Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 530: Yakutia

?On the plateau between the Chersky Mountains and the Upper Yansk Mountains of the Yakutia Autonomous Republic in the Far East, a heavy snow fell in October, and the cold wind blowing from the Arctic Circle was the largest on this Russian territory. The autonomous republic is adorned with heavy silver makeup.

"Sir, we haven't left the plateau permafrost at the southern foot of the Chersky Mountains yet," Yelena, wrapped in black fur, held a map in the gas jeep with snow chains attached. Pointing to the eastward stretch of mountain outside the car window, he said, "There are no villages within a radius of 200 kilometers in this area. There is only a satellite ground station in the north. Look, it's right here, about 120 miles from where we are now. ten kilometers."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, his eyes stared blankly at the vast coniferous forest not far from the window, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Sir, sir, what are you thinking?" Yelena raised her head and said in amazement.

"Oh, nothing," Guo Shouyun shook his head when he was recalled to his senses, and said indifferently, "I'm a little hungry, is there anything else to eat?"

"There are some desserts," Yelena opened the refrigerated cabinet by her hand and glanced at it. "There are also some dried meat and fruit. What do you plan to eat, sir?"

"Whatever, it's not my favorite food anyway," said Guo Shouyun, waving his hand.

"Is there something on your mind, sir?" She picked out two pieces of dried meat from the small cabinet and put another piece of bread into the heating compartment. Yelena tilted her head and looked at the man beside her, and asked, "Or say. Have doubts about the second Yakutia plan?"

Guo Shouyun did not answer directly. He turned to his side and tilted his head to look out the car window.

This time from Khabarovsk all the way to the north, Guo Shouyun's purpose of traveling is to inspect the snow disaster in the two northern states.

First Chukotka and then Yakutia, this state and the republic suffered a heavy snowstorm that was rare in a century this month, with a five-day heavy snow period. It brought huge disasters to the two places. According to the data submitted by the governments of the two states, the snowstorm caused at least 40 deaths, nearly 700 people suffered from frostbite and huge casualties. At the same time, tens of thousands of livestock died. , but also brought economic losses of not less than 20 billion US dollars.

In order to deal with the disaster, the governments of Yakutia and Chukotka first sent a letter of assistance to the Guo Group, and at the same time. The disaster report was also submitted to Moscow, but until yesterday afternoon, Moscow did not give any reply. Guo Shouyun estimated that the federal government would not spend half a cent for this.

Disaster relief is life-saving. Although Guo Shouyun is not a good person, he will never ignore the severe snow disaster that was born on the ground in the Far East. That is why. As soon as he learned of the disaster, he summoned all the heads of the trading company and issued an order to "clear the treasury and respond to the disaster". Within two days, Guo's Group Import and Export Trading Company was in full operation. Its warehouses in more than 20 large and medium-sized cities in the Far East were all closed, including more than ten items of food, food, cloth, tobacco and alcohol, building materials, etc., all of which were mobilized and sent into containers to Yakutia and Chuko. Odd two places to send.

Fortunately, Yakutia and Chukotka are located in high latitudes. Because of the harsh environment, the two places have always been sparsely populated. Take Yakutia as an example, its republic has an area of ​​more than 300 people. million square kilometers. It occupies almost half of the entire territory of the Far East. However, its total population is only less than 700,000, and the number of people directly affected by this disaster. There are only a hundred thousand Yakuts concentrated in the Upper Yansk Plateau. But even so, in order to cope with this sudden disaster, the Guo Group has invested more than 4 billion so far, and the entire import and export trading company has almost become a disaster relief committee.

Sometimes it is really difficult to distinguish between good and evil. Guo Shouyun started his career on speculation, and relied on crazy "stealing the country's wallet" and unscrupulously grabbing the wealth of the people. Logically speaking, he is a great villain, and he has "sores on the top of his head and soles of his feet". Puss" that kind of utterly wicked wicked. But what about now? When he mastered enough economic and political resources and completely brought the Far East under his own control, he also gave up the exploitative method of drying up the lake and fishing, and began to seek a way of life for all Far East people, seeking a happier and more prosperous life . In the face of this sudden snow disaster, he did not hesitate to donate generously, giving four billion dollars at one time to fight the disaster.

