Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 536: state of affairs, ambition

Leningrad, in the small living room next to the Whitehall of the Smolny Palace, Viktor, whose face was obviously old, had just woken up, when Sobchak hurried in with a document in his hand, he was Wash your face under the service of a personal guard. /

"Why did you come so early today?" Wiping the cold water on his face with a towel, Victor glanced at the document in his old friend's hand, and said with a seemingly indifferent smile, "Have you eaten breakfast? If not, do you want to stay with me? Is there anything to eat here?"

"No need," Sobchak went straight to the only single sand in the room and sat down, shook the document in his hand, and said solemnly, "I am in the mood for breakfast today. It was gone half an hour ago."

"Oh," Victor laughed, handing the towel in his hand to the guard next to him, "Tell me, let me see who is so bold and dares to offend my old friend, um, I hope it's not me My dear son-in-law, otherwise, this will be a little tricky."

"Can there be anyone else besides him?" Shaking his head and sighing, Sobchak threw the document in his hand on the coffee table in front of him and said, "See for yourself, this is the news I just received this morning, it is It came from the Far East. ***** Released mountains and raised tigers. Facts have proved that the place in the Far East is very suitable for Siberian tigers to thrive. Now, this tiger has grown. His teeth and claws have grown It is profitable, so I plan to eat people, and I plan to occupy the mountain to be the king."

"Hehe, is it so serious?" With a slight smile, Victor stretched out his hand to get the document, but in a blink of an eye he saw drops of water still hanging on his hands, he straightened up again, and rubbed his hands against the clothes on his chest. , Then he was talking and laughing while holding the document in front of him.

"Come on, let me see. Let's see what the little **** is doing again," Yi ** sat on the sand armrest beside her old friend. Victor looked up at the document with a smile.

"When did this happen?" With just one glance, the smile on the old fox's face disappeared. A flower appeared on his wrinkled forehead. how much attention.

"Last night," said Sobchak with a sigh, "it shouldn't be early in the morning, maybe even earlier, but the news is blocked in the Far East. ***** We can't touch it yet. Just be clear about the specifics.”

It is no wonder that simply a document makes the two old foxes so nervous, because according to the content of the document, a new "independence storm" is brewing in the Far East.

Just last night, there were widespread riots in the six cities of Yakutsk, Mirny, Ardan, and Upper Yansk in the Far East Republic of Yakutia. Citizens who had no livelihood due to unprecedented snowstorms attacked at night. The main government warehouses in various cities were stationed. During the period, a mob even attacked the logistics base of the 45th Armored Division of the Post-Baikal Military Region in the east bank of the Gansklena River in Japan, but was repelled by the defense battalion of the division guarding the base.

If things are just that simple, only some people are rioting. Then this matter is not worth people's attention. After the disaster, people's livelihood is difficult, and there are cases of government officials exposed. With the slightest instigation, this kind of riot will appear, and there is no fuss about it. The real problem, however, lies in what happened an hour after the riots broke out—the three reorganization divisions of the Far East Military Region stationed on the western front of the Upper Yansk Mountains in Yakutia suddenly moved westward in a big way, and they advanced to the east bank of the Lena River in the night. The vanguard units belonging to the armored divisions on the southern front entered directly to the front of the area controlled by the 45th Armored Division of the Trans-Baikal Military Region, while the mountain divisions advancing from the northeast were formed in the Curset area close to the Lena River. new garrison. ***** thus directly threatened the left flank of the 45th Panzer Division.

At 4 a.m., the Far Eastern Military Region, under the pretext of stabilizing the situation in Yakutia and protecting the four major power stations along the Lena River, sent messages to the Moscow Ministry of Defense and the Post-Baikal Military Region Command, requesting adjustments to the west of the Upper Yansk Mountains and the east of the Lena River. One of the main contents of the adjustment plan for the deployment of local armed garrison in the region is that the 45th Armored Division of the Trans-Baikal Military Region withdraws from the east bank of the Rilena River and retreats to the west of Zhigansk for garrison.

at the same time. Another notification memo from the Far East Military Region showed. Yesterday afternoon, the local garrison in Upper Yansk was to prevent the situation from deteriorating. "Advance action" has been taken to announce the implementation of military control in the area. Three large power stations, twelve diamond mining areas, six diamond processing plants, and four gold mines have been included in the scope of military control. The Far East Military Region said that this kind of military control is only "temporary", and its specific cancellation time will be adjusted "at any time" according to the security situation in the region. \\

As a peer-to-peer military region with the post-Baikal military region, the Far East Military Region even privately mobilized the huge forces of three reorganization divisions without authorization from the Ministry of Defense, and directly threatened another friendly army based on the Lena River. Area's defensive salient, what does it mean? There is no doubt that this is the real "Sima Zhao's heart is well known".

