Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 528: buffer zone

"Follow-up content? Ha, is it possible that a sequel will be made? This is interesting. /w/" Guo Shouyun laughed, he felt that Khodorkovsky was about to become a storyteller.

"It's more than interesting, it's extremely interesting," Khodorkovsky laughed, shaking the wine bottle in his hand, "First, Gaidar fought back, then the meeting of representatives rejected his resignation application, and then, there were Without waiting for Hasbulatov's people to find out new topics, our Mr. President made a series of almost sensational decisions. He personally proposed a motion to remove Lopshin, Denepov, Several ministers, including Volobyov and others, and..."

"What?!" These words really startled Guo Shouyun. He didn't wait for the other party to finish his words, and he couldn't wait to confirm, "This is true? Are you sure you didn't give me false news?!"

"How can this be fake?" Khodorkovsky said with a curl of his lips. "It won't be long before you can get the news yourself. What's the point of me lying to you?"

Guo Shouyun was silent. To be honest, his mind is more than a paste now. I believe that the actions that the Kremlin has made this time will not be understood by any onlookers except the insiders. The power struggle between the government and the government”, the Kremlin did not do its best to fight against political enemies, but sharpened its knife and attacked its own people. why is that? Is the Kremlin going to "suicide"? There is no doubt that this is impossible. Old Ye Tou must have his own plans, and where is his origin? This is what the two giants are now eager to know.

"Can you guess what the intention of the Kremlin is?" Leaning to Guo Shouyundi's side, Khodorkovsky changed his hippie smile. asked earnestly.

"What do you want me to guess?" Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled bitterly. He spread his hands and said helplessly, "Recently, I have found that Moscow's tricks have become more and more mysterious. There are many things that are not at the last minute. I even They have no idea what their intentions are."

"My friend, this is normal," said Khodorkovsky with a sigh, "whether in the Kremlin or at the Council of Representatives, the power struggle between them has intensified. At the same time, various There are many tricks and tricks of the people. In this case, they have not taken a step, they must have a thousand calculations and a thousand thoughts, many things we can see at a glance, their opponents can also, and their opponents can see What comes out. We don't necessarily notice. So say, you don't do anything this morning, and quickly gather your little advisory group. Let's see what they think about it."

"Hehe, why, I remembered my little think tank this time?" Guo Shouyun put aside his heavy thoughts and joked, "I remember some people said it before, then..."

"Okay, okay, don't go through the old accounts at this time. I admit that I was jealous. Is this the head office?" Khodorkovsky hurriedly said, "Hey. Speaking of which, you can't blame me for being jealous. I don't know if you noticed it. If you just look at the potential, your Guo's is now far more than Menatep. Now, this Far East... This Far Eastern Federation may not be able to keep it."

"Hmph, you're jealous," Guo Shouyun sneered, "don't forget, now Guo's also has your share, and Menatjap also has mine, and fundamentally speaking, I don't have what you think. It’s so complicated, at least in terms of ambition, I’m far inferior to you. Honestly, what are you doing in Siberia these days? First, you flirted with the Siberian Military Region, and then you secretly swayed the post-Baikal Military Region, and these two weeks are even more so. Spending a lot of money in the entire Siberia region, hey, don’t tell me that you have a conscience overnight, so you plan to report it to the people.”

"Hey, what else can I think of, isn't it just to learn from you and give myself some chips for self-protection," hehe smiled, Khodorkovsky lay on his back, and leaned into the soft seat. Inside, he said leisurely, "Look at the Far East now, everyone has to say that you, President Guo Da, are doing a good job, the economy is outstanding and developing steadily; So, I'm jealous, I'm jealous, I plan to open a test field by myself, learn from your experience, and promote the technology of the Guo Group. Why, can't it work? "

"I didn't say no, I just advised you not to trouble yourself," shrugged, Guo Shouyun said, "Do you know what my plans are now? I've been thinking about finding a time to escape from the Far East. In such murky waters, I You can't jump out after trying everything you can, but instead you plan to plunge in, I really don't know what you think."

