Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 525: Far East Regulation

?In mid-October, McCarty, an international social research organization, entered the Far East and conducted a sample survey on the public opinion in the Far East. They selected 2,000 people from the old, middle and young residents of the Far East to conduct a public opinion questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire showed: The existence of the group is inseparable from the social life of the Far East. The proportions of the number of people are: 13%, 47% and 64%; they think that the existence of the Guo Group may affect the people of the Far East. The proportion of people who have interests are: 57%, 45% and 32%; the proportion of people who believe that the Far East Group should play a greater role in the Far East issue: % 24%, 51% and 73%; in regard to the attitude towards Guo Shouyun, the president of the Guo Group, the proportion of people who think his image is positive are 35% and 100% respectively. Fifty-two and eighty-one percent...

This is the first on-the-spot investigation conducted by an international social research organization on the issue of the Guo Group, and the results of the survey show that in the Far East, the influence of the Guo Group has penetrated deep into the hearts of the younger generation. To put it mildly, in the eyes of young people in the Far East, Guo Shouyun has become an idol-like existence, and the popularity of him and the Guo Group among young people is surprising. . qβ5. Relatively speaking, Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group have obviously influenced the mainstream thinking potential for the middle-aged generation in the Far East. He, a yellow-skinned Chinese, has truly integrated into the big family of the Far East. Of course, among the elderly, Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group are still widely questioned, and the main reason for this is probably the root of a nation.

In the official data released later, McCarty analyzed the root causes of the survey results in detail. They listed a series of economic data, and according to these economic data, they showed that after entering the second half of 1992. The economic situation of the Far East has been significantly better than that of other parts of the Russian Federation. In the Moscow region, where the consumption level was originally the highest, the average income level of residents, that is, the minimum wage standard stipulated by the Russian Federation, is 900 rubles. And in the Far East, an area where the economic situation has been lagging behind the average economic level of the Soviet Union for the past few decades, the average income of residents has reached 1,200 rubles per month. To put it bluntly, this is a miracle, and this miracle The creation of the company is the Guo Group, which is very popular in the Far East. in addition. In terms of taxation measures, the Far East has also adopted a decree that is very different from the rest of the federation. In most parts of the federation, the taxation system is mainly aimed at low- and middle-income people, which is inseparable from Moscow's policy of creating a wealthy private class. In the Far East, local governments are based on states and republics. Taxes are imposed on high-income groups, while subsidies for low-income groups are adopted. For example: in the Far East, the tax rate for high-income people with an annual income of more than 200,000 rubles is as high as 37%, and the tax rate for high-income people with an annual income of more than 500,000 rubles is as high as 37%. forty three. In contrast, residents with an annual household income of less than 20,000 rubles. The tax rate is only maintained at about 5% to 7%. At the same time, after investigation and evidence collection by local government departments, this group of people still has the right to enjoy free medical care, housing allowances and even regular payment provided by local financial departments. Vacation and many other social compensations.

McCarty made a preliminary estimate through a special accounting agency. According to the situation in the Far East, the investment of the local and state governments in social welfare should not be less than 6 billion US dollars on a quarterly basis. This amount of government spending is staggering, and it stands to reason that even the general finances of the Russian Federation cannot afford such a huge burden. A very delicate situation is. After taking on such a huge financial expenditure, coupled with the necessary social input and the salaries of government officials, the Far Eastern states have achieved a financial surplus. How did this situation arise? Where is the most basic reason?

After careful and comprehensive analysis, McCarty came to a conclusion: After two years of ups and downs, the market economy in the Far East has "matured in deformity", a perfect and benign process of capital circulation , has been running silently. the operation of this capital. Separated from the Russian Federation's national economic system, it can be said to be an independent economic system. A relatively complete social welfare system for low-income groups. Low-income people with strong consumption have no worries, they can afford to put 70% of their monthly income into the consumer market. The consumption of the largest class of people has led to the healthy development of industry and commerce in the Far East, and thus spawned the growth of high-income groups. Since the Far East adopts a high taxation policy for high-income groups, the more this group develops and grows, the higher the financial revenue of the states, and the better the employment situation in the Far East. Continuing the cycle, the higher the government's income, the more capable it is to strengthen and improve the social security system, the less the sense of crisis for the low-income group, the stronger the consumption... In this way, in this invisible economy* In **, capital is constantly flowing with the three points of the market, government input, and residents' consumption as the interface, and continues to increase in value with the continuous integration of labor added value.

