen that our life may not be too good these days."

"Oh, the most sincere and sinister? The most kind and vicious? Where did you find such good words?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Like I said, it was found on their faces." Yelena chuckled. said.

"Haha, then let's get closer. If you take a closer look, maybe there will be more discoveries." Guo Shouyun lowered his voice and said one last sentence, then stepped forward, with a most sinister smile, towards the Those American friends not far away greeted them.

I have to admit that on many international issues, Washington is often more willing to spend money in order to win over a person or a party. in this aspect. Beijing seems to never be able to compare, one side is unscrupulous. On the one hand, "it came out after a thousand calls", and "especially with the pipa half-covered". For someone like Guo Shouyun, if he chooses to cooperate, he must first show the other party's face. If he can only see half a face and a pipa, how can he be willing to do his best to cooperate with the other party?

Just like in this reception issue, Beijing and Washington have different performances. When the three giants Guo Shouyun went to Beijing, they were in love for a few days, but they didn't see the two deputy ministers. What about this time in Washington? All the people who came to the airport were some big-name politicians. ===Kissinger and Baker then needless to say, they are all veterans in Washington politics, the former is the number one figure in the history of American diplomacy, and then includes Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. and later Bush Jr. The campaign adviser to these four U.S. presidents, he is an evergreen tree in U.S. politics. As for Gore, let alone that fellow, the vice president of the Clinton era, the second most powerful figure in the United States. Guo Shouyun visited Washington, and these people appeared at the airport. This incident itself shows the position of Washington—they regard the development of their relationship with the Far East Guo Group as an established White House. The diplomatic direction, to put it more bluntly, is that no matter who the next White House owner is, the United States will fully support the Guo Group. From another point of view, they are also a kind of "labeling" behavior. After all, support is not given in vain. Whoever accepts Washington's political support will be labeled as "pro-American". Once things are hung up, it's not that easy to clean them up. Yelena's sentence "the most sincere insidious, the most kindly malicious" is also from this.

Guo Shouyun's trip to the United States this time is relatively long. According to the schedule, he will stay in Washington for three days, and then go to New York for two days to inspect the construction of the Guo Group's New York headquarters. In addition, there are two more. Days are reserved for emergency situations. \\To sum up, his trip to the United States will take a week.

In fact, from the overall schedule, Guo Shouyun's three-day stay in Washington is of little significance. He didn't have any specific negotiation content for his stay here. Washington arranged for him six banquets to meet with people from all walks of life. Face, get familiar with it, and then make some public statements that don't have much nutrients. In fact, these things are mainly for a symbolic function, to make a gesture to reveal a kind of information to the outside world.

The main event of Guo Shouyun's trip to the United States is basically set on commercial content. During the two days in New York, in addition to visiting the New York headquarters of Guo's Group in the Empire State Building, he also has to sign the final contract for the acquisition of Wang An Company. At the same time, he has to negotiate with the representatives of Boeing Company to purchase ten Boeing 757 passenger planes for Far East International Airlines. In addition, he also intends to have a brief meeting with representatives of the four major US mobile communication giants including t-mobi1eusa , to discuss the construction and operation of the Far East Mobile communication network. ****It is no wonder that before he came to the United States, major American media began to carry out all-round forecast reports on this "US-far" economic and trade cooperation. The merchants have long since opened their eyes wide and stared at this matter without blinking.

Politics is always an appendage of the economy. Only where there are economic exchanges, can there be politics. This is undoubtedly reflected in Guo Shouyun's trip to the United States. Now, some people in Russia are scolding him for being a Far East dictatorship and accusing him of being a Downright separatist, dirty and smelly careerist. In the United States, his image in the newspapers has undergone unprecedented changes. Philanthropists, civil rights fighters, macroeconomic experts, miracle forging, etc., in a word, that is what is good to hear.

When he came to Washington this time, Guo Shouyun did not choose to stay in the official residence, but directly booked four presidential suites at Hilton—Democracy Fighter, so naturally he must maintain the best exposure. Whoever you meet and which politicians you have contacts with must be monitored by the media. But to be honest, this thing doesn't seem to have the slightest effect, because the floor where he is staying has long been full of FBI agents. Anyone who wants to enter must first pass five levels and kill six generals. If there is no official Permit, no one should try to rely on halfway.

After staying at the hotel, under the arrangement of the White House staff, Guo Shouyun accepted interviews from several media such as "Time" and "Washington Post", held a simple press conference, and expressed two long-arranged articles. A good speech without the slightest nutrient, and at the same time, according to the answers prepared long ago, he answered the "improvised" questions raised by the reporters under the "excited".

After such an acting-like transition, Guo Shouyun was also exhausted. He considered that from this point of view, those Hollywood stars are really not very good.

"Washington, this is my second time here," Guo Shouyun, who had just taken a shower in the presidential suite where he lived, wore a loose silk pajamas and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, watching The traffic passing under the building outside the window said with a little emotion, "The last time I came, I was in a bad mood. I feel that the weather here is really bad, but this time I come..."

"This time, I feel that the sunshine in Washington is equally bright, and money also enjoys the supreme status it is born with in this place," Yelena said with a smile, leaning against the wine cabinet with a glass of red wine.

"That's right," Guo Shouyun smiled and shrugged.

"Ten years ago, I used to yearn for an American life," Yelena said softly, leaning on the man's shoulders as she walked over slowly, "At that time, there was a very common saying in China that only Americans enjoy real life. With the freedom granted by God, everyone here can independently decide their own destiny. The national leader is elected by hundreds of millions of American people. He is the representative of the true public opinion and the protector of the people. But then I understood, Moscow is full of despicable lies, but Washington is also a source of lies. The only difference between them is that the former is more brutal and the latter is more despicable. Now, the brutality has been defeated, and the despicable has the absolute upper hand, this reality Tell me, being a man should not show too much cruelty, but should learn to be more despicable, live for profit, die for profit, go to work for profit, and be despicable for profit. Sir, seeing a new opportunity, It's coming, are you ready for the vile booster?"

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