In the territory of the Yakut Autonomous Republic, the mechanism of co-administration of the two military regions of the Far East and Post-Baikal has always been adopted. The east of the Upper Yansk Mountains is the garrison of the Far East Military Region, and the west of the Upper Yansk Mountains is the narrow area along the Lena River. , belongs to the defensive area of ​​the Post-Baikal Military District. In the previous quite long years, due to the limitation of geographical environment and climatic conditions, the Post-Baikal Military Region did not retain many troops on the east bank of the Lena River, but only retained a western line extending to the upper Yansk Mountains in the Zhigansk region. the protrusion. Now the Far East Military District has taken a sudden action, demanding that the defensive salient be cancelled and the entire 45th Panzer Division be withdrawn to the west bank of the Lena River. If the Moscow Ministry of Defense or the Trans-Baikal Military District accepts this condition, then from now on , the entire Yakutia belongs to the Far Eastern Military Region, and the Federation will no longer have any influence in this area.

Now everyone knows that the Far East Military Region is the biggest source of independence in the Far East. Those generals of the military region with hundreds of thousands of troops in their hands have an unimaginable enthusiasm for completely breaking away from the center of Moscow and establishing their own Far East paradise. And behind these generals, there is a more advanced existence, that is the Guo Group. It is certain that there is definitely Guo Shouyun behind this sudden incident. Without his permission, those people in the Far East Military Region have not yet Such a bold man.

"What's the plan in Moscow now?" Victor asked, frowning for a moment.

"The situation on their side is still unclear, but there is some news about the post-Baikal military region," shrugged, Sobchak said, "The old Belek gave a clear attitude, he asked Moscow to Answer within fourteen hours, either Moscow will find a way to get the people from the Far East Military District to withdraw, or he will withdraw the 45th Panzer Division to the west bank of the Lena before 5 o'clock this afternoon. In this regard, he There are very good reasons. Today's post-Baikal Military Region is lax in military discipline and lacks logistical materials. The entire 45th Panzer Division cannot even get five tons of fuel supplies. Once military friction occurs, they can hold on for up to two hours. As a military region Commander, he doesn't want to watch his own people die. The most important thing is that if the delay is too long, Berek is worried that there will be no military friction, and his forty-fifth division can't stand it anymore. Last night, a tank company under the division had deserted and sold 12 tanks to unscrupulous traders outside the camp for 700,000 rubles. Belek was worried that this gate As soon as it opens, in less than a day, the forty-fifth division will become a vegetable market, and his soldiers need money so much that they dare to do anything for money."


The document was smashed on the coffee table by Victor, and several manuscripts flew out of the clip and swayed down onto the scarlet carpet.

Squinting at his old friend, Sobchak continued unmoved: "In fact, things are far from simple, I got accurate information, as early as two days ago, our Khodolko Mr. Vsky arrived at the headquarters of the Trans-Baikal Military District, and he provided a huge sum of no less than 600 million rubles to more than 30 military district generals, including Belek. The three divisions in the Far East Military District sent forty When the Fifth Armored Division was approaching, the officers and soldiers of this division had just received their four-month salary. They ate fresh fruit and high-quality caviar provided by the Far East Military Region, drank vodka sent by the Far East Military Region, and smoked the vodka sent by the Far East Military Region. cigarettes, so they turned a blind eye to the tens of thousands of troops that rushed to get closer. I even doubt that as long as our little fox throws a little more money, the situation in Post-Baikal will probably be completely out of control. Moscow? Moscow is no longer needed. Worrying about whether the Far East will become independent, the first thing they have to worry about is how to control the situation so as not to worsen. It is terrible to lose East Siberia and the Far East, but if we lose the Central Siberian Plateau and the West Siberian Plain, then we will East of the Ural Mountains there is nothing. We, we may have underestimated this little fox, whose ambitions are much bigger than we expected, and he does not seem to be in our control."

"No, I don't believe it," Victor shook his head and said firmly, "I have full confidence in how I see people, and I know exactly who Shouyun is... Now, I I have to go to the Far East myself, and I have to find out what he is thinking."

"Just save it, you can't see people now," Sobchak shook his head and said, "He's probably on his way to America now."

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