"It is foreseeable that within the Russian Federation as a whole, the sparsely populated Far East will be the first to emerge from the economic woes...or, they have now actually come out of it. "At the end of the research report, McCarty gave such a concluding remark.

When he saw McCarty's research report, Guo Shouyun was participating in the first policy analysis meeting of the "Think Tank Group" of the Guo Group. This small think tank group of 36 people proved to him the power of think tanks.

There is no doubt that from McCarty's survey report, it is not difficult for smart people to perceive a hidden reality: the tendency of division in the Far East is gradually increasing, the economy is recovering quickly and people's lives are improving day by day, in the Far East and Moscow. During the period, the continuous creation of "deep ravines". In Moscow, officials from more than a dozen Far Eastern states are among the top in the records of local government officials listed by the inspection agency. Among them, Khabarovsk Oblast Governor Joanlov, with the fact that his personal assets are 6 million US dollars, became the local government of the Russian Federation. The number one "big officer" among the officials. But what about in the Far East? However, this high-ranking member has received broad public support in Khabarovsk Oblast, with a statewide support rate of more than 80 percent. On the one hand, this reality shows people’s attitude towards corrupt officials, that is, “hate incompetence but not greed.” On the other hand, it also shows that when Far Easterners and Russians look at the same issue, fundamental differences have emerged. Thought differences.

As Yelena said, the faster the economic development of the Far East, the more serious the crisis of division in this region, and considering its own interests, the Guo Group can't wait to do its best to develop the overall economy of the Far East, so , It can be said unceremoniously that the crisis of independence in the Far East was created by Guo Shouyun himself from the very beginning, and this problem cannot be avoided at all.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun is also very contradictory now. After several discussions with the think tank group led by Ye Liena, he was surprised to find that he used to take some issues too simply. As a reborn person, he Even the best efforts to preserve the old course of history are ineffective, because history has changed since the moment he came to this era.

The first policy analysis meeting of the "Think Tank Group" of Guo's Group formulated a new macro development plan for Guo Shouyun. In this plan, two major economic reform policies were put on the schedule. The two major policies are: : First, encourage agricultural exhibitions with unprecedented preferential policies. According to this plan, the Far Eastern state governments will launch a policy of subletting the existing wasteland before the end of the year. All resident families who have settled and lived in the Far East for more than six years have the right to obtain state-owned wasteland equivalent to four hectares through application. Thirty years of agro-pastoral leases for a nominal $24 a year. At the same time, in the first year of land reclamation, households renting fields are entitled to mechanized farming assistance from the local government, as well as a small agricultural loan. Second, the forestry collective sublease policy. According to this plan, all resident families who have settled and lived in the Far East for more than ten years have the right to apply to the state governments for a 20-year forestland contract by collectively raising funds and stocks. The collective that successfully signs the contract has the right to Obtain a government green crop loan in the first harvesting year.

Although these two policies are still only limited to the articles, Guo Shouyun foresees the emergence of two consequences. First, once these two plans are actually introduced, the fiscal revenue of the Far Eastern state governments will show a huge trend of increase. At the same time, , After a period of development, the relatively backward agricultural and sideline industries in the Far East will gradually recover. Secondly, the introduction of the two policies will further deepen the rift between the Far East and the rest of the federation. At this point, the restriction on the length of residence will play a crucial role in determining.

Macro, macro, since it is a macro, there are many times when you have to sacrifice some micro interests. The macro of the central sacrifices the local, and the macro of the local will naturally sacrifice the central. It seems that this cannot be changed at any time. Guo Shouyun is reluctant to engage in local splits, but the current reality tells him that more often people cannot rely on subjective will to determine objective reality.

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