Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 527: "Fuyuan" fights again

"Then you can make it clear to her," Nina said softly, putting her hands on her husband's knees, "no matter what, you can do it, you can't do it, you can't say it directly. I'm hiding like this now. Do you know that because of you, I feel ashamed to talk to Sister Hong on the phone now, and I feel uncomfortable all over my body."

"Wait a minute," Guo Shouyun said, waving his hand, "when I come back from the United States, I will meet her once, and I will tell her everything I need to say by the way, so that she can save all her faults. Push it on our heads."

"Hey, that's what you said, don't turn your back on it then." The probe kissed him on the forehead, Nina chuckled, "If you want to go out in a while, try to come back as soon as possible, everyone is here today, We were having a family meal."

"Don't worry, I will definitely be back before 12:30." Patting Nina's little hand, Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "I will spend more time with you in the past two days, lest you complain about my ruthlessness again."

"It's not serious," Nina gave her husband a blank look. Nina stood up from the sand and looked at Polaninov who was walking towards the villa outside the window. Put on your jacket, it was predicted that it might rain in the afternoon last night, so be careful not to catch a cold."

"Understood," Guo Shouyun said softly, smiling and nodding.

"Sir," when Nina disappeared into the corridor of the living room, Polaninov also happened to enter the door. He stood in front of the steps of the platform and said, "The car is ready, shall we leave now?"

"Let's go," Guo Shouyun stood up and said casually as he stretched out his hand and patted his knee hard. Step towards the door.

"Take your coat!" Just as the two of them had just reached the door, Nina's little head suddenly poked out from behind the wooden screen at the corner of the corridor. She stared at her husband and called out to her husband.

"Hey," sticking out his tongue at his secretary, Guo Shouyun turned around and ran back, picked up his wool-lined jacket from the sand armrest, and ran out again.

"Sir, have you decided when to leave the day after tomorrow?" Got into the same jeep with the boss. Polaninov sat in the passenger seat as usual. He leaned sideways and said, "If it's decided, I'll go over this afternoon to arrange the itinerary."

"Don't worry about this for now," Guo Shouyun said, shaking his head. "After all, there are a lot of things that are hard to say right now. Let's talk about it when there is further news from Washington."

"Then do as you want," Polaninov nodded, turning around again.

Go out from the main entrance of the villa, turn left and right along the tree-lined path in the villa area, and drive for a while. When you are about to drive out of the outer cordon of the villa area, two Mercedes-Benz RVs coming from the front appear in Guo Shouyun's line of sight. Inside.

"It's Mr. Khodorkovsky." Polaninov's reaction was a little faster than Guo Shouyun. He turned his head and said.

"What is this guy doing here today?" Guo Shouyun muttered with his thick black eyebrows creased, "Didn't he say he was going to go fishing yesterday, why didn't he do it?"

"Could it be that something happened in Moscow?" Polaninov guessed.

"It's hard to say," Guo Shouyun was not quite sure after thinking for a while. Although Khodorkovsky has been sneaking in Khabarovsk during this time, living his leisurely life that seems to be indifferent to the world, who knows if he is playing a trick of retreating into progress, as long as he Have a heart. Then he has a good grasp of Moscow news. Certainly better than their own here.

"Stop it," wondered what could happen in Moscow. Guo Shouyun patted the driver's shoulder and said.

Soon, just as the two sides driving in the opposite direction were about to cross each other, the team of all-jeeps stopped at the same time as the two Mercedes-Benz RVs. Immediately, Khodorkovsky's figure emerged from the second RV. When he came out, he said hello to the bodyguard on the ground in the first jeep, and then walked straight to where Guo Shouyun was.

"Where to?" Standing outside the car door, the famous East Siberian giant asked neatly, holding the window that had just rolled down.

"I'm planning to go to the headquarters, and I need to discuss some things with Ye Liena," Guo Shouyun said, leaning in front of the car window, "What's the matter, didn't you say you want to go out to sea for entertainment? Why didn't you even say hello? Hit and run me here?"

"Something happened in Moscow, the original plan was canceled," Khodorkovsky said, reaching out and knocking on the window, "Open the door first, and I will squeeze with you."

Once Guo Shouyun's bulletproof car starts, it can't be opened without removing the insurance. The four built-in bar locks lock the entire door so tightly that it can't be pryed.

