Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 537: regular meeting

"I don't need you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do, what I need is that you can stay awake at all times and understand what I want you to do and what I don't want you to do," said the big boss in the Guo Group. In the conference room, facing the important members of the military and political circles in the Far East, Guo Shouyun's face was gloomy, he said in a slightly hoarse voice, "What are you thinking in your heart, We all know that, and as a long-term cooperation, I am also happy to ensure that your wishes will be realized to the greatest extent possible. In the hands of those in Moscow, even if they are not sentenced to life imprisonment, I am afraid they will not be able to get out of prison without 20 to 30 years. Therefore, you want to get rid of Moscow's control, evade the legal responsibilities that you should have assumed, and avoid any The political reckoning that may come, this idea is correct, and I am happy to support you, but before that, I have to tell you clearly that no matter where the Far East goes in the future, we are a big family, and we are still a new The big family. Compared with Moscow, our big family does not have a hierarchy of seniors and seniors, and there is no intricate network of relationships. All of us here are more like a temporary piece together for some common interest. Therefore, the relationship between our big family is more complicated and the foundation is weaker. Any wind and waves from the inside may overturn our entire boat, leaving everyone here without a place to die. In this case, I believe everyone should be able to realize that in our circle, the democracy advocated by Moscow is not feasible, and as the president of the Guo Group, I do not want anyone to point fingers at my decision-making. ."

Glancing around on the faces of everyone in the venue, Guo Shouyun continued: "It's not been a day or two that you have worked with me, I believe that you have a very deep understanding of how I am, Guo Shouyun, in my eyes. , there are only two kinds of people in the world: one is a friend. The other is an enemy. For a friend, I will do my best to protect his interests and give him a better life, and for an enemy, I will do the same I will also do my best and do my best to hit him and destroy him. Let him know how stupid it is to be my enemy. During this time, a lot of unpleasant things have happened in the Far East. Not to mention the most recent. Chukotka and Yakutia suffered the largest snowstorm in early autumn in decades. In just one week, the affected population exceeded 100,000, and the direct economic loss was tens of billions. The continuous efforts to restore the Far East economy have all come to nothing in these two regions, and in order to avoid greater losses. === The group has to use more financial resources. These two regions are making unremitting efforts to rebuild. Ladies and gentlemen, up to now, the Group has invested four billion US dollars to save the snow disaster. Who do you think the money belongs to? Is it Guo Shouyun himself? No, Then all of us belong to everyone here, and every penny on the group's books is directly linked to your interests. Think about it, there are four billion. How much financial difficulties can the military region and fleet solve? Four billion, how much can your dividend increase in the middle of this year? With these four billion, how many people can we buy in Moscow who can speak for us? Have you thought about these questions?"

"Sir," when Guo Shouyun said this, Ye Liena walked in from the door holding a stack of thick folders. She put the documents on the conference table and whispered. "I got everything."

Shouyun nodded and said. "Which are the data sheets for the Personal Assets Survey?"

"These," Yelena said, flipping the stack of documents with two fingers, and taking off the top stack, "these are from Mrs. Shanariva and Polaninov. The data they provided was detailed and true, without any discrepancies."

"Very good, pass it on for everyone to see," waving his hand, Guo Shouyun said, "in case everyone still has some luck in their hearts and thinks that I won't know what they did."

"Yes, sir." Yelena responded, and then distributed the copied documents one by one to everyone.

"As you have all seen, this is the current breakdown of our personal assets," Guo Shouyun continued after waiting for a copy of the document, "from June last year to now, one year and three and a half months, everyone here, At least, personal assets have also increased by nearly four million US dollars. Converted to rubles according to the current exchange rate, that is 1.2 billion rubles of assets. That is to say, the forty-three billionaires in the Far East are here. You have accounted for 93% of the land. Ladies and gentlemen, don’t you realize from these data how much help the Guo Group has to your personal interests? Or, do you think your current Life is not as comfortable as those ministers and parliamentarians in Moscow? I don’t think so? In my opinion, those people in Moscow are all poor people. In addition to their monthly salary of less than four hundred dollars, they also have what?"

