Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 529: The collision of wisdom

? Khodorkovsky's heartfelt words made Guo Shouyun feel a strong pressure again. He realized that the independence issue of the Far East was really beyond his control. \\

With strong demands from all walks of life inside and external forces, Guo Shouyun can foresee what the future of the Far East will look like. At the same time, he also knows what the final result will be if he adopts the repressive policy as always. It's like driving a train. If you want to make it run or stop, you have to get on the car to operate. Whoever wants to play with one hand as a train by himself will only be crushed to pieces.

In fact, from a general perspective, the current situation in the Far East has not developed to the point where it will become independent immediately. The crisis of independence that appears at this stage is more of a hype behind the scenes. Just like Guo Shouyun thought. Americans really want to see the Far East officially become independent, and they want to see the Guo Group can cut off more than 6 million square kilometers from the territory of the Russian Federation. foreseeable. If the Far East becomes independent and the Guo Group has established a pro-US state regime in this area, then the planned eastward expansion strategy of NATO will target the Far East as the first target. And once the independent Far East joins NATO, the two potential partners of cooperation between China and Russia will be completely separated, and the nail will be wedged there. Not only China and Russia will not be able to move, but even North Korea will face a situation of danger.

It is for this reason that Washington took the opportunity of the Dakamen incident to comprehensively adjust its policy towards the Guo Group. But it is a comprehensive support and draw. Compared with Beijing, Washington is much more forthright and generous. Their policy is: as long as they are obedient, they can give whatever they want, and as long as they stand on their side, they can forgive any crime.

Guo Shouyun took the commander-in-chief of the 6 naval and air forces of the Far East to visit North Korea. What is the biggest follow-up impact? no doubt. right here. When the news reached Washington, the think tanks in Washington submitted dozens of policy recommendations to the White House, the Pentagon, and experts in all aspects almost overnight. They didn't even consider the purpose of Guo Shouyun's visit to the DPRK. The only thing they considered was how likely the Far East was to become independent and what kind of benefits the United States could get from it after it became independent.

In the United States, although most think tanks are non-governmental organizations, the reports they submit to the White House can largely influence the decision-making of the entire country. In just two or three days, that is, the two days when the Da Kamen incident broke out, the US Congress, the White House, and the Pentagon. They each held a series of closed-door consultations. finally. Washington's "Eagle and Dove" factions reached a consensus: do everything possible to win over the Guo Group, in the Far East of the Russian Federation. Planning a plan similar to "peaceful evolution", and in order to make this plan successful, the first thing to do is to let Guo Shouyun further expand his strength, thereby further urging his ambitions.

So how should this Far Eastern strongman further expand his strength and ambition? Obviously, this question can't help Washington. They have played similar games many times, and their experience in this area can't be richer. They have reason to believe that this plan will eventually succeed.

When Washington planned this overall plan, Guo Shouyun didn't know anything about it. He simply believed that the reason why the Americans gave in to him was because, on the one hand, he had caught the other party in the Dakhamian incident. On the other hand, it is because he can play a very important role in the Russian-Indian military trade. But in fact, he was wrong. At this time, even if he held on to the Dakamen incident, even if he rejected Washington's request on the Russian-Indian arms trade issue, the Americans would still support him, and even He will be offered better conditions and more generous treatment. Now don't say he just wants to buy a Wang An company, if he has the ability, Washington can even allow him to buy ibm. For no other reason than because other things seem to Washington to be secondary to the question of Far East independence.

Just as Khodorkovsky said, the dispute between the Kremlin and the Council of Representatives has entered a white-hot stage, and the tactics they use are all deeper and harder to fathom. Nor can they all be the crystallization of the wisdom of a group of people. In the same way, it is impossible for Guo Shouyun to suspect that Khodorkovsky can guess the plots planned by a large number of think tanks in the United States. Step into Washington's trap.

Fortunately, Guo Shouyun has Ye Liena, and the Guo Group has its own small think tank. Although this think tank has just been established, its comprehensive strength is still far from that of a large think tank like Rand, but to a certain extent, they It is still possible to find some clues that ordinary people easily ignore from a large number of problems.

"Why did Washington not make any statement from the beginning to the end in the face of the Da Kamen incident? Why did the interest group of the Eastern Financial Union reach an understanding with Morgan in the short term? Why did Washington make a big retreat to the Guo Group? Why Xiquina Even her fiancé, who came from a wealthy family, looked down on her, and turned into your arms instead? Why did McCarty go to the Far East to do so many polls? Why... This series of The "why", did the gentleman not notice?" When Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky arrived at the Guo Group headquarters together and convened an emergency meeting of the think tank, the far-reaching Yelena did not directly confront Moscow. After expressing his stance on what happened just now, he began to talk about a lot of issues that the think tank group has studied in the past two days.

These questions made Guo Shouyun break into a cold sweat. He finally realized what was wrong with his thinking. He was so confident that this confidence evolved into conceit to a large extent. Where the problem is, they have been hastily ignored by themselves.

Siquina is lying. At least, she deliberately concealed some important issues. It is certain that when she came to Khabarovsk to discuss further cooperation issues some time ago, it did not only represent the interests of the Eastern Federation of Finance, but Represents the interests of the entire Washington. At the same time, Miles is able to endure the shame he has added to him, not only because he is interested in women or because he is schizophrenic, but because he is important and understands that winning himself will mean to him. what.

As Marx's dialectical materialism talks about, the world is widely connected, and the emergence of any problem cannot be encouraged.

From the answers to this pile of "whys", the think tank group gave an answer to the strange change in the situation in Moscow: they believed that the Americans were trying to give up their support for the Kremlin and chose the same Dudayev instead. One side maintains close contact with Hasbulatov.

As the speaker of the Council of Representatives, could Hasbulatov have anything to do with the separatist forces in Russia? The answer is yes, Guo Shouyun vaguely remembers some news that he had been exposed to in his previous life, probably in April 1994, Dudayev was shot by a "Su-25" fighter of the Russian Air Force 40 kilometers away. dab-12oo" radiation missile killed. The reason why the Russian army was able to lock the target at that time was because Dudayev was talking with Hasbulatov, and the Russian early warning aircraft intercepted some of the calls and accurately locked Dudayev's hiding position accordingly.

History is changing, and the magnitude of the change is so great that Guo Shouyun has a sense of anxiety that he cannot cope with. He finds that he is not only unable to control the independent tendencies of the Far East, but also unable to grasp the historical process.

A lot of problems appeared, and Guo Shouyun finally missed the appointment with his wife. Starting from half past eleven, the research meeting of the think tank group continued until nine o'clock at night. More than 30 professionally trained "brains" gathered together. Together: make a hypothesis, search for evidence, deduce the process, draw a conclusion, then challenge the conclusion, search for evidence, deduce the process, refute the conclusion...

Think tank seminars like this were eye-opening for Khodorkovsky, who was in contact with him for the first time. Similarly, he also felt that his brain was not enough for the first time, because on many issues, he even Before thinking deeply, some people sitting there questioned and even gave arguments. For the first time in his life, Khodorkovsky had the idea of ​​forming an "elite think tank of the Russian Federation", and this idea was unparalleled for him.

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