Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 526: Profit and performance

?Summer in the Far East comes and goes quickly. Just in mid-October, the cool wind from the north has hit the vast Far East including Khabarovsk. At the beginning of the month, Chukotka Autonomous Prefecture suffered a rare The cold snap hit and a sudden snowstorm caused serious economic losses in that area. . qβ5. In some areas, there have even been casualties.

Guo Shouyun never thought of himself as a kind and good person, but when Chukchi suffered a severe snowstorm, he still put out nearly 70 million US dollars in donations to help the area to carry out post-disaster reconstruction work.

Compared with the natural disaster in Chukotka, the man-made disaster suffered by Moscow during this period seems to be much more serious. Since October, the ruble exchange rate has plummeted again. By October 12, the ruble against the US dollar in the international currency market The exchange rate has fallen to the level of 3o9: . According to the average income level of residents in Moscow of 900 rubles, nearly 90% of the population in Russia already lives below the poverty line.

Of course, this is definitely a good thing rather than a bad thing for an oligarch like Guo Shouyun, because the lower the exchange rate of the ruble is, the easier it is for him to feed the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Far East. With a monthly salary of rubles, he can support a large number of people with only tens of thousands of dollars.

During this time, Guo Shouyun felt that his life was a little melancholy, and there were a lot of messy trivial matters. The most terrible thing was that these trivial matters were provoked by some people for no reason. For example, in the Far East Military Region, more than 20 generals in the military region, including the two generals Tyomenko and Sijakhov, have been clamoring for Nina to advance to the military rank. . In Guo Shouyun's view, these people are really boring, and they don't even look at how old Nina is, a woman. Moreover, a woman under thirty years old has to climb one level from the colonel. What is this? Could it be possible to make her a major general under thirty? When did the rank of the Federation become so worthless?

Of course, in this matter, Guo Shouyun can also guess the true intentions of those sub-generals. It is now clear that to advance Nina, this matter must pass through Moscow, given her age and qualifications. This advanced application to Moscow will never be approved. Under such circumstances, the generals of the Far East Military Region will continue to make trouble, so there is only one possibility. They don't want to see any face in Moscow anymore.

In addition to these **** things in the military region, Guo Shouyun also felt depressed about things at home. Following the birth of Shana Riva and the pregnancy of Nina. At the beginning of this month, Nikita and Larissa also reported the good news, Guo Shouyun wondered, is this God joking with him? If this child doesn't have one, if he wants to come, he will blow up a piece of the nest and put it on the shelves. Is it true that his "firepower" is so fierce? Live to hell.

Having more women is a "sex happiness", but it doesn't necessarily mean "happiness". Guo Shouyun has a deep understanding of this. Now there are only two "little brats" in the family, and it will make people sleepless when they are noisy all day long. If they add a few more in the future, the family will not be able to blow up the camp?

Annoying, one word is annoying.

And aside from the troubles these women in the family create. This outside seems to make him restless. A few months ago, Xi Quina had officially established a foothold in Singapore, and this crazy woman completely fulfilled her original "oath". As long as the weekend comes, she will come to the Far East to meet a man. Her strength really gave Guo Shouyun a headache. On Saturday night, if she didn't do it three or four times, she would definitely not close her eyes. The most terrible thing is that she doesn't use any contraceptive measures at all, even in the dangerous period, she doesn't let men wear condoms, the reason is that there is no pleasure... Guo Shouyun often thinks about it. If you make this woman's belly bigger. Will the child be aborted or born in the future? Who is born to feed?

Fortunately, this time has been a bit tricky aside from personal issues. The operation of the group is still very smooth, and at the same time, the political environment in Moscow is relatively stable. The "gladiator" between the Kremlin and the Congress of Representatives has changed from "offensive warfare" to "positional warfare". Only yesterday morning Guo Shouyun saw in the newspaper that the Kremlin and the Congress of Representatives began to compete for the "Administration of the seat of the highest authority guarding the institution" and the "Russian Federal Administration". Since these two departments held nearly 5,000 armed men, Hasbulatov was determined to get them, and in response, the Kremlin disbanded them by a presidential decree. Now that the target of the competition is gone, Guo Shouyun really can't figure out what they will compete for next time---hope it's not the Kremlin's presidential chamber pot.

