Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 535: wake up

"Okay, let's go do your business," Guo Shouyun waved his hands in a distraught and said, after taking over the task of the major next to him, "I want to rest for a while, remember, stop these tattered things for a while, as soon as possible. Get in touch with Yakutsk and let them deliver the spares in the shortest possible time.

"Yes, sir," everyone nodded in agreement, then carefully exited the conference room.

"Sir, it's very dangerous for you to do this." When the conference room was quiet again, Yelena grabbed a chair and sat down beside the man. She lit a cigarette for herself and said with a half-smiling smile, "The execution of government officials without real evidence and without trial is a power that only the former National Security Council had. That's right. Symbols are against the general principle. What's more, your way of handling it can easily lead to wrong judgments."

"Do I still have a choice now?" With a bitter smile, Guo Shouyun pointed to the bag of relief items on the table that had completely changed its taste, and said, "You saw it too, what is this? These things can help fight cold and disaster relief. Does it work? Shangyansk is one of the hardest-hit areas this time. Tens of thousands of victims are suffering from a cold snap of minus 20 degrees, houses collapsed, and supplies are scarce. Without relief, these people cannot survive. They will make trouble, and there will be troubles. What I need now is the overall peace of the Far East, a stable and good space for economic development. Officials are corrupt, I have no objection, and I even create for them to a certain extent. After all, greed is human nature, and I have been taking advantage of this kind of human nature. But now the problem is. They have gone too far, their greed has affected my interests, and they have stood in the Guo Group. It has gone to the opposite side of the earth, so this sign must be fought, and it must be fought ruthlessly. I let them know what kind of money can be greedy. And what kind of money can’t even be moved.”

Breathless, he continued. "This is a major matter involving tens of thousands of lives and deaths. If you handle it well, you can avoid a few casualties in Yansk. If you don't handle it well... It's like these things, if you divide these people and things. What is certain is that in a few days, the casualties of the disaster victims here will exceed three or even four figures. Government officials are human beings, and these victims are also human beings. Are the officials serious, or the loss of thousands of victims serious?, hum. Democracy. Those are all nonsense, in my opinion. Giving these government officials too much democracy is full-time in disguise. It is the full-time job of a very small number of people over the majority. To give full-time jobs to these officials is equivalent to giving more people democratic power, so I have a clear conscience to do so, and I dare anyone to challenge Moscow.”

"Hehe, sir, you're right," Yelena smiled, holding the cigarette between her two fingers, and said with a smile, "but have you ever thought about it, if your practice spreads to Moscow, those central What will the lord think? No doubt, they will think that you have taken another step in the direction of centralization of the Far East. As for whether you are doing it right or wrong, they will never consider it. Your own intention to solve various problems in the Far East, but at the same time, you do not intend to completely build this place as your own base, this inconsistent way of thinking can only bring you a tragic end."

Guo Shouyun was speechless. He felt that he had not been able to get rid of this problem for so long, and the woman beside him was still guiding him almost stubbornly.

"Sir, you can't do great things with worries in your heart," Yelena sighed and said, "When it's time to make a decision, you must stretch out your hand first, because only then can you be one step ahead of your opponent."

"You can't do great things with worries in your heart," the woman's mouth said, like a thunderbolt flashing through Guo Shouyun's sea of ​​consciousness. a feeling of. Recalling that when I first came to the Far East, I had made up my mind to sink the boat and fail or succeed. What did I think about at that time? Have you ever thought about breaking your home? Have you thought about taking over a feud with so-and-so? Have you ever thought about who might be behind the scenes to murder yourself? No, these issues were not considered at the time. But in just one year, how did he become cowardly? Since when did you start worrying about this and that? Where did all that hard work go?

"Born in trouble, die in peace".

Guo Shouyun realized that although he never admitted that his personality was changing, the reality still strongly proved that the current Guo Shouyun was no longer the Guo Shouyun who had nothing and feared his life and death. There are too many issues to consider, and too many places to worry about. In the subtle process, he has evolved from a desperado who fights for his life and wealth to a well-behaved industrial businessman.