Guo Shouyun's words attracted a lot of laughter from the audience. Obviously, this detailed personal asset data did not cause them any discomfort. After all, they all know that in the Far East, they are the highest level, as long as they don't offend the person in front of them. A strong boss, no matter how much personal assets are, it is not a big deal. ^^^^

"I've always been greedy, I've always had no objection. In my opinion, if a person is not greedy, he's not a human being. So, in the Far East, I hope that everyone here will become richer and richer. , I have re-formulated a dividend plan." With a cough, to draw everyone's attention back to himself, Guo Shouyun continued, "Well, it can also be regarded as a reward plan. Yelena, share the plan with Everyone, everyone, take a good look."

"Yes, sir," Yelena nodded and divided the remaining documents on the table one by one. *****

"After nearly a year of hard work, the economic conditions of the Far East states other than Yakutia and Chukotka have significantly improved. The government's finances have gotten rid of the deficit and have a partial surplus," Guo Shouyun said. "At the same time, what? , the group's income is also expanding day by day, and several favorable projects have been launched successively, which makes me see a better development prospect. In this regard, I think it is gratifying, and this is also directly related to the efforts of everyone here. In order to give you a more direct reward for your hard work, I asked the financial team of the firm to make a statistic. We took the state as a unit and made an accurate calculation of the overall benefits brought by the economic development of each state to the group. Calculation. Comprehensively consider from the perspectives of transportation, heavy industry machinery, mining, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and at the same time, based on the average wage level of residents in each state, savings appreciation and other categories, a brand new sharing plan has been developed. Its general content , which means that 20% of the direct and indirect income the group obtains from the economic exhibitions of various states every half year will be included in the dividend system of state government officials. According to the calculation data of the second half of this year, Khabarov The Skk Krai will be expected to receive profit dividends of not less than 60 million US dollars, Primorsky Krai 58 million, Kansaska 30 million..."

With the data reported by Guo Shouyun, there was a noisy discussion in the venue.

"Did I listen to you, or did you listen to me?" Knocking on the table, Guo Shouyun said something quite dissatisfied.

As his words landed, the venue returned to silence in an instant, and everyone's eyes converged on him. It can be seen that in addition to the surprises, the eyes in those eyes were Jin Cancan's "Qian Guang" ".

"The group is only responsible for distributing these dividends to the accounts of the state-level governments. As for how you distribute them, that is your own business, but before that, I will allocate 5% of your respective dividends to the For the military region and the Pacific Fleet, I believe you can understand this, after all, without their existence, you would not even be able to spend money." Guo Shouyun continued expressionlessly, "As for those two consecutive If I can't enjoy dividends for half a year, I only have one decision, and that is to change people. As a person, I do not avoid greed but incompetence. If I have the ability to do a good job in the economy, you can be greedy, and I can even create greed for you. Conditions, but those who are incompetent, don’t rely on your seat, I have no shortage of people around me, and there is no shortage of free meals, so this kind of person, you can go as far as you can.”

"Finally, I would like to emphasize one thing," Guo Shouyun said, tapping on the table with two fingers, "I hope that in your future work, you will be able to distinguish between the priorities and the places where you can stretch your hands. You can touch it. As for those places where you can't reach out, you'd better hide away from me. Don't put your head in for one or two sesame seeds. Just like what happened to Yangskesheng before, whoever is greedy I will not let you greedy things, so there is nothing to say. If the mayor and city councilors have problems, I will hold you responsible. Therefore, if you want to protect your vested interests, then you should all focus on me. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, sir," the crowd responded noisily.

"Well, that's good," Guo Shouyun stood up slowly with his hands on the table, he smiled and said, "This afternoon, I'm going to Washington, everyone don't leave at noon, let's have a light meal here, By the way, I will also implement the dividend distribution. Well, also, it is not easy to go to the United States. If you need anything, make a list in advance and I will bring it back to you. But the premise is that I do not Responsible for bringing women's underwear, that thing is too embarrassing, you can be ashamed, I have to ask for it."

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