"You said the opposite, right?" Khodorkovsky curled his lips and said dismissively, "You should say good things like this, others can't grab it if you break your head, only you will be stupid. Get out."

"I'm not the same as you." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun sighed, "For you, this is a good thing, but for me, it might mean death. You say that I can feel at ease. Yet?"

"Hehe, so you are unfounded." Shaking his head, Khodorkovsky laughed. "For people, foresight is important, but in some specific things, thinking too much is often not a good thing. That will make you lose a lot of opportunities. In my opinion, there is no need to think about the future of the Far East, but the independent tendency here is your strongest political capital. Hehe, if I were you, I don't have to think about it now. I will pay attention to the power struggle in Moscow, and I will sit in Khabarovsk, no matter who comes to power or who dismounts, as long as they don’t want to cause trouble for themselves, they have to honestly come over to flatter me and try their best to appease me. As the saying goes: No matter how the mountains and rivers are overturned and the wind and waves are rolling, as long as one foot is on the ground in the Far East, no one can do anything to me. Haven't you noticed it during this period of time? Although Moscow is calm on the surface, under the water, The fury was raging. Vinogradov and I were scolded by the Moscow media for being **** and incorrupt, and you, you didn't touch your body at all. Why is this? Is it because you are far away from Moscow? Or do you think you are doing the right thing? To tell you the truth, no, the reason why no one is moving you now is because everyone feels the threat from the Far East, they are watching out for you, suspecting you, and watching out At the same time as doubts, they are more afraid of you. To put it bluntly, everyone who stands out against Far Eastern Language probably couldn’t sleep well the night before, so they had to think and think and find a way to put their words right. , and at the same time, it will not make you angry, and it will not make you angry with the big interests of the Far East. Just imagine, if any unlucky person said the wrong thing, in the blink of an eye, you will be on the ground again. If there is a split, it is estimated that this matter has been seen. In order to save the situation, even if the life of the speaker is not in danger, it will definitely not be able to stay in the political arena."

Even if he was afraid of the independence of the Far East, Guo Shouyun had to admit that what "Old Huo" said was the truth. To make a very simple assumption, Moscow is having such a good time now, and the bad battle between the Kremlin and the Council of Representatives is endless. For example, if you throw a politician out to give a speech or two about Far East independence, Moscow will definitely calm down immediately, and then turn their attention to the Far East. What is political influence? This is called political influence. Although this influence is a bit dangerous, it is the most effective means.

"Hey, I can't tell you." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun said helplessly, "Since you are so optimistic about this kind of political capital, then go ahead and make trouble. Maybe one day you will be able to turn Siberia into the second Far East."

"I thought too, but unfortunately that's impossible," Khodorkovsky said with a sigh. "Do you know where I am most jealous of you?"

"Where?" Guo Shouyun asked absently.

"It's because of your far-sighted vision," Khodorkovsky looked at the busy urban streets outside the car window and said with great longing, "Far East, this is the most wonderful piece of the Federation. A place, a unique place. The vast land area, the right number of residents, rich natural resources, relatively independent economic system, complex historical background, the existence of many ethnic groups, close to the geographical location of China and the United States, etc., etc. , All of this is not available in other parts of the Federation, and it is impossible to get it no matter how you manage it. It's funny, when I looked at you at first, I thought you were an insane idiot who didn't go anywhere. But you chose such a bad place to stand on, and now... Now I finally realize how clever your choice is. There is no doubt that you have occupied a treasure of Feng Shui. In contrast, Siberia China's resources are rich, but the environment there is too harsh, and at the same time, the scarce population is not enough to establish an independent market system. To a large extent, there can only be a buffer zone, a buffer zone between Moscow and the Far East. "

"My friend," Khodorkovsky said with a smile, reaching out to put his hand on Guo Shouyun's shoulder, "Since our cooperation has begun, let's do our best to expand it. You take care of your Far East. I will be responsible for establishing this buffer zone for you."

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