Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 533: upper yansk

"Shi Bingquan, hum, this is easy to say, but if you really do it, it's not an easy task." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun sighed, "First of all, I can't find much. Trusted people, just like the Far East Military Region and the Pacific Fleet today, if I really release the military power of Tiomenko and the others, who can stand up and continue to play their role?"

"Hehe, I really didn't expect Mr. to have doubts about this matter," Yelena smiled, she pointed to the long stretch of glacier outside the window, and said, "Look at this Ardan River, it is Lena One of the main tributaries of the river has the same source as the main tributary of the Amur River, the Taya River. They are both stretches of the Stanov Mountains, and the source of the two is no more than two kilometers apart. /.qβ5. But the final result? They are injected into one One flows into the Arctic Ocean in the extreme north, while the other flows into the Pacific Ocean. Two large rivers originating from the same source, but running in opposite directions, each run into a very different ocean. The interesting thing is that they are still so continuous and endless. From this point of view, how similar are they to the status quo between the Far East and Moscow? Just as we cannot imagine that the Amur River will cease to flow, Mr. will worry that Moscow's political and military circles will one day lack alternate politicians and generals? ?"

"Moscow, it's not the same thing as the Far East. ===" Guo Shouyun shook his head in disapproval.

"Actually, it's the same thing," Yelena laughed. "The reason why you feel that there is a gap between the two is because you haven't really seen the basis of your own interests, and you still see Moscow as a place within your reach. , the existence of interests that can be manipulated, still obsessed with the complex power struggles there, and still stubbornly clinging to the old concept of a central government. Contrary to Mr.'s idea, more people have now aimed at the interests that may exist in the Far East after independence. In order to obtain more and greater benefits, these people will continue to flow into this countercurrent like ice water at the headwaters of a great river, and eventually lead to a new regime structure."

"Your statement is too optimistic," Guo Shouyun retorted, "I don't know if you have ever thought about it, any kind of separatism is unpopular. Now the independence trend of the Far East is still in its infancy, so we can't feel it. How much right pressure, but in the future, once this tendency becomes clear. I am afraid that the pressure we have to bear will hardly make people feel relaxed.

"In my opinion, the tone of Mr.'s theory is a paradox," Yelena sneered. "You have to believe that only failed separatism is unpopular, and successful separatism is the best example of national self-determination and independence. As for those who oppose the independence of the Far East, sir, don't worry. You must know that those who are truly selfless and patriotic will always be ordinary people who cannot control the overall situation, and those who have the ability to influence the overall situation. It is their own interests and the interests of the entire interest group, and in the end it is the problem of the whole country. Hehe, personal interests are higher than collective interests, collective interests are higher than national interests, national interests are higher than people's interests, and the interests of the people can only be talked about. It's a flashy stunt. Can't you see that Mr. has been rolling in this **** for so long? Now it is certain that Hasbulatov and the others definitely want to see the Far East become independent. Because Once the Far East becomes independent, they will lose a strong opponent in Moscow, and at the same time, they will have the best excuse to attack the Kremlin. Therefore, if there is a tendency to become independent in the Far East in the near future, the conference will definitely not She reacted too strongly. Having said this, Yelena paused, she turned her head and looked at the snow scene outside the window, and after a long while, she sighed faintly. She continued: "In the end, support and opposition are based on With interests as the driving force, the independence of the Far East will definitely harm the interests of some groups of people, and it will also bring benefits to some groups of people. In this case, there are naturally some people who support it and others who oppose it. people. for at least a few decades in the future. Your position in the Far East is untouchable. "

"Everything is driven by interests, hehe. Driven by interests," Guo Shouyun said with a wry smile, "I used to like this sentence and this reality, but I didn't realize it until now. It sounds easy to say, but it is so terrifying to experience. Especially when a person experiences the deepest meaning of this sentence, he will even feel that the whole sky is dark and the water that can be seen is turbid. The stench that fills the air in the nostrils at all times, the pungent smell even makes people unable to open their eyes.**