Four billion dollars, how much real money is that? To put it bluntly, even the most generous philanthropist in the world could not have given out such a large sum of money all at once. Of course, some people may say that Guo Shouyun made such a decision entirely out of consideration for his own interests. His reasons were not right and his motives were not pure. But don't forget that most people don't consider subjective factors when they think about problems. They value objective results and living reality more. So what is the result of Guo Shouyun's actions? What is the reality of the whole thing? Undoubtedly, those devastated refugees know it best.

On the one hand, it is to boost the confidence of the residents in the two disaster-stricken areas, and on the other hand, it is also to smooth out the imbalances in the economic strength and living standards of residents in the Far Eastern states. Two days ago, the think tank team submitted an elegant proposal to Guo Shouyun. Memorandum of the Economic Development Plan of the Republic of Kut. In this memorandum, the think tank group put forward 36 reasonable suggestions for economic construction, and these suggestions made Guo Shouyun shift the focus of the group's economic construction northward, and began a long-term "opening of the north".

In the suggestions provided by the think tank group, the need for the opening of the Yakutia Republic was mentioned: First, in the Far East, Yakutia, which covers an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers, has always been the most prone to splitting signs in the Far East. From the period of white bandits in the 1920s, to the World War II period in the 1940s, to the "Siberian Secession Movement" in the 1960s and 1970s, Yakutia, Chukotka, and Sakhalin are the regions with the strongest independence momentum. The main reason for this situation is the complex ethnic situation in the three places. Yakutia has a population of less than 700,000, and among them, the Yakut Mongolians who belong to the yellow sub-sect are over 300,000, while the pure Russians are less than 100,000, and the rest is Ukraine. People, Georgians, Tatars, etc. The situation in Sakhalin is more complicated than that in Yakutia, where there are more than 100 ethnic minorities, of which the yellow Koreans and Japanese account for nearly 20%.

In addition to the national characteristics, the necessity of the economic development of the Republic of Yakutia also lies in its own economic situation.

Even though Yakutia is vast and sparsely populated, its economic situation is seriously lagging behind, and its climatic conditions are extremely harsh, it is extremely rich in resources.

As shown in the economic survey report submitted by the think tank group, under the 3.1 million square kilometers of Yakutia, there are 80% of the iron ore resources in the entire Far East; Ninety percent of the diamond deposits; nearly one-sixth of the federation's gold deposits. If you put the Yakut territory on the table, then use a knife to cut it in half from the middle, half of which, that is, under the surface of nearly 1.6 million square kilometers, has oil and natural gas resources that can be exploited . On the surface, 72% of the land is covered by vast virgin forests, and the forest resources available for sustainable use exceed 10.5 billion cubic meters... In the most straightforward words It is said that this place is a cornucopia. The think tank group means that the Guo Group can give up any place in the Far East, but it must not lose this treasure land that symbolizes wealth and abundant resources.

To help the Guo clique firmly control the region, the think-tank group laid out a detailed overall plan for Yakutia in their economic construction memorandum. They divided the whole of Yakutia into five special economic zones: the large timber industrial zone in the south; the high-end consumer goods integration zone in the west, mainly focusing on gold and diamond processing; the central industrial zone mainly focusing on oil and natural gas extraction and processing; Northeast economic zone with non-ferrous metal mining and processing as the main model; northwest integrated area of ​​agriculture and animal husbandry.

The overall development plan that the think tank team came up with is quite specific. They not only gave the complete construction planning steps, but also listed a very specific budget table. According to this budget table, the Guo Group will be During the construction period, Yakutia will continue to allocate no less than 30 billion US dollars in construction funds. As for what benefits the Guo Group can get from it, the think tank group did not say, but Yelena said that once Yakutia is successfully opened, the Far East will become a real "central area" in the future. Moscow If you want to shake the position of the Guo Group in the Far East, you must face the riots planned by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. At the same time, the opening of the Republic of Yakutia will also find the largest "source of ethnic support" for Guo Shouyun himself. In areas where hundreds of thousands of Yakut Mongolians live together, Russians are all ethnic minorities. The national superiority of **** cannot be given up no matter what.

Frankly speaking, Guo Shouyun's strategy, foresight, and thinking are all worthy of Guo Shouyun's excitement, but only one thing, he feels that this think tank group seems to be not right with him. What they think every day, It seems to be how to make the Far East go further and further on the road of independence, and this is what Guo Shouyun is most afraid of.

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