It was also during this period that Guo Shouyun felt that he was obsessed with getting along with Ye Liena. Of course, this interest was not limited to the perfection of a woman. The more reason was that he felt that he had a relationship with this woman. many common languages. On a key issue, her thinking can always reach an astonishing agreement with herself. Well, this feeling is wonderful, and Guo Shouyun feels very comfortable.

Sitting in the shade of a tree on the bank, watching a fallen leaf fall on the river, drifting with the waves in the faint ripples, it is easy to think of the sentence in "The Analects of Confucius. Zihan": "Zihan" On the river, he said: Die like a man! Don't give up day and night."

However, Guo Shouyun is not a showman after all. He has neither the leisurely heart nor the interest to sigh about something that is "sifu" or "sifu". When he has the time to sigh, he prefers to hold a warm and soft body and find it. Lie down on a comfortable, flat bed.

On the concrete steps by the river a few steps away, little Victor, wearing a white short skirt and a pair of blue pony boots, was playing with the remote-controlled toy car in his hand with great interest. This thing was Dongting not long ago. Bring her back from Canada, the car runs very fast, and it will honk the horn, and there is a cyborg voice, so the little guy holds it wherever he goes, and doesn't let go for a moment.

"Little Victor," the "little" here may only be said to be a small state of mind. If only from the appearance, she is also a big girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. If she doesn't speak, she is so quiet. Standing there quietly, anyone who looked at her would think she was a slim and pretty girl.

Watching the little girl skillfully control the car and climb up the river embankment all the way, Guo Shouyun stood up from under the tree, patted the floating soil stuck to the **, and walked towards the river bank. Polaninov, who had been silent the whole time, followed closely behind him, and only after stepping up the last stairs did he turn his head and make a gesture to the two patrol boats on the cruising river. Soon, the two patrol boats made a wave and sailed straight down the river.


With a hoarse tweet, little Victor's favorite electric car drove all the way into the villa's main entrance. The bodyguards who were in charge of the villa's guards along the way made way for her. My dear girl, this electric car is definitely more ruthless than a tank. The villa area is rampant, and there is absolutely no one blocking the way.

"Polaninov," Guo Shouyun greeted without looking back at little Victor who ran into the small building when he was about to step into the main entrance of the villa. "Yes, sir," Polaninov said, stepping forward and leaning behind the boss.

"Go and make arrangements, I'll go to the headquarters in a moment," Guo Shouyun lowered his head and took off his shoes with the river mud on his feet, and said, "By the way, ask Yelena if she's still there, I have something to do with her. discuss."

"Understood, sir." Polaninov nodded.

"That's right," Guo Shouyun rubbed his forehead and smiled as he turned around inside the door, "Starting tomorrow, you will take two days off to accompany your wife and children. We will go to Washington the day after tomorrow. You have to stay for a while, you arrange things at home, so as not to blame me for abusing labor

"Thank you for your concern, sir," Polaninov said with a smile, shaking his head, "I have already arranged things at home, and we can leave at any time."

"That's good," nodded slightly, Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said, "Go, hurry up, I plan to come back to have lunch with Nina."

"Why, are you still going out?" As the two were talking, Nina in a nightgown appeared in the corridor at the door. She obviously heard what her husband just said, so she frowned and asked, "It's eleven o'clock. , can't you talk about it in the afternoon if you have something?"

"Hey, I have work in the afternoon," Guo Shouyun walked over to his wife, rubbed her slightly bulging belly, and said with a smile, "Who made you a man born to be hard-working? As for my life, I am afraid I will not be able to rest in my life."

"I think you don't want to be idle," Nina said with a sneer at her husband's lament, "Tell you, Sister Hong called again just now, and this is the fourth call today."

"Oh, just tell her I'm not here," Guo Shouyun said with a wave of his hand, "I have to avoid her for a while, she needs to calm down, she needs time to think about the problem, instead of chasing after me for the bill, hum, After all, I don't owe her anything."

"Everyone is friends, is it necessary to be so stiff?" Shaking her head, Nina took her husband's arm and accompanies him to the living room to sit down in front of the sand, persuading.

"You don't understand," Guo Shouyun said with a frown, "I gave her time to think about the problem because she was a friend. You know, she's different from us now. We pursue profit, while she pursues political achievements. Hey, Covetousness and profit will kill yourself, but greed for performance will kill others.”

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