"Hehe, hell, that's what it looks like," Yelena said in a somewhat cynical tone, the vicissitudes in her words were absolutely disproportionate to her age, "I am a dozen or so students at the Military Diplomatic Academy. In the past few years, I have realized a truth: this world actually exists in heaven and hell, and they deal with illusion and reality respectively. To believe in God is to put yourself in an illusory spiritual world. , suffering is not suffering, small pleasures are also joyful, the whole person is completely disconnected from reality, this is the so-called heaven. And abandoning God is equivalent to abandoning illusion and falling into reality, as a helpless person Petty citizen, when you are wandering in the world full of scorching coldness, watching others take away what you deserve, but there is no way for you to ask for help, when you are slaughtered like a mustard by those worthless dignitaries. When there is no way to appeal, who would fear the so-called hell?"

Listening to the words of the woman around him, Guo Shouyun couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. He also knows that, except for Nina, almost none of the women around him are normal. They do everything they can to make a deal. If it is put on the bright side, these women will obviously make the world's What they despise, but from the root, they are all the "elites" of this country. ****From this point of view, perhaps the term national elite can have a new interpretation. They are a group of social groups who really live in reality, have no outlook on life or values, and are only born to pursue interests.

The rolling motorcade rushed through the uninhabited plateau and permafrost area against the boundless snow and wind. There was no doubt that it was a boring march. In the car, Guo Shouyun slept in a daze twice. After taking a nap, he slept for less than half an hour, and the second time was a little longer. When he opened his eyes, the convoy had entered the southern suburbs of Upper Yansk, a city located on the banks of the icefield. Appeared in the shadow of snow.

As the famous "Diamond City" on the Siberian Ice Sheet, Upper Yansk occupies a very special position in the national economic system of the former Soviet Union. A saying at that time was that 90% of the diamonds in the Soviet Union came from Yakutia. Ninety percent of Yakutia's diamonds come from Kyoyansk. In this place where the Yakut Mongolians live, there are seven Kimberlite diamond veins, and the diamonds produced by them are quite amazing in terms of output and grade.

But even so, for nearly a century in the past, Yakutia, a region that continued to provide the country with precious materials such as gold, diamonds, and fine logs, was one of the poorest regions on the Soviet Union's map. Under the fair system of "distribution according to work", a large number of miners engaged in high-risk and high-risk operations work underground for eight hours a day, and their monthly salary is less than 400 rubles. In contrast, those yellow-skinned and dark-eyed Yakus Special people, of course, can only enjoy lower-level treatment. The terms such as "ethnic discrimination" and "racial persecution" are not mentioned at all in this area, because they are all facts for all to see, and there is nothing worth talking about.

Guo Shouyun's convoy entered the Upper Yansk City from the old farm area of ​​No. 10 in the northern suburbs. Before them, the material delivery team of Guo's Group Import and Export Trading Company had entered here and established six items in the urban area. Put it away and release emergency supplies to the disaster-stricken people throughout the region.

Yakut Mongolians have a very ancient characteristic of life. Few of them live in urban areas. Compared with the modern life in cities, these people prefer to live in villages and towns far away from the city, and the best means of transportation are , it is a large animal such as a horse

Therefore, when Guo Shouyun's motorcade approached the city, there were already many yellow people sitting on horseback in the front, back and left of the motorcade. These people gathered around the motorcade and pointed at the dark gas jeeps. I don't know what to say.

Because of these people, the team's progress slowed down a lot. When Guo Shouyun entered the city and officially arrived at the Guo Group's Shangyansk branch, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and according to the time limit for the release of supplies. , the six stations are almost finished.

Out of his own safety concerns, the news of Guo Shou's visit to Shangyansk this time did not spread. Within the Guo Group, only high-level people knew about this matter, and in the state government departments, those who knew the details. Even more pitiful. If anyone can fully grasp his itinerary and route, there is only one Far East Military Region. Therefore, when Guo Shouyun arrived at the Shangyansk branch, in addition to the head of the branch, there was only a brigade commander of the 73rd Infantry Brigade of the Far East Military Region stationed in Shangyansk, Major Arsenj.

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