Does this work? There is no doubt that this will not work, and it is a red flag, a harbinger of the downfall of a speculative family. But in order to avoid this kind of risk and get rid of the omen of defeat, he must return to his old state and be the resolute and unscrupulous Guo Shouyun.

After thinking for a long time, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and took the cigarette that Ye Liena had smoked in half, put it in his mouth and took a sip, and then said: "I understand, I fully understand. As a person before struggling on the road of destiny Anyone who wants to do business must have a hard goal. Looking back at the beginning, my goal seemed to be to find a foothold in the Far East, and then I began to work hard to win the power of the Far East. Now it seems that this goal is achieved. Now, and what's next, what should I aim for next?"

"Hehe, this question is too easy to answer," Yelena laughed, "Sir's next goal should be to transform this place according to his own intentions. Don't let Moscow affect your decision-making, don't let this place Anyone on the top will threaten your status. Obedient people will use it. Disobedient people will step on it. That is, those who are disobedient and can't be stepped on will be killed. You should let everyone know that the future of the Far East will go from you alone. can decide."

"Very well," Guo Shouyun smiled, this time with sincerity. It's been a long time since he laughed so comfortably, "Since Moscow has not been able to build this place well for nearly a century, Then they will abdicate and let Xian take care of it, and leave this to me to see what the future of the Far East under the Guo Group will look like."

"In my opinion, at worst, it will be much better than Moscow." Yelena smiled comfortably, she could see that her boss finally got rid of the knot and returned to the right track, which also means that the Far East will be on the right track. Officially ushered in an earth-shaking change.

"So confident in me?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile when he reached out and patted the woman's knee lightly.

"It's not so much that I have confidence in my husband, it is better to say that I have confidence in myself," Yelena shrugged and said honestly, "You know, I have been preparing for this day for ten years, and now The only thing waiting for is the appearance of a character like Mr.

"Huh?" With a straight face, Guo Shouyun said angrily, "Don't you know how to be a subordinate, should you think more about how to save face for your boss?"

"Does the gentleman think face is more important, or does factual advice matter?" Yelena laughed.

Well, what you said makes sense," Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while, then laughed, "Well, let's talk about it, your number one staff officer, what advice do you have to remind me now? "

"Of course there are suggestions, and they are still very important ones, otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to do your work," Yelena smiled confidently and said, "Sir, you know, in fact, this scene came out of nowhere. The snow disaster just created an excellent opportunity for you, the reason why I suggest you postpone the date of your trip to the United States, come here first to see, the main purpose is also this."

"Oh, you mean the construction plan of Yakutia?" Guo Shouyun nodded and said, "I have this matter in my mind, but you also know that this kind of thing cannot be rushed. First, the investment in the whole project It’s too big, and Guo’s company does not have the strength to spend tens of billions of dollars at one time. Secondly, regional economic planning itself is a long process. Population migration, project construction, and the establishment of regional investment markets all require Guided step by step, this kind of macro thing basically has the problem of slow effect."

"Of course, I don't mean to let Mr. Yakut do it overnight," Yelena said, "I mean, for the long-term plan, Mr. must take the first step to grasp the main economic lifeline of Yakutia, and squeeze out Moscow's economic lifeline. The last piece of influence retained here. And this step can not only test Moscow's bottom line of patience, but also bring continuous financial input to the Guo family. Therefore, this matter is the biggest priority you need to deal with right now. is the top priority.”

"You mean..." Guo Shouyun obviously guessed something, his eyes lit up, and he said hesitantly.

"For a top-quality diamond of 56 carats, the Moscow Industrial and Mining Supervision Commission only offered 1,700 rubles. Are they too dark?" Yelena snapped her fingers and said with a smile, "This predatory mining policy , has been practiced in Yakutia for half a century, I think, they should get out now too?"

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