"What's the matter, why didn't I get any news?" Guo Shouyun pressed the unlock button, leaned to the left again, and asked when the old man bent over and got in.

"Can you be better informed than me?" He opened the car refrigerator honestly, and pulled out a bottle of "Classic Vodka" from it, Khodorkovsky said, "I also just got the news. I'm here to report to you."

"Don't give me the smiley face," the family said nothing, and now Guo Shouyun doesn't play tricks with the old friend in front of him, he asked directly, "What's the matter, tell me quickly, I'm not in the mood to talk to you. Lacey bullshit."

"Hey, it will definitely surprise you when you say it," Khodorkovsky said proudly after taking a sip of vodka, shaking his big head, "You know, just..."

Looking at the watch on his wrist, he smiled: "Just twenty-three minutes ago, Gaidar, on behalf of the entire Council of Ministers, submitted a general resignation to the Council of Representatives."

"General resignation?" Guo Shouyun was really surprised. He subconsciously asked, "The entire ministerial meeting? More than 30 government ministers?"

"That's right," Khodorkovsky chuckled, "this old guy, hehe, he played a very beautiful tactic. Originally, the main topic of the regular session of the delegates meeting today was to formally propose a motion of no confidence in the White House. , Hasbulatov really planned for a long time for this, but now, huh, everything is in vain, not only that, our Vice President, Comrade Rutskoy has lost one and cannot step down."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun frowned and asked puzzledly, "How could Gaidar have such great power? When did the Council of Ministers be ruled by him? What about Chernomyrdin, are they all down? To the Kremlin?"

"Hey, as expected of a person I liked by Khodorkovsky, you can see the crux of the problem at a glance," Khodorkovsky reached out and patted his shoulder hard, and Khodorkovsky laughed, "Now Ah, the situation in Moscow is a little more delicate, first this Chernomyrdin, then Lopkhin, Denepov, Volobyov, these people, um, have a very good relationship with the Kremlin It's amazing. I'm even thinking, is there something new that has subtly changed over there while we're away from Moscow."

There is no need to say who Chernomyrdin is, and Guo Shouyun is also quite familiar with the people after him: Lopushin, the Federal Minister of Energy, unceremoniously, he is Russia's oil and gas The leader of the industry, he has the final say in this area; Denepolov, the Federal Minister of Education, is more or less an important figure in real power; Volobyov, the Federal Minister of Health, this The sector can be regarded as a cold yamen, but for the Russian Federation, which is in the process of privatization reform, this sector is very hot, because it directly involves major decision-making issues in social medical security. Among these four people, except for Chernomyrdin, the last three ministers with real power have always been members of the Kremlin. They are basically the spokespersons arranged by the Ye family in the White House.

If it is said that Lopuxin and others followed behind Gaidar** and used the pretext of resigning as an excuse to put pressure on the representative meeting, this is somewhat reasonable, but Chernomyrdin, a good old man, seems to have no reason to make do with it. ?

"Is it because you have been too busy these days, so you have become mother-in-law and mother-in-law when you talk?" Guo Shouyun said angrily, with a bit of dissatisfaction, "Can't you say this clearly at one time? What is the whole thing? What is the situation, please explain it to me quickly."

"Ok, ok, I'll explain," Khodorkovsky raised his hands, made a gesture of surrender, and smiled, "Actually, I'm at a loss now, otherwise why would I come to you to discuss. I The news I got is this. At the regular meeting of the representative meeting held this morning, Gaidar first came forward to give a speech. Sbulatov and the others have been waiting for this day for a long time, but the situation they hope to see will never be like this. Thirty ministers resigned at the same time, what has this country become? One word, Anarchy. So, there is no suspense about the result of this vote. Gaidar’s application was rejected, and Hasbulatov had to put back the already prepared voting issues.”

"Isn't this very simple, the whole thing is Gaidar's perfect plan to retreat," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "I don't care about this, if I were, I would take risks at this time. What I want to know now is what benefit the White House gave to Chernomyrdin so that Gaidar was able to submit an application for the resignation of all the ministers.”

"Yeah, if it was just this, I wouldn't think about it so much," Khodorkovsky smiled as he tapped his fingers on his knees, "but the key point is that the problem is not that simple, There is more to this matter.”

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