Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 534: better than beasts

?As the number one commander of the most important local garrison in the Upper Yansk region, Major Arsiandi has spent nearly twenty years in this broken place where the temperature is below zero for eight months a year. Since Brezhnev was in power, he was the The major and brigade commander of the 73rd Brigade, and now that Yeltsin is in power, he is still such a major brigade commander. Even when the Guo Group carried out a major rectification of the Far East Military Region some time ago, he was not on his turn to change positions. , how "good" this guy is in the army.

But for Guo Shouyun, when he first saw Al Xianji with a purplish face and a strong body, his first impression was that the major was a "straight man". His upright temperament is absolute, otherwise, with his military seniority, it is impossible for him to remain a major after working for decades.

It is not a trivial matter for the No. 1 powerful person in the Far East to visit Shangyansk. Therefore, when Guo Shouyun's motorcade entered the city and just arrived at the branch location, several key officials of the Shangyansk city government also walked around. followed.

In the small conference room of the Guo Group's branch, the first thing Guo Shouyun did was to dismantle and look at the disaster relief packages distributed and transported by the group. ^^

According to the initial distribution of the import and export trading company, each family's disaster relief package is filled with a large amount of daily necessities, such as: one hundred and fifty rubles in cash, four cans of caviar, two large packages of compressed biscuits, Four high-calorie chocolates, two blankets to keep out the cold, two sets of waterproof bedding, a tent for the cold, and more. The total cost of this set is about 3,200 rubles, and the Guo Group has prepared 200,000 copies, costing hundreds of millions. In addition, Guo Shouyun also provided Yakutia and Chukotka with hundreds of billions of dollars in disaster relief funds, requiring the government departments of the two states to gradually allocate funds according to the regional disaster situation, so as to reduce casualties as much as possible. In addition, in order to reduce the direct economic losses of the victims. The Guo Group has also spent hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire the livestock that were frozen to death in the snowstorm. That stuff is meat anyway. It’s not enough to sell fresh meat. It’s not a problem to make canned food. Some losses can also be recovered.

In this way, before and after, the Guo Group spent a huge sum of four billion dollars in disaster relief.

Of course, as someone who is used to seeing the ugliness of officialdom. Guo Shouyun also knew that all of this money could not be spent on the victims. According to the hobby of those officials, the 100 million disaster relief funds were taken, the state government deducted half, and the city government took 40% of the remaining half. After 20% off, and finally to the hands of the victims, it is nothing more than 18 million. *****Fortunately. Guo Shouyun also knew that for those disaster victims, they would be satisfied with 18 million relief funds. A sip of hot water is enough to survive. When dealing with people in official circles, you have to prepare for this kind of mentality in advance, so that those disaster victims can really get life-saving things. You have to figure out the accounts in advance, discount the benefits required by officials at all levels, and the rest is what really comes in handy. Catch up with that kind of reckoning. You also have to factor in the gas bills used by officials at all levels to inspect the disaster, the entertainment bills for their appearances on TV, and the benefits spent on typing records, otherwise, disaster relief will be nothing but empty talk.

Guo Shouyun understood these things very well, and he did it well. After all, he started by supporting corrupt officials, and he must take care of the interests of these people. ^^

But even so, when he saw the big change in the disaster relief kit in front of him, he couldn't help but get angry. Even hate the root sore.

What is the standard item package that the import and export trading company made a few days ago? Counting it down: the emergency cash of 150 rubles was gone and disappeared; four cans of caviar were replaced by two 200-gram bottles of chili oil; four high-calorie chocolates were also sold by dogs. I took it away; two blankets to keep warm from the cold became one; two sets of waterproof bedding with a total value of 900 rubles were stolen and replaced, and turned into two woven printed thin cotton quilts with a market price of tens of rubles...

"All of them are geniuses," sat on the main seat of the conference room. Guo Shouyun looked at the big bag on the table in front of him. He was stunned for a while, and suddenly laughed. He clenched his fist with one hand, tapped on the table one after another, and said with a smile, "Tell you, when I started doing business on the Sino-Soviet border, I didn't **** think of this method, yes, I have talent and a future. "

There was silence in the huge conference room, some looked calm, some sweated on their foreheads, and some looked confused. All in all, no one dared to speak. ^^^^

"Tell me, are all the disaster relief packages in the material warehouse like this?" After laughing for a while, Guo Shouyun's tears flowed out. said the person in charge.

"I, I don't know." The person in charge of the branch is a big man, about 1.8 meters tall, and the big face is full of stubborn flesh. Anyone who takes a look at him can conclude that this kid is not a good person. stubble. However, in front of the relatively thin Guo Shouyun, this big man was not even able to speak confidently. After all, who is stronger or weaker in this world is not judged by size, but by power.

"I don't know?" Reaching out and picking up a bottle of chili oil, he put it in front of his eyes and looked at it. Guo Shouyun said casually, "Then what do you know? Do you know how to fight to death? Spell it out for me."

The big man's big mouth squirmed for a while, but not a single syllable came out.

"If I remember correctly, you should have come from Shanariva's gang, right?" Guo Shouyun put down the chili oil bottle, reached out and picked up a set of thin quilts, and twisted it with two fingers. , tried the thickness, and then continued, "In the gang, what kind of punishment will be given to stealing money, you tell me. ^^

Hands," the big man said stutteringly, wiping his cold sweat.

"Chop your hands? No, it's too **** and barbaric." Glancing at him, Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "I'm dizzy, and I can't see any redness. Well, I have a good idea, I'll give you two A choice: First, five minutes, give you five minutes, you can give me compressed biscuits, eat the two bottles of chili oil without a drop, don't drink water, don't drop a little dregs.

Pushing the thin, almost transparent quilt in his hand forward, Guo Shouyun said, "Take off your clothes, bring this warm quilt, and let me sleep on the street for a night. Do any of these two things, I will Just pretend that nothing has been born today, otherwise, I will not only let you know how to fight for death, but I will also let you know what it means to survive and die."

The two conditions given by Guo Shouyun almost didn't make Al Xianji, who was standing on the side, laugh out loud. He said to himself, what are these conditions? The package of compressed biscuits is estimated to weigh half a Russian pound. From the perspective of the weight, it is enough for five people to eat for three days. If one person eats it within five servings, it will die. To make matters worse, he also let people eat with chili oil, and they can't drink water. Five minutes, that big man can last for one minute is very good. As for the second option, it's even more funny. Now the temperature in Yangsk is close to minus 20 degrees, and the sudden cold snap can freeze the horses to death. A big living person is wrapped in such a thin quilt. Live a night in the open air? This is too underestimated the power of the polar cold, right?

But having said that, Arsianji really hopes that the big guy in front of him can take care of the local officials in Yansk. These people... Saying they are people is really a humiliation of the word "people", I guess beasts are ashamed to be with them.

"Sir, sir, I didn't do this, it has nothing to do with me," the big man looked at Guo Shouyun carefully for a while, the indifferent face of the other party made him realize that what he said just now was definitely not a joke.

"Hehe, I believe you didn't do it, but if you say it has nothing to do with you, I can't believe it." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun sneered, "If you want to save your little life, it's not impossible, I'll give you one more choice now. Who did it, who exchanged it, where did it go, and who was involved in the front and back, you can explain it to me one by one, less Say one thing, or leave someone out... I won't say how to punish you, you can decide for yourself."

"Yes, I said all of them, and not a single one fell." The big man spoke more quickly this time, he said anxiously.

"Major Al Xianji," Guo Shouyun turned his head and said to the major standing behind him, "arrange the personnel, and whoever is involved in this matter, no matter who they are, you will find them out for me. ."

"Find it out? Then what?" Arxian pouted his lips and said disapprovingly, "I have to remind sir, this is Shangyansk, and those who are qualified to participate in this matter will naturally have a way to annihilate the evidence of the crime. You can't find anything. evidence."

"What evidence do you want? Find a place to bury it," Guo Shouyun said, playing with his fingernails, "If you don't agree, let them go to Moscow to appeal in the next life. If you want to intercede for them, then you can ask them to come find them. Me, I'm best at giving people thought work."

"Okay, then I'll do what Mr. wants," Al Xianji grinned, lightly wiped the brim of his hat with two fingers, and